June 2023


2023 Legislative Wrap-Up

SCAC continues to advocate on behalf of county government and shape statewide legislation to benefit all South Carolina counties. Some highlights of the 2023 session include a state budget (H. 4300) with full funding in the Local Government Fund (LGF) and Rural Stabilization Fund (RSF).

In FY2023-2024, the LGF will increase by over $13 million and $12 million will be returned to rural counties in the RSF. See the updated LGF County Allocation Estimates Chart and the updated RSF County Estimates Chart.

Some other important bills SCAC and county officials worked with legislators on this session included short-term rentals, municipal and county audits, workforce housing and banning cell phones in jails.

Read the full wrap-up.


Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Applications Due July 10

Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant applications are due July 10, 2023. 


Counties applying for this grant and wanting a letter from the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) for their grant application, and/or applying for a project on, adjacent to, or connecting to the state highway system, should contact Roxanne Anchetta, Director of the Office of Local Government Services with SCDOT with the required information found on SCDOT's grants webpage.  


In order for projects to be vetted and letters signed by SCDOT and returned to the local entities in time for the SS4A application deadline, SCDOT needs ample notice.


10 Steps to Managing Grants Effectively

To help counties manage grants effectively, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has developed ten steps, which are based on its best practices Grants Administration and Establishing an Effective Grants Policy. Read the full article on GFOA's website.


Conflict Resolution Pilot Course Offered for Law Enforcement

The SCAC Risk Management team has begun offering a pilot De-escalation and Conflict Resolution training for law enforcement, including county detention centers and road officers.

Risk Manager Cliff Miller recently presented the interactive course for Richland County.

The class specifically addresses prevention tactics including communications techniques for people in crisis, tips for verbal and non-verbal communications, how to identify common areas of mental illness, and emotional management. Other topics include:

  • Challenges for law enforcement;
  • Kinesics;
  • Proxemics;
  • The escalating behavior chain; and
  • The duty to intervene.

If your county is interested in this training opportunity, contact Cliff Miller


Lexington County Veterans' Affairs Officer Named Officer of The Year

Pictured (L to R): Lexington County Veteran' Affairs Administrative Assistant Annastasia Blake, Supervisor Jennifer Parlor, Director Ed Lundeen, Senior Benefits Counselor Kathy DeBerry, and Benefits Counselors Christy Rucker and Brittany Gunter.

Reprinted with permission from Lexington County

Please help us congratulate Lexington County's Ed Lundeen who has been named the South Carolina Veterans' Affairs Officer of the Year by the South Carolina Association of County Veterans’ Affairs Officers.

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2023 SCAC Awards Competition Presentations & Photo Gallery

This year’s J. Mitchell Graham/Barrett Lawrimore Competition entries were excellent! We’d like to thank all the presenters and competitors for sharing their outstanding work with the judges and county colleagues across the state during the event. View the event photo album on SCAC's Facebook page.

If you'd like to review this year's presentations before the winners are announced on August 2 at the Annual Conference General Session, recordings are now available in the Awards Video Library.


Cybersecurity Resources from NACo & Partners

SCAC understands the importance of cybersecurity for our members and is working with NACo and other partners to share resources. Visit the cybersecurity section of SCAC’s website for additional information.

  • NACo recently released a cybersecurity report in partnership with Accenture.
  • Through the SCAC/NACo partnership, SC counties are eligible for a discounted registration fee for the NACo Cybersecurity Leadership Academy.

Learn more.


Apply for the 2023-2024 Local Government Leadership Institute

The Local Government Leadership Institute is a skill-building educational experience for new and potential executive-level managers in South Carolina local governments. The Institute takes place over five sessions hosted in Lake City by Coastal Carolina University; The Joseph P. Riley Jr. Center for Livable Communities at the College of Charleston; the Darla Moore Foundation; Francis Marion University; and the South Carolina City and County Management Association.

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Institute of Government Offerings

Institute of Government classes will be offered Monday, July 31 and Tuesday, Aug. 1 prior to the 2023 Annual Conference at Wild Dunes Resort on Isle of Palms. Available classes are below:

Monday, July 31

10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

  • Level II: Current Issues — Weathering the Next Crisis: What Counties Should Know about Emergency Management

2–5 p.m.

  • Level I: Ethical Leadership and Public Service [R] (Approved for three hours of continuing education credit for planning/zoning officials and employees)
  • Level I: Building Effective Intergovernmental Relations [E]
  • Advanced: Leveraging Your County’s Economic Development Toolkit

Tuesday, Aug. 1

9 a.m.-noon

  • Level I: Legal Issues in County Government [R]
  • Level II: Decision Making in a Political Environment

Learn more and register online.


SCEMD to Host 2023 Day of Recovery

The 2023 Day of Recovery will be August 9 at the Pastides Alumni Center in downtown Columbia. This free event is an opportunity for stakeholders across sectors to discuss best practices, challenges, and ideas to increase South Carolina’s ability to recover from and mitigate against the effects of disasters. Lunch will be provided. Registration information and an agenda will be provided in the coming weeks.


Are you looking for employment? Counties are hiring! Visit our County Jobs page to see open positions in counties throughout the state.

Visit our County Jobs Page


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