For Immediate Release - March 3, 2023

Counties Host Mental Health First Aid Training at Annual Conference


At the annual NYSAC Legislative Conference in Albany County, county officials from across the state took part in a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, an evidence-based course that teaches participants how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.

NYSAC partnered with the Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors (CLMHD) and instructors from Montgomery and Tioga counties to provide county officials with the opportunity to become certified in Adult MHFA.


The training was co-led by Sara Boerenko, Director of Public Health and Community Mental Hygiene Services for Montgomery County and Vice Chair of NYSAC’s Standing Committee on Children with Special Needs, and Michael Middaugh, Director of Tioga County’s Veterans’ Service Agency and President of the NYS County Veteran Service Officers Association.


“County officials are on the front lines of their communities, often responding to situations where residents may be experiencing a mental health issue,” said Boerenko. “This training teaches county officials, first responders, and community members how to recognize when someone might be experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis and how to provide initial help that can deescalate a situation in order to get people the help they need.”


“One of the most important things that this training teaches is how to listen,” said Middaugh. “Cutting through the stigma and letting a person experiencing mental health or substance use crisis know that you hear them and understand is a critical first step connecting them with professional help or other supports.”


The eight-hour course was divided into two four-hours sessions that participants were required to attend to receive their certification. The course covered topics including how to assess for risk of suicide or harm, listen nonjudgmentally, give reassurance and information, encourage appropriate professional help, and encourage self-help and other support strategies. 


“We are incredibly proud to work with CLMHD, Montgomery County, and Tioga County to provide this training to our members,” said NYSAC Executive Stephen Acquario. “Mental illness and substance use disorders can affect anybody, and it’s critical that county officials have the training to know how to recognize and respond to these situations when they arise.”



Media Contact: Mark LaVigne | [email protected] | 518-465-1473 x206

The New York State Association of Counties is a bipartisan municipal association serving all the counties of New York State, including the City of New York.

Organized in 1925, NYSAC's mission is to represent, educate, serve and advocate for member counties and the elected and appointed county officials who serve the public.
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