July 2020 Newsletter
Counselor Minute

What day is it? How much time do I have to eat before my next Zoom? Has anyone seen my charge cord?....Just a few questions we echo in choral response on what has become the norm. There are many more questions. Some of them are pretty big. Some of them make us just shake our heads in disbelief. Some of them may even make us laugh. We’re in the throes of summer now and the only thing that might be relatively going well (and virtually unnoticed) is the weather. I’ve enjoyed some back-porch time on these 80ish degree days; trying to unwind, trying to gather thoughts, trying to enjoy nature in the calm swaying of my majestic oak trees. Even then, the most pressing question I have about trudging through the year 2020 always remains the same; ”Are we there yet?”. 
Take care of you. You’re the only you that you’ve got.

Jenipher Janek
ESC Region 12 Education Specialist/Counselor
This month's
heartwarming story!
Upcoming training and opportunities
All timely updates and information
Upcoming Event
Links to websites and
resources that you may need
Be sure to check out our Print Resource s for supplements to your program and important tools to use with your students,
parents, and staff.

ESC Region 12 has built one chart that connects the exact PEIMS data locations and other places for the data connected to your accountability. To order the chart and additional PEIMS resources click here.
Stellar Counselor

This month’s Stellar Counselor comes to us from Robinson Elementary/Primary; Mrs. Lindsey Richard. Mrs. Richard was nominated by Robinson Elementary Principal, Shelly Chudej who shares: 

“During the Covid-19 closures, Mrs. Richard continued these lessons with students and families on Twitter and Facebook with a Mindful Minute each weekday. Not only, did she make a huge impact on our elementary students, she also was able to help others in many different cities and states while using her social media platform. You can check out many of these mini-lessons on Twitter @ElemRob, @lrichcounselor1, and on Facebook for Robinson Elementary.”

Thank you, Lindsey Richard, for being an ESC Region 12 Stellar Counselor for July 2020!

Nominate a counselor you know for Stellar Counselor in the ESC Region 12 Counselor Connection by emailing Jeni Janek at jjanek@esc12.net  
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