Ready, Set, Harvest!
The sunshine has been filling our orchards and soaking into the fruit through the warm weeks of summer. Our Asian Pears are on their way to becoming full-sized and will soon begin developing the luminous bronze and golden yellow colored skin that tells us "We're ready." Are you ready for harvest season? E-mail our Customer Care team if you'd like to be contacted when fresh 2021 Asian Pears are being picked and ready to order.

Just a reminder, Saturday, July 31 is the last day to pre-order our Christmas in July small gift box special.
Speaking of Pears:

“… I have to tell you that I absolutely LOVE your pears, they are beyond compare!” - Pam, Palmer, PA

Summertime Flavor Favorites
Turn up the flavor on your summertime dishes by keeping Subarashii Asian Pear Spread in your pantry!

Make Subarashii S'mores by adding toasted marshmallow between two graham crackers slathered with Asian Pear Spread for a campfire treat that kids of all ages will love. And Asian Pear Spread Swirl is a cool frozen dessert made with candied ginger and softened vanilla ice cream!
  Visit our recipes page for even more great Asian Pear product ideas!
Meet JunoSan
JunoSan is one of the earliest Asian Pear varieties to ripen each Fall. You'll love the gorgeous orange colored skin, speckled with yellow dots called lenticels.

But the best part is what's inside! The unique and complex flavors combine the subtlety of Bartlett pear, the sweetness of Honeycrisp apple and just a touch of tartness not unlike Mandarin orange.
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