Looking Ahead at the Jubilee Year of Hope | |
Message From Our Associate Director | |
Dear friends,
On May 9, 2024 Pope Francis officially announced a Jubilee Year in his papal bull Spes Non Confundit, which will focus on the theological virtue of Hope. Hope is the virtue by which we desire and await from God eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ's promises and relying on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit to merit it and to persevere to the end of our earthly life. It is a virtue that we cannot practice, but which is a gift infused into our very souls by God through sanctifying grace, which we receive through participation in the sacramental life of the Church. This Jubilee Year, Pilgrims of Hope, began on Christmas Eve 2024 and will run through January 6, 2026.
The jubilee year is based on the ancient Jewish practice outlined in Leviticus 25, where every fiftieth year was to be a time of liberation. During this year, slaves were freed, debts forgiven, and land that had been sold was returned to its original owners. This practice was intended to prevent the focusing of wealth and power in the hands of a few. However, it was not forced upon an individual, as is noted in the prophets, rather it was to be a voluntary undertaking that the person who practices it might be more like our generous and loving Father, God Himself.
Christians adapted this concept first in 1300, when Pope Boniface VIII officially instituted the first jubilee year. During this year special indulgences, the full or partial removal of temporal punishment due to sin, were granted to persons who undertook a pilgrimage to visit the tombs of Peter and Paul in Rome.
The jubilee is often referred to as a “Year of the Lord’s Favor” in which His mercy and grace are emphasized. The faithful are encouraged during this time to reflect upon their lives, seek forgiveness for the wrongs they have done, and to renew their commitment to love of God and love of neighbor. Upon reflection and the recognition of past and present faults the individual is encouraged to engage in acts of prayer, penance, and charitable works to “reorder” their lives and to remedy the consequences caused by sin. Pilgrimages aid in this endeavor by drawing the person out of their normal surroundings and bringing them together with others in holy sites for special liturgies and ritual prayers to gain indulgences.
Though there is a focus on renewal of the Christian life and turning from past sin, the emphasis of a Jubilee Year is on the hope that we have knowing that our Loving God holds all things in His hands and can bring Good out of any evil or suffering that we might be experiencing. It is for this reason that at the annual conference we will look at how we might have hope in the midst of our suffering and how God’s merciful love uses us as signs of hope for others who need to know His merciful love.
In summary, A Jubilee Year is a significant event in the life of the Catholic Church that embodies themes of mercy, renewal, and hope. It serves as an opportunity for the faithful to deepen their faith, seek more complete reconciliation, and drink more deeply from the wellspring of God’s love through charitable acts and acts of devotion.
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Father Colin Blatchford
Associate Director
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Mark Your Calendars Now for the 2025 Courage and EnCourage Annual Conference! | |
We know that many Courage and EnCourage members look forward to our Annual Conference each year. Good news - registration for the 2025 conference will be opening in the spring, and it will be here before you know it! This year's conference will be held from July 31-August 3 at Neumann University (Aston, PA). Last year, over 250 people joined us for a beautiful time of inspiring talks and testimonies, the Sacraments, and fellowship with other members.
In this, the 2025 Jubilee Year, we will be following the Holy Father's lead and focusing on mercy and hope. We have some excellent speakers lined up and are hoping, as always, that this will be our biggest year yet!
Start planning your Jubilee Year now. How is Christ calling you to know Him more deeply this year? The Annual Courage & EnCourage Conference might be just the thing you need. We can't wait to see you there!
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Courage Family and Friends | |
We ask that you join us in praying for the happy repose of the soul of Jane Gannon (April 20, 1936 - January 10, 2025), mother of our executive director, Fr. Brian Gannon.
She was predeceased by her beloved husband of 59 years, John, and is survived by a loving and devoted family and many friends.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.
