December Newsletter

Welcome to the Westlake High School Counseling Department's monthly newsletter. Here you will find important updates about academics, social emotional learning events, service learning opportunities, and much more.

Preparing for Midterms

As we head into midterm season, it is important to to practice good study habits. Midterms can be stressful, but you can alleviate some of that stress by breaking your preparation into manageable parts. Below are some simple study strategies that you can begin now, that will make things easier as we get closer to exams:

  1. Study with a friend, or form a study group.
  2. Re-write your class notes in your own wording.
  3. Gather old study guides from past tests and begin looking over them a bit each day.
  4. Go through your notes and highlight key concepts.
  5. Use Quizlet to review vocabulary terms if available.
  6. Organize your binders/folders.
  7. Create a dedicated study space.
  8. Set realistic study goals, and take short breaks to help refocus.
  9. Meet with your teachers to clarify those concepts you still have questions about.
  10. Last but not least, don't wait till the last minute!

📢ATTENTION Summer Health Students📢

If you took Health over the summer and still need to fulfill your CPR requirement then please fill out the Google Form below to register for a CPR session. CPR sessions will be held in the main gym. You must attend all three sessions. If you are missing a core class, then please make sure you communicate to your teacher and make up work that you missed. 

CPR Registration

FAFSA Update & CollegeNow

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will be launching December 31st. This is essential for those who are in need of financial aid in order to pay for college. If you would like to start preparing now, you can work on creating your FSA ID. CollegeNow is available on campus by appointment, or you can check out the link below for local info nights in our area. There are in person options as well as virtual options.

CollegeNow Info Nights


Schedule and Appointment with Heidi Spangler

CCP Spring Registration

If you are interested in taking a spring CCP course either on site at WHS, or at Tri-C, then meet with your counselor ASAP. We need to complete a course authorization form in order for you to register.

Once your counselor completes the authorization form, you will receive an email with further instructions. You are not officially registered for the class until you speak to an advisor at Tri-C for off site classes.

Virtual AP Information Night

We will be hosting a virtual information session to discuss Advanced Placement courses here at Westlake High School. You can click the link below to register for the event. This session will be help on January 18th at 7pm via Zoom.

Register Here

Upcoming Important Dates

Dec 1-2-Fall Play at 7pm

Dec 7th-Strings Concert at 7pm

Dec 14th-Instrumental Concert at 7pm

Dec 20-22-Midterms

Dec 25-Jan 7-Winter Break

Jan 15th-Martin Luther King Jr. Day-No School

Jan 17-CCP Info Night at 7pm

Jan 18th-AP Info Night at 7pm

Jan 18th-End of Q2

Jan 19th-No School for students

Jan 30th-Recommendation Day
