
  • Singing old-school Taylor Swift songs.
  • Screaming as you conquer the giant swing.
  • Talking about being daily open to Jesus.
  • Embarrassing your leader on stage. 

What do all of these have in common?
Winter Camp 2024!
This past weekend, we took a group of middle school students to Young Life’s Washington Family Ranch for a camp with 300 of our closest friends from the region. It was a weekend filled with playing at the Sports Center, playing group games, worship, hearing teaching from Scripture, and unpacking it further in cabin times.

It was such a gift to be a part of some major milestones in these student's lives, whether it was being away from parents for the first time, conquering a fear of the giant swing, or the milestone of them making their faith their own.

I am grateful for all that God did to grow us as one family of middle schoolers, ultimately making us more like Jesus together.

Dan Johnson
Youth Director
Here are some great ways to get connected at Countryside!
All are welcome!
Meeting / Potluck is

Food assignments are by last name:
___A to F - Salad or Appetizer
___G to M - Dessert or Drinks
___N to Z - Main dish or Side
Super Sunday
April 7th
One service at 10:00am
with Baptisms!
Join our church as we seek God in prayer.

Book your hour in the prayer room today.
Who are you inviting on Easter?
Bring a friend to one of our special services
Men's Retreat
April 26-28
MacLeay Retreat Center
Registration is now open
SHS Track and Field could really use
your support!
It's a great opportunity to serve the youth of our community.
Grief Share is meeting here on Tuesday evenings but you can still join.
Countryside Trivia
The Women's Bible Study (WBS) groups took a week off of their normal schedule to dedicate a day to service in our community. What an awesome way to show God's love in such practical ways!

Here's today's trivia question:
Which of the following was NOT one of the WBS Serve Day projects?
Deep deep cleaning in our church
Finishing painting lines in our parking lot
Packing "Essentials" bags of Love INC.
Serving at Family Promise
Hand writing encouraging cards
Hosting an Ice Cream Sundae bar for CREW
Answer correctly and you could win a coffee gift card!
This week's winner is Marianne Paul!

She knew that the Court of Gentiles in Herod's Temple was equal in size to 26 football fields!

Stop by and pick up your gift card!
Thanks to everyone who participated.
Financial Report
July 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024
Fiscal year-to-date income vs. expenses. 
Thank you to everyone that faithfully supported our church in January! As you can see, we are not in bad shape, but we are still about $80K behind for the fiscal year. Praise God for His ongoing provision for Countryside! 
Online Giving
Your faithful contributions make possible the continued work to advance the Kingdom of God in our community and around the world.
Download our Church App
• Access the latest sermon videos
• Set up recurring giving
• Register for upcoming events
• Submit prayer requests
Have a blessed week and we
hope to see you Sunday!