August 2023


Join Us for the Fall Advocacy Meeting

The Fall Advocacy Meeting enables representatives of all 46 counties to take a leadership role in shaping the Association's legislative policy positions. All county officials are invited to join the event, which is a key part of the education and advocacy process as we get ready for the next legislative session.

This year's meeting will begin at 10 a.m. Thursday, October 19 at the Embassy Suites in Columbia. It includes a presentation on the economic forecast that will shape next year's state budget by Frank Rainwater, executive director of the S.C. Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office, as well as presentations on partnerships and advocacy. See the current agenda to learn more.

As part of the meeting, SCAC will offer Institute of Government classes on October 18. Stay tuned to your inbox for registration information and the Institute class schedule.

Learn more about the SCAC legislative policy development process.


SCAC President Roy Costner Wants to Hear from You

Pickens County Council Vice Chairman Roy Costner, who is the 2023-24 SCAC President, looks forward to hearing from county officials throughout the state in the coming weeks.

Costner plans to visit as many counties as possible to hold brief meetings with leaders so he can simply listen.

“I want to find out about each county’s challenges and opportunities and how we can learn from each other,” he said.

Check out the video above to learn more about Costner’s listening tour and how your county can schedule a visit. Costner also talks about why he got involved in public service and what SCAC and its focus on advocacy, education and collaboration has meant to him as a councilman and leader.

Schedule a 30-minute meeting with Costner by sending an email to Mary-Kathryn Craft.


New Officers, Board Members Selected During Association's 2023 Annual Conference

In addition to President Roy Costner, officers elected for 2023-24 were Allendale County Council Vice Chairman William E. Robinson for First Vice President, Chesterfield County Council Vice Chairwoman Mary D. Anderson for Second Vice President, Dorchester County Council Vice Chairman C. David Chinnis for Third Vice President, Sumter County Council Member Charles T. Edens for Secretary, and Charleston County Clerk of Court Julie J. Armstrong for Treasurer.

The following members of the Board of Directors were elected to a four-year term: Clarendon County Council Chairman Dwight L. Stewart Jr., Colleton County Council Vice Chairman Phillip M. Taylor Sr., Dillon County Administrator Tim Harper, Horry County Council Member Cam Crawford, and Laurens County Council Chairman Brown Patterson.


Funding Information All in One Place

State Economic and Infrastructure Development Grant Program

The Southeast Crescent Regional Commission (SCRC)’s recently-announced State Economic and Infrastructure Development Grant Program makes over $2.6 million available to counties across the Palmetto State.

The funding range is $50,000 to $500,000 for public infrastructure projects categorized as basic public, telecommunications and transportation, as well as projects to support basic health care, access to affordable housing, business and workforce development, resource conservation and preservation, tourism and recreation. The pre-application deadline is 5 p.m. September 15 with full applications due by 5 p.m. December 15.

Learn more and apply online.

Federal Funding Available to Expand Outdoor Recreation in SC

The South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism (SCPRT) is accepting pre-applications from eligible local and state government entities for the 2024 Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant cycle.

This federal program provides matching grants ranging from $50,000 to $300,000 for outdoor recreation areas and facilities.

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Counties Directly Eligible for Competitive Grants through USDOT

The National Association of Counties (NACo) breaks down competitive grants offered through US Department of Transportation directly to counties in two recent blog posts. Counties are eligible for $5.5 billion in competitive infrastructure grants and more than $3 billion for competitive community and regional planning grants.

Visit our Grants Page


Jasper County Shines in National Publication

Photo courtesy of Brookings

Jasper County and its leaders recently received attention in the national spotlight for their success managing growth and economic development in a rural area.

The nonprofit public policy Brookings Institution published a case study on the county called “Erasing Stigmas Through Community-Directed Change,” as part of its Inclusive Opportunity Project.

“We are happy and pleased to see recognition for the accomplishments,” said County Council Vice Chairwoman Barbara Clark. “We came a long way to get where we are today. When you are living through it, it’s one thing. It’s only when you get an article like this that you have time to look back and reflect.”

Clark, County Administrator Andrew Fulghum and Development Services Director Danny Lucas were among several local leaders who spent two days in spring 2022 with Brookings researchers. The in-depth interviews and tour of the county offered a chance to extensively explore how rural Jasper County handled unprecedented growth and built capacity in government services while forging important partnerships with non-profit and business sectors. These years-long strategic initiatives were carried out to improve the quality of life for residents.  

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Award Winners Showcase Creative Solutions to Common Issues

Charleston County was honored for its innovative approach to addressing poll worker staffing shortages with the 2023 SC Association of Counties’ J. Mitchell Graham Memorial Award.

Barnwell, Aiken, Beaufort, Dorchester, and Hampton counties received the Barrett Lawrimore Memorial Regional Cooperation Award for their collective efforts in putting out a landfill fire in two days with no injuries.

Four honorable mention recipients and all entrants to the 2023 SCAC Awards were recognized during the Association’s Annual Conference general session Aug. 2 on Isle of Palms.

Learn more about the winners and honorees.


SC Counties Insurance Trusts Staff & Member News

The SC Counties Insurance Trusts is pleased to announce that Caroline Deevey is the new program underwriter. Caroline has 26 years of experience in the insurance industry and has been a valuable member of the SC Counties Insurance staff for six years. She will assist members with day-to-day insurance questions, needs relating to coverage, premium calculations, property and vehicle schedules, exposure analysis, Certificates of Insurance, workers’ compensation audit review and processing, and workers’ compensation and property and liability premium calculations.

In addition, the Property & Liability Trust welcomes Dana Homesley as claims adjuster. The Property & Liability Trust began working with new members Dorchester and Florence counties last month. Learn more about the member-owned and focused SC Counties Property & Liability and Workers’ Compensation Trusts online.


Lexington County's Anderson Honored

Lexington County Attorney Jeff M. Anderson was recognized for his public service and dedication to South Carolina county government with the 2023 David K. Summers Jr. President’s Cup from SCAC.

Each year the Association’s president honors a county official who has merited special recognition for service to county government and assistance to the SCAC president.

Anderson, who practices at Davis Frawley and has served as Lexington County’s attorney since 1988, received the award from 2022-23 SCAC President Debra B. Summers during SCAC’s Annual Conference closing event Aug. 2.

Anderson performs a wide variety of legal services for the county and has argued cases before the South Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. 

“Jeff loves Lexington County and has given back to our county for more than three decades,” said Summers, who is a Lexington County Council member. “I am so appreciative of his service and guidance over the years. It’s my honor to recognize his contributions to making Lexington County the best it can be for our citizens.”

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Congrats, Institute of Government Grads

Forty-two county officials recently graduated from the South Carolina Association of Counties’ (SCAC) Institute of Government for County Officials, Levels I and II.

The Institute of Government for County Officials provides elected county leaders and employees with the opportunity to enhance their skills and abilities. Participants must complete 27 hours of instruction to graduate from Level I and 18 hours of instruction to graduate from Level II.

See full list of graduates.

Annual Conference Highlights

Presentations from this year's general session, workshops, and Institute of Government classes are now available on the SCAC website.

Visit the Conference Highlights page for more information. 


Are you looking for employment? Counties are hiring! Visit our County Jobs page to see open positions in counties throughout the state.

Visit our County Jobs page


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