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Former Courage Board Member Passes Away | |
In December, Father James Knapp, SJ, a former board member for Courage International, was called to eternal life. Fr. Knapp was a long time chaplain for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. His obituary mentions his five years with Courage as a board member:
Jim had a sabbatical at Catholic U. in 2003 at the John Paul II Institute for the Study of Marriage and Family and then returned to SLU High in 2004. This prepared him for ministry with Courage International, founded by James F. Harvey, OSFS in 1980. Jim was very passionate about this apostolate.
The remainder of his obituary is a tribute to his great service, faith, and friendship. You can read it here. Please join us in praying for the repose of Father Knapp's soul, and for all those grieving his loss.
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Spreading the Word About Courage | |
Our staff have been hard at work recently, engaging with the Church and spreading the word about Courage International!
Earlier this month, Fr. Colin Blatchford (our associate director) had the opportunity to speak to young people at SEEK 2025 in Washington, D.C., and shared insights on the reality of the temptations we all face. Drawing from St. Paul’s experience asking God to remove the thorn in his side (2 Corinthians 12: 7-9), Fr. Blatchford reminded us that God’s grace is sufficient for us.
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Finally, Courage International had a table at the Man and Woman in the Order of Creation conference at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Sr. Gilmary Kay, RSM and Fr. Blatchford were able to joyfully represent the apostolate amongst presentations regarding the meaning of the human person, the beauty of complementarity and the meaning of masculinity and femininity.
We are so thankful for our spiritual mothers and fathers who continue to spread light and truth to all who are yearning to hear it! Remember, if you know of an event where Courage International can be a presence, contact us at bonnies@couragerc.org.
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latest opportunities, news, resources, and inspiration.
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2025 Monthly Prayer Intentions | |
Please join us again this year in praying together as a community for a specific intention each month. Click on the intentions list below to save or print as a reminder to pray along with us! | |
“Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:19-20 | |
Courage & EnCourage
around the world
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Remember to Help Us Keep Chapter Information Up-To-Date! | |
Do you know if the information for your chapter is accurate on the Courage website? Do you know about a recent change in your chapter? Please take a look at your chapter listing on our website and let us know if there have been any changes. Chapters are organized by state and diocese for both Courage and EnCourage.
You can submit changes directly through our form. Thanks for keeping us informed! Keeping this updated and accurate means that any person who reaches out can find help and support near them.
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Truth & Love, an initiative of Courage International, is a multifaceted Catholic resource for anyone seeking the tools to support men and women who experience same-sex attractions. | |
Resources We Think You'll Love | |
Create a Habit of Prayer in the 2025 Jubilee Year | |
Have you been feeling a deeper call to relationship with Christ, but aren't sure how to start? Or maybe prayer is starting to feel monotonous to you, and it's time to connect with the Lord in a different way. We know that daily prayer is an important key to knowing God and becoming in tune with His will for your life. With the inspiration of the Jubilee Year of Hope, this is a great time to make a commitment to spending more time with Christ.
A great way to get started might be a faith-based podcast, where daily (or weekly) you can take a short step away from the noise of the world and spend that time with the Lord. The last several years have given us some greats - including Bible in a Year and Catechism in a Year, both with Father Mike Schmitz. These are both great options, whether it's your first or fifth time listening through! There is always more for us to learn from Scripture and Tradition, and new ways that the Lord can speak to us through these vessels.
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There are also some new options for faith-based podcasts beginning in January 2025! This year, Ascension is giving us Rosary in a Year with Father Mark-Mary Ames, in which listeners will get to slowly walk through the prayers, traditions, and mysteries of the rosary. This daily podcast is a great option for someone who has never prayed a rosary, or someone who already prays the rosary, but wants to slow down and reflect on the prayers in a deeper way!
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If a weekly podcast is more your speed, you could check out Desert Fathers in a Year. Here, EWTN and Exodus 90, together with Bishop Erik Varden of Norway, will introduce early monastic Christians and their teachings to listeners. In our busy world, we have much to learn from the desert fathers and mothers - monks and nuns who retreated from society to live a life of deep prayer. If you are seeking silence or a reprieve from all of the goings-on around you, this could be a great choice for you!
