~Unfair Share~
~No Man's Land~
And the Lord spake unto Aaron, Thou shalt have no inheritance in their land, neither shalt thou have any part among them: I am thy part and thine inheritance among the children of Israel. ~ Numbers 18:20 (KJV)

All of our links to this OMER series will be posted below for those who wish to follow along. Also, our FREE Devotional downloads, may still be found below at the end of this latest article in "Counting the Omer 2022." Please feel free to share with your family and friends! May God Bless you.


Dear Christian Warriors:

In Numbers 18 and Deuteronomy 18, God lays out in considerable detail the "portion" or "share" of the Levites. At first glance it might seem as if the Levites were getting short-changed. Why didn't they receive any of the fabulous earthly real estate that was divvied up to the tribes of Israel? 

In Counting the Omer on Days #1 through #3, we spent a considerable amount of time explaining God and His essence. Today, on Day #4 of Counting the Omer, we focus on His chosen people and their inheritance. They are His special vessels elected specifically to bring Him Glory in the Temple.  

4 is an amazing number in scripture. It speaks to the “4 corners” of the earth, the 4 cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west. There are 4 rivers flowing from the Garden of Eden. Jesus’ garments were divided 4 ways by the Roman soldiers while He was on the Cross and God sovereignly supplied us with 4 gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry. Thus, the #4 symbolizes COMPLETE COVERAGE of the Earth with God's living water, His Blood covering and His good news message.  

Satan's counterfeit plan of complete earth coverage is Communism and the elitist "Great Reset." His ultimate goal is to also conquer the 4 corners of the earth demonically. In America, the Socialist-leaning politicians' policy of "fair share" should strike a discordant note deep within our national psyche. We are cringingly reminded of a crying brat stamping his or her feet while whining:
 "That's not fair!" 

It is also the ultimate Marxist battle cry attempting to enrage the uneducated masses (dare I say proletariat?) to presume that somehow, somewhere they are being victimized by the greedy bourgeoisie.

Anarchists know that they must lay this groundwork in order to succeed with their plans to destabilize the status quo. They MUST sow seeds of dissatisfaction, which is simply a form of thanklessness. The Bible tells us to enter God's gates with thanksgiving. Thus, it stands to reason, that we enter Satan's gates or the gates of hell with ingratitude. 

For a moment, let me temporarily agree with this "unfair" premise. Life seems unfair in the earthly fallen realm. Atheists constantly use this petulant premise as evidence that God does not exist. "Why do bad things happen to good people?" The whole question is wrong from the onset. "Bad things" in the scheme of eternity have a very different perspective than what we might perceive as bad. "Good people" is an oxymoron. Mankind resides in a fallen world. There are no "good people" or "people of goodwill" without a complete inner obeisance and bondservant-hood to the One Who is Good. 

And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone. 
 ~ Luke 18:19 (Berean Literal Bible)

We are being led by these tyrants into bondage, as surely as they are falsely telling us to throw off our "chains." In the French and Russian revolutions, the stoked up masses were told to throw off the chains of a monarchy. Hitler told the Germans to throw off the chains of WWI financial penalties from the Treaty of Versailles. The Socialist Democrats yell: 

"They're gonna put y'all back in chains!" 

New day, different liar.

We are now watching Western democracies implode after two centuries of increasing human secularism. Apparently, there is no such thing as "equality, fraternity and liberty" or "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" without God. Who knew? Islam and Communism are rushing in to fill the void. The Communism of the USSR has already imploded once but sadly not fully recognized as the utter failure it is with Putin striving to regain its former glory. Socialist Germany was wiped flat after falling under the spell of The Third Reich and broken in two. Why do we foolishly think that we in "democratic" countries will be any different? 

We have magical thinking that, somehow, we are special. We will "imagine" something from our corrupt human minds which will "build back better" this time. God told us what happens when we start to "imagine" that we have a better system, a better idea, a better society than one structured around Almighty God. 

And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have IMAGINED to do. 
 ~ Genesis 11:6 (KJV)

Destruction of this Tower of Babel is not far up ahead. As surely as a slave trader dragged prisoners to the auction block, our souls have been captured by lies promising a better life away from our godly roots. IT'S NOT FAIR!--is our battle cry.

There are 4 National Apostasies in scripture which guarantee God’s Hand will rise up against a nation and He will pour out His judgment upon it. They are:

#1) Innocent Slaughter
#2) Sanctification of Perversions
#3) Removal of God Almighty from the public square and replacement with idol worship
#4) Betrayal of the Throne of David (temporally symbolized by the Land of Israel)
After the election, the Biden administration immediately restored funding to the “Palestinians” in Israel. I think we can easily say that America has hit the Grand Slam of national apostasies at this point. We’ve covered all 4 bases that ensure God’s Judgment is about to fall upon this nation. If you are a Christian American citizen, you may be thinking “that’s not fair!”

Here is what is unfair...that the innocent should die for the guilty. We didn't receive our "fair share" when Christ died for us. We deserved death but instead He offered Himself in trade for our freedom. He offers this Salvation to the 4 corners of the earth for all those who will partake of it. This is the deal of a lifetime. So instead of fretting about what "rights" and "civil liberties" are due to us, let's focus on what Christ has already done for us. Instead of looking to the World Health Organization (W.H.O) to save us, the 1971 lyrics from the song "Bargain" by the English rock band "The Who" should come to mind. Just WHO will save us? Jesus Christ "traded His good life for bad..."

♪♫ I call that a bargain...the best I ever had. ♫♪

Repentance Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we acknowledge Your Authority and You as the One and Only True God. You are the God of the Old and New Testament, the Rock of our Foundation. All other ground is sinking sand. In our insatiable quest for "freedoms" we have foolishly untied ourselves from Your anchor. Without You as the Pilot in Command, we now find ourselves tossed about on the raging sea of humanity without a clear direction. We REPENT and confess that we are unable to steer our own ship and we will soon find ourselves shipwrecked if we don't REPENT and TURN AWAY from the 4 National Sins of innocent slaughter, sanctification of perversions, removal/replacement of God Almighty in our public square and the betrayal of Israel with "land for peace" deals. We thought we could walk on water and instead find ourselves sinking rapidly. Please reach down Your Hand and pull us out so that the waters don't close around us. We pray this prayer in the Name of Yeshua, the ONLY NAME under Heaven and Earth by which men might be saved.

God Bless you!

Pastor Jeffrey Daly

National Day of Repentance

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We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.
~2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (NLT)

Now these things, brethren, I have transferred, in their application, to myself and Apollos, for your sakes, that ye may learn in us the lesson of not letting your thoughts go above what is written, that ye may not be puffed up one for such a one against another.
~1 Corinthians 4:6 (DBY)


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Those who have read our 40 & 50 day Devotional books tell us there are powerful experiences of repentance awaiting the reader! Many are utilizing these Devotionals for classroom instruction and Bible Studies. 

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E-Book | 200 pages | ISBN 9781973661870

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We welcome comments, feedback and insights from all of our participants. Please send them via email to pastorjeff@repentday.com for consideration.

God-willing our next book:
"Mary, Mary?...Quite Contrary!"
Is coming Soon...
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The National Day of Repentance (NDR) is a Christian ministry dedicated to encouraging personal and national repentance. We rely on God Almighty, along with the support of His Church Bride, to continue this work. We welcome and greatly appreciate your voluntary and cheerful support. Freewill offerings may be made online at www.repentday.org or sent to:
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(Philippians 4:17).