Counterfeit goods costing UK economy £13.6bn
The global trade in fake goods, from cosmetics to car parts, is costing the UK economy billions of dollars a year in forgone company sales, overpriced products and tax revenues, and was behind more than 86,000 lost jobs in 2016, according to a new OECD report.
Trade in Counterfeit Products and the UK economy
estimates the value of counterfeit and pirated British goods sold worldwide at GBP 16.2 billion in 2016, up from GBP 13.4 billion in 2013 and equivalent to 3.3% of UK manufacturing sales. UK goods particularly targeted by counterfeiters include perfumes, cosmetics, clothing, footwear, leather goods, telecoms equipment, electronic goods, cars and motorbikes.
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Aviation industry steps up efforts against rogue lithium battery shipments
Geneva - The International Air Transport Association (IATA), in partnership with the Global Shippers Forum (GSF), the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) and the International Air Cargo Association (TIACA), are amplifying their efforts to ensure the safe air transport of lithium batteries. The organizations are also renewing calls for governments to crack down on manufacturers of counterfeit batteries and of mislabeled and non-compliant shipments introduced into the supply chain, by issuing and enforcing criminal sanctions on those responsible. Consumer demand for lithium batteries is growing by 17% annually. With it, the number of incidents involving misdeclared or undeclared lithium batteries has also risen
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WWF, UnionBank collaborate for blockchain fish tracing
World Wide Fund for Nature
(WWF) Philippines
and UnionBank are collaborating to develop a blockchain-based fish traceability platform. Finnish consulting firm TX and blockchain protocol Streamr will also work on building Tracey, the blockchain app for the fishing sector. There’s a two-pronged approach — facilitating sustainable fishing and providing financial support to the fishers. A recent
survey found that 70% of consumers want to know more about the sustainability of the seafood they eat. WWF Australia is working with a unit of Boston Consulting Group on a supply chain blockchain
, with a focus on sustainability. The platform has raised
$4 million
in a seed round and partnered with
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Thailand trials blockchain for rice traceability
cementing its position as a blockchain adopter, with several government agencies launching projects to test the feasibility of the distributed ledger technology. Now, Thailand’s Trade Policy and Strategy Office (TPSO) has announced that it will launch a blockchain traceability solution for agricultural products, starting with a pilot for organic rice, reported
Nation Thailand
. Rice tops Thailand’s agricultural commodity exports, according to data from the Ministry of Commerce. TPSO director-general Pimchanok Vonkorpon said the project would launch as soon as the department receives the operational budget for fiscal 2020.
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Oranco China, launches Anti-Counterfeiting Laser Technology for Liquor & Imported Wines
Chinese alchohol wholesaler Oranco has launches blockchain-based anti-counterfeiting laser recognition proprietary technology. Headquartered in Fenyang City, China, Oranco promotes premium alcoholic beverages to China’s population. It currently focuses its business on the sale of Chinese Fenjiu liquor and imported wines.
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Tanzania Revenue Authority records 34% increased revenues on Liquor
TANZANIA Revenue Authority (TRA) has recorded an increase of 34 per cent in excise duty on local and imported spirits and wines between February and October, this year, thanks to the rolling out of the two phases of Electronic Tax Stamp (ETS) management system. According to TRA's Deputy Commissioner General, Mr Msafiri Mbibo, the authority collected 77.8bn/- during the period under review compared to 58.2bn/-which was recorded during the same period last year, translating to an increase of 19.6 per cent.
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HP's anti-fraud program seizes goods worth ₹800 million
HP Inc
.'s Anti-Counterfeiting and Fraud (ACF) program has seized counterfeit products worth ₹800 Million in India in the past one year with Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) leading the chart with products worth ₹330.5 Million.
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Holography Trade Body Looks Forward to ‘New Growth and Opportunity’ in 2020
Rising global demand for ID and packaging security and authentication devices will strengthen the market for holography in 2020, according to the sector’s international trade body. The International Hologram Manufacturers Association (IHMA) sees continued integration of holograms alongside other authentication and track and trace technologies driving growth in the next 12 months, underpinning moves to support overt and covert protection strategies.
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Dotz raises $3M to market tracing and anti-counterfeiting solutions
Dotz Nano has raised $2 million through a share placement to venture capital fund Southern Israel Bridging Fund, sophisticated investors and shareholders. Additionally, a total of $1 million has been secured through a deferred share placement with the Southern Israel Bridging Fund (SIBF). "SIBF specialises in assisting companies with unique potential and breakthrough technologies to scale up and reach the next stage of commercialisation," Dotz CEO Uzi Breier said. The funds raised will enable the tracing technology company to execute its commercialisation strategy and target manufacturers and end-customers in the anti-counterfeiting, oil and gas, and product liability sectors.
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New Survey: Pharma Companies are looking to technology and digitalization, but will this be enough?
Pharmaceutical supply chains regularly underperform their counterparts in other industries. Pharma companies require more lead time for manufacturing, utilize less of their production capacity, and carry an unsustainable amount of inventory. By every measure, pharma supply chains could improve—and industry decision-makers have noticed. But driving changes goes beyond the standard call to simply digitize everything. The future of pharma companies depends on their ability to sense potential problems or changing demands in the supply chain and adapt their response.
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Manipur plans to legalise cannabis for ‘medicinal and industries’ purposes: Biren Singh :
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To Eliminate Fake Cannabis, Solo Science Launches New Authentication System:
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Counterfeit Incidents from Counterfeit News Repository
Organisation Name: State Revenue Authority
Country: Armenia
Tender are Invited for Purchase of tobacco", "Excise Stamps and Stamps Printing" on Alcoholic Beverages
Deadline: 10 January 2020
Country: Switzerland
Description: Request for proposal: Developing a web-based platform for traceability and transparency
Deadline: 17 Dec 2019