
Happy Memorial Day

Make this Memorial Day meaningful for your self and those around you.  A hug, a smile, or a kind word can go along way to make someone feel appreciated.

May we have fond memories of those we have lost, an enjoy and cherish the time we have with those we love around us.

Rhododendron Purple Passion

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Columbine - Aquilegia, blooming and Giant Allium 

Did you know Ladd's Garden Center has-

Over 10,000 Perennials on hand ready for planting, more than 2,000 trees, shrubs, fruit trees, treeless fruits and rose bushes, 10's of 1,000's of annual and vegetable plants.

We don't have everything, but we get closer all the time

Lupine, just starting to bud.


Clematis 20 varieties to choose from.


Hosta 20 varieties


Azalea Gibraltar - in bloom


Bleeding Heart - dicentra spectabilis, blooming now!

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Check out our fairy garden, and accessories.