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Spring Quarterly Newsletter

Hello Counseling and Career Development Members!

Writing this particular newsletter is a little bittersweet for me. I can’t believe that my 3-year term as the division VP is coming to an end! Being VP has been an amazing experience. I leave this position as a better professional and a better person.


My goal when I took over as VP for Counseling and Career Development Division was to take the solid foundation of the division handed to me and to take it to the next level. It has been an experience to meet, learn from and share resources and information with professionals from all over the country. I hope that I have been able to meet the needs of a variety of our membership by creating professional development and resources for all to use.


I leave this position knowing that Brooke Kusch will be taking over the leadership of our division. I know she will continue the work we have started as a policy committee and push us to be even better for our membership. I can’t wait to see where we go next!


See below for some great opportunities for our students and professionals! I hope to see everyone in San Antonio!!!

Board Member - Counseling and Career Development CCD


Teresa "Gibby" Gibbons

VP, ACTE Counseling and Career Development Division


 The Early Bird Gets the Best VISION Rates

ACTE’s CareerTech VISION is the must-attend event for career and technical education (CTE) professionals! Happening Dec. 4–7 in San Antonio, Texas, VISION offers attendees:

  • Hundreds of concurrent sessions covering high-quality secondary and postsecondary CTE
  • Inspirational keynote speakers sharing innovations in CTE
  • CareerTech Expo with hundreds of exhibits, workshops and live demonstrations
  • Numerous networking opportunities to forge meaningful professional connections with educators and industry leaders

Register by July 31 for the best rates!

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Delivering $2,500 in Scholarship Money

Encourage students and adult learners, ages 18–35, to apply for the Horatio Alger Association Career and Technical Education Scholarship, worth up to $2,500 to pursue CTE. The application is open now through June 17. To request a presentation to students or educators please email Julia Kasper at 

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Calling all Postsecondary CTE Professionals!

ACTE’s Postsecondary CTE Summit happens Sept. 18–20 in Chicago, Illinois, and we hope to see you there! Tackling critical issues in postsecondary CTE, this event addresses apprenticeship models, best practices related to faculty recruitment and retention, and strategies for securing business partnerships. Interested in presenting? The deadline to submit you presentation proposals is May 17.

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Call for ACTE Board of Director Nominations

As a member of ACTE's board of directors, you have the opportunity to determine the direction of the Association and make an impact on CTE programs, professionals and students nationwide. ACTE encourages you to apply for one of several open board positions. Applications are due June 15.

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Now Accepting Impact Awards Applications

The ACTE Impact Awards recognize groups and individuals from the education, business and industry communities who contribute to the improvement and promotion CTE. The deadline to apply for the two Impact awards, the Business-Education Partnership Award and the Champion for CTE Award, is June 30.

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