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No matter what, don't forget to take time in silence with the Lord - no phones, no noise, just space to listen to and rest in God. And if you choose any of these options to give your prayer life a boost this year, don't get discouraged by starting late or missing an episode along the way - prayer is not a race! The Lord is waiting for you to come to Him, to affirm your identity as His son or daughter, and to simply love you. Go to Him! | |
Visit our YouTube channel for lots of helpful content like these resources!
Subscribe, like, and share to spread the word.
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For Spanish Speaking Members and Friends | |
There's a lot going on in the Courage and EnCourage apostolate all over the world! Don't forget that our website can be viewed in Spanish, and that there is a Spanish language newsletter sent out on the same day as our English one! For example, you might get to read about conferences occurring in Spanish-speaking countries, or encouraging events such as the recent online training for Spanish-speaking clergy. Thanks be to God, our apostolate is continuing to grow and reach across the globe! | |
More Opportunities to Enhance Your Jubilee Year | |
Dawn of Mercy Healing Group
Beginning February 3, 2025
"Start your new year off with true healing. The beginning of the year is the time to make changes you have been wanting to make for a long time. This can be the year you find true healing from a past of sexual abuse or assault. Do you struggle with what you think might be the effects of sexual abuse or assault? 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced sexual assault or abuse. You can find deeper healing and clarity bringing you to a place of joy, hope, and healthy relationships. Dawn of Mercy has a 10 week online Healing Group starting Monday, February 3rd. To find out more information and to register for this group contact Dawn of Mercy at 469-613-3296, or go to dawnofmercy.org or email healing@dawnofmercy.org."
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Sexual Integration & Redemption Course
March 9-14, 2025
Black Rock Retreat Center, Quarryville, PA
"The Theology of the Body Institute is excited to partner with Desert Stream Ministries for a unique and immersive healing and training opportunity. In this five day retreat, you will experience a compacted version of the Desert Stream Ministries flagship 'Living Waters' program — an opportunity to apply the content of Theology of the Body personally and practically."
Learn more about this event here!
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Southern Courage & EnCourage Retreat
April 11-13, 2025
Birmingham, AL
Join the Sister Servants of the Eternal World at their annual retreat for Courage and EnCourage members. This retreat is a safe space for members of Courage International to grow in faith, find support, and be reminded of God’s unfailing love and mercy. If you’re longing for a deeper relationship with God and His Church, this retreat is for you!
Learn more or register by contacting the Sisters directly at this link!
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Sports Camp
May 22-26, 2025
Philadelphia, PA
Save the date for this year's Sports Camp - a dynamic men’s weekend of athletics, fellowship, and prayer designed for members of Courage and other men who experience same-sex attraction who also desire to build and live the virtue of chastity. All are welcome, regardless of past sports experience or skill level. This exhilarating event provides an opportunity for men to learn how to play team sports with encouragement, coaching, and an abundance of Christian fellowship. Sports Camp men physically compete on the field while enriching their souls through a daily regimen of prayer, confession, Mass, and the Liturgy of the Hours.
Look out for more information coming soon!
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Clergy Study Day
July 30, 2025
Neumann University, Aston, PA
Save the date; more information coming soon!
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Courage and EnCourage Annual Conference
July 31-August 3, 2025
Neumann University, Aston, PA
Save the date; more information coming soon!
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Watch our Events Calendar regularly for updates.
NOTE TO CHAPLAINS: You are encouraged and more than welcome to participate in all Courage & EnCourage events. Please feel free to reach out to the event organizer to see how you can be involved.
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Photo credits:
View of St. Peters, Rome by David Roberts, 1800s, in the Yale Center for British Art via Wikimedia Commons. In the public domain.
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Disclaimer: Courage does not necessarily fully endorse all of the ideas included in resources that are not produced by Courage, but we still like to share items that we and our members have found to have considerable helpful content. | | | | |