Serving the people of San Jose, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Morgan Hill & Gilroy

November 2023


Message from the Co-Presidents

Struggling to feel thankful?

October 2023 tested the mettle of even the hardiest of optimists. The appalling attack on Israel. Another mass shooting in an American city. Chaos in Congress. Rising gas, energy and food costs. Even the 49ers (who we count on for feel-good diversion) lost three games in a row. Some days, it seemed our beautiful Bay Area fall weather was the only thing to appreciate.

Now it's November and the Thanksgiving tradition requires that we count our blessings. As many of us struggle to find lights of joy, we hope that the League of Women Voters makes your thankful list.

For 103 years, the League has remained true to its purpose through the most turbulent dark days of American history. We will be challenged again in 2024 to protect voting rights, engage citizens in the election, and watch closely for cracks in the architecture of democracy. But the activities of the League nationally, statewide and here in our own community demonstrate that positive action and hope are still possible.

We appreciate your commitment to the principles of the League. There will be many opportunities in the coming months to become more involved and we look forward to seeing and talking with you about everything going on in our region, our nation and our world. In the meantime, we wish you and your family a peaceful holiday filled with reasons, big and small, to give thanks.

Martha Butzier


Diane McNutt


Virtual Lunch with League

Santa Clara County Sheriff

Robert Jonsen

"State of the Sheriff's Office -- Programming for Innovation"

Thursday, Nov. 16, 12 noon-1 p.m.

Robert Jonsen was elected the 27th Sheriff of Santa Clara County in 2022. He has been in law enforcement since 1986, most recently as Chief of Police in Palo Alto and Menlo Park. Previously, he served 27 years with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department with his last command as the Lancaster Sheriff's Station Caption.

Sheriff Jonsen's community policing initiatives have garnered several awards and he co-developed resiliency training programs for public service, known as "Courageous Heart -- The Human Behind the Badge" that are now being offered to law enforcement agencies throughout California.

You can register now HERE and submit your questions for the author in advance or during the talk using the chat function.

Lunch with League is open to the public. Please pass along this information to others who might be interested in this topic.

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Attention voters in San Jose Evergreen Community College District Board Area 7 (downtown and central San Jose)

Your representative on the Board of Trustees will be elected on Nov. 7. The League's Candidates Forum for this race was held in October and recorded for convenient viewing by voters. Four of the five candidates participated: Diego Barragan, Lisanne Dominguez, Stephen Eckstone and Clay Hale. It was the only forum held for this position and was an interesting opportunity to gain information on the function and operations of the Board.

Special thanks to moderator Gloria Chun Hoo, timer Michelle Fernandez, and technical wizards Judy Conner and Carol Watts.

Watch it HERE before you make your ballot decision.

Save the date!

Monday, Dec. 11, 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Annual League Holiday Party

Get together with League members and guests for season fun and fellowship! The party will be held at a private home in Willow Glen. Watch for more details in the December VOTER newsletter and an e-blast invitation, but we welcome you to get a head start and register now.

Regional Housing Bond Measure Briefing Nov. 13

Kate Hartley, Bay Area Regional Housing Authority Director, will discuss the proposed regional housing bond measure on Monday, Nov. 13, 6 p.m. via Zoom, presented by LWV Bay Area. During its November board meeting, LWV Bay Area will decide whether to take a preliminary step regarding the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) housing bond measure. The board plans to closely follow the work of various MTC/ABAG committees over the next few months. The first meetings begin in January with details on BAHFA’s full Business and Expenditure Plans and the Resolution to place the bond on county ballots. Additional educational forums with opportunities for your input are planned for early 2024 prior to any final decision to support the ballot measure.  More information is available on the BAHFA website.

If you missed the LWV Bay Area’s first regional conversation on BAHFA, it is posted on the LWVBA website. Send questions/comments to LWVBA Housing Director Roma Dawson.

Action/Advocacy Committee welcomes you

The LWVSJ/SC Action Committee advocates for local issues for which the League has positions. Many of the issues that we’ve advocated for recently are related to climate change / natural resources, housing and homelessness, and good governance. There are other local issues that members have discussed and that the Action Committee would be happy to support, including issues related to mental health, money in politics, and criminal justice. We currently have two subcommittees, Climate Change / Natural Resources and Housing / Homelessness. Because these subcommittees follow local issues, we are often in a position to provide advocacy on these issues.  We would be happy to form additional subcommittees to follow other issues – we just need people who are interested in these topics!  If you would like to be on a LWVSJ/SC subcommittee to look at mental health, criminal justice, or another issue that League has positions about, contact Vicki Alexander or Julie Pollitt, Action Committee Co-Chairs.

Climate Change/Natural Resources Committee meets next on Thursday, Nov. 9, 2 p.m. on Zoom. Contact Virginia Holtz or Judy Chamberlin for the link.

Action/Advocacy Committee meets next on Monday, Nov. 27, 2 p.m. via Zoom. Contact Vicki Alexander or Julie Pollitt for the link.

Long-time Leaguer Virginia Holtz honored for her work

Virginia Holtz received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Santa Clara County League of Conservation Voters for her work as an environmentalist over the past few decades. Virginia is a past president of the League and current co-chair of the Climate Change/Natural Resources Committee. She is pictured below surrounded by people involved with the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority, one of several organizations that attended the event. They are, left to right, Andrea Mackenzie, General Manager; Helen Chapman, District 3 Board Member; Garnetta Annable, District 4 Board Member; Mike Potter, District 6 Board Member; Vicki Alexander, District 5 Board Member; Gloria Chun Hoo, former Citizens' Advisory Committee Chair; and Marc Landgraf, External Affairs Manager. Vicki and Gloria are also League members who serve on the Board.

Congratulations, Virginia, and than you for all that you have done to conserve resources and protect the environment in our region!

Presidential Primary Election is March 6

Dec. 13 is the deadline for candidates to file to be on the ballot for the Presidential Primary Election in California on Tuesday, March 6, 2024. Mailing of Vote-By-Mail ballots begins on Monday, Feb. 5. The last day to register to vote for the March 6 election is Monday, Feb. 19.

Voters who are registered as having no party preference (also known as nonpartisan, independent, and decline to state) are allowed to "crossover" into a political party in order to vote for one of the presidential candidates. If a non party preference voter does not request a crossover ballot, they will receive a Primary Election ballot without presidential candidates. Some political parties allow a one-time crossover voting for their candidates without a change in registration. Other parties require voters to re-register in that party in order to participate.

Check your voter registration status HERE.

For more information about the Primary Election and voter registration, visit the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters at

The LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.


League of Women Voters of the U.S.

League of Women Voters of California

League of Women Voters of the Bay Area

League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara

Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters

Join the League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara HERE

Donate to the League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara HERE
