April 18, 2022
Today we share a special thank you to Esperanza Ramirez for her dedication to serving farmworkers in VC! Esperanza goes the extra mile to find new ways to connect with our neighbors who work in the fields.

“My parents are farmworkers, and they inspire me each day to feel proud of the work that I do in serving the agricultural community. I feel very lucky to be part of the Farmworker Resource Program where I can help agricultural families who call our office seeking resources because they are going through difficult times during the pandemic. My favorite part of my job is being out at ranches and providing resources for the agricultural community in the wonderful language of Tu'un Savi (Mixteco).”
COVID-19 Update
Since Monday, April 11th, 336 new COVID-19 cases have been reported and 18,283 new tests completed. There are 6 people hospitalized and 1 in the ICU.

There have been 6 new deaths of a 40 year old male, 58 year old male, 64 year old male, 79 year old male, 84 year old female, and an 87 year old female. We extend our sincere condolences to the family and loved ones of the community members who have passed away. Local resources to cope with grief and loss are available at

The R-effective for Ventura County is 0.83. A value less than 1 means that the spread of COVID is decreasing.

83.7% of eligible community members (ages 5+) have received a 1st COVID vaccine dose
76.9% of eligible community members (ages 5+) have been fully vaccinated

On April 14, 2022, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced that a statewide requirement for K-12 students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be delayed at least until the 2023-24 school year. 

For more information, visit
Our COVID-19 toolkit is full of options to prevent infection and serious illness. Vaccines, masking, testing, ventilation, and treatments all play an important role in keeping our community safe.

Testing: The State offers free COVID testing at over 20 sites in Ventura County. Register at or by calling 888-634-1123. View the schedule of state testing sites at

Vaccines: Go to or call 833-422-4255 to book a COVID vaccine appointment to find a walk-in clinic near you.

Masks: Masks are strongly recommended for all indoors in public places in California. View the latest on state masking guidance at

Learn about how to protect yourself and your family:
There are several COVID-19 treatment options available that can help you recover and keep you out of the hospital. Nearly 90 pharmacies in Ventura County offer COVID treatments with a prescription. Treatments work best when given as soon as possible after testing positive and developing symptoms.

There are two ways to get outpatient COVID-19 treatments:
  1. Talk to your health care provider to learn if you qualify for a COVID-19 treatment that requires a prescription or referral.
  2. Find Test to Treat locations that offer COVID-19 testing and prescriptions for oral antiviral pills at one location.

Learn more about treatments and how to get them at For more information about COVID treatments in Ventura County, visit
Board of Supervisors launches survey for input on CEO recruitment 
The County of Ventura Board of Supervisors seeks community feedback to ensure the recruitment for the next County Executive Officer is a success. The County Executive Officer (CEO) executes, leads, and coordinates the management and administrative policies and directives of the Board of Supervisors. As the principal administrative official of the County, this is a critical position for the County. The short survey is designed to collect information from the community to help identify unique and important characteristics necessary for this position, in addition to the skills, characteristics and expertise determined to be necessary by the Board of Supervisors. Collected information will be used in designing interview questions and assessment activities that will assist the Board of Supervisors in determining whether candidates possess the attributes being sought. The Board of Supervisors will make the final decision on selecting the next County Executive Officer and will determine which skills and characteristics are the most important for this unique position. Public input is an important part of this process.  
The survey will be open until, May 2, 2022, and can be accessed at the following link Hard copy surveys are also available upon request by calling 805-654-2640. 
Celebrating the groundbreaking of Fire Station 34 in Thousand Oaks! The new $9.7M station will enhance the ability to better serve the community with quicker and safer emergency responses and provide more accommodations for firefighters and additional rescue equipment. Chief Dustin Gardner was joined on Friday by Supervisor Linda Parks, Supervisor Kelly Long, Interim CEO Dr. Sevet Johnson, and Thousand Oaks City Councilmembers to break ground.
Justice for Victims of Crime

Last week, Congresswoman Julia Brownley presented Ventura County District Attorney Erik Nasarenko and Ventura County Sheriff Bill Ayub with a check for $950,000 to expand efforts to investigate and prosecute backlogged violent and sexual assault cases through DNA technology.

The funding will help to bring justice for victims of crime.

View the full press conference at
The Child Tax Credit was increased and expanded in 2021 by the American Rescue Plan, and most families are eligible to receive the credit for their children. For families with kids, the 2021 Child Tax Credit is $3,000-$3,600 per kid, based on their age. To make sure you and your family get all the tax credits you are eligible for, file your taxes by April 18,2022. Free tax help is available to file tax returns – visit to learn more.
Use your CalFresh EBT card to purchase meals at participating restaurants! If you are a person with disabilities, homeless, or age 60 years or older and unable to cook meals for yourself, the CalFresh Restaurant Meals Program (RMP) can help you buy healthy, ready-to-eat meals at participating restaurants. Learn more and see a map of participating restaurants at
Find a vaccine site near you at More information at Check out the Outreach Toolkit at
Don’t go hungry! Please come and pick up a food box. You can also find sources of free food across Ventura County via the Food Share mobile app: For additional food resources, visit
Celebrate Earth Month with the County of Ventura's Sustainability Division and community partners! Register at