Contact Delegate Pogge District Office (Outside of Session): 1201 Jamestown Road Williamsburg, VA 23185 757-223-9690 Please send mail to: P.O. Box 196
Legislative Aide Amanda Johnston
On December 4, 1619, the first Thanksgiving was observed just down the street at Berkeley Plantation in Charles City County. Since that humble celebration of safe arrival from England, our nation has overcome great challenges. Even now, as we face turmoil and uncertainty in the world, we are blessed beyond measure here in the United States. Truly, we have much for which to be grateful.
Tomorrow, the nation
collectively pauses to give thanks for these blessings. In my house, eighteen friends and family members will gather around my table to enjoy turkey, dressing, and all the fixings. Needless to say, the cooking is underway right now!
From my family to yours, have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.
Luncheon with Heidi Cruz in Williamsburg |
Yesterday I publicly endorsed Ted Cruz for the Republican nomination, and I am actively working to recruit volunteers to support his efforts. I am pleased to announce that Heidi Cruz, Ted Cruz's wife, will be joining us here in Williamsburg for a luncheon next week.
If you are interested in volunteering for the Cruz campaign, please RSVP today to attend the luncheon. Details are below:
What: Luncheon featuring Heidi Cruz--limited seating!
Where: Capitol Pancake House, 802 Capitol Landing Road
When: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 2
RSVP required! Email
There is no cost to attend; however, RSVP is required.
If you have questions or concerns when dealing with a state agency, please do not hesitate to contact me for assistance. Also, if you have ideas for legislation, please send me an email within the next ten days! My door is always open, and I look forward to hearing from you. You can reach me by email at or by phone at 757-223-9690.
Delegate Brenda Pogge
Paid for and Authorized by Brenda Pogge for Delegate