Counter-IED Report Newsletter
27 April 2023 | Issue 272 |
Winter 2022/23 edition of the Counter-IED Report magazine is now available
Winter 2022/23 edition of the Counter-IED Report magazine is now available to read online and in print.

We hope you find this edition of the Counter-IED Report useful and informative and look forward to receiving your comments and feedback.

We would like to thank all organisations and authors of the articles for their support and contribution to the publication.

Next, Spring/Summer 2023 edition, will be released in May 2023.
For more information please email to:  [email protected]
Counter-IED Report editorial team invites government bodies, intergovernmental organisations, army personnel, researchers, academics and industry experts to submit their articles, case studies or white papers for publication. For editorial guidelines, please visit:

Articles submission deadlines: 
Spring/Summer 2023:  
Abstract submission 17 March 2023  
Full article - 14 April 2023  
Publication date - 26 May 2023
Autumn 2023: 
Abstract submission21 July 2023
Full article8 September 2023
Publication date 25 October 2023
Winter 2023/24: 
Abstract - 10 November 2023
Full article - 8 December 2023 
Publication date - 25 January 2024
Abstracts and articles should be submitted by email to: [email protected]
*Fees apply for publication of articles submitted by commercial and for-profit organisations. All articles are subject to editor's approval.
For more information please contact:
Julia Dolengo
Publisher, Counter-IED Report
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7193 2303
© 2012-2023 Counter-IED Report. Published by Delta Business Media Limited. All Rights Reserved.