Conference Recalls Fr. Harvey as Faithful to a Mission
Dear Courage and EnCourage friends,
Fr. Paul Check speaks at conference about how Fr. Harvey was "Faithful to a Mission"
In July about 350 people gathered at Villanova University in Philadelphia for our 30th annual "family reunion" at the Courage and EnCourage Conference. The focus this year was on the legacy left to us by our founding director, the late Fr. John F. Harvey, who we remembered as being "Faithful to a Mission," as we celebrated the centenary of his birth.
We were very encouraged by the strong ecclesial support offered by six bishops, including Philadelphia's Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap.,
who were present to celebrate Mass and speak to us, some of them even staying for the entire conference! In addition we enjoyed the contributions of
EWTN regulars Fr. Gerald Murray and Johnnette Benkovic (view Johnnette's short tribute to Fr. Harvey) as well as those of several other priests, lay professionals, and Courage members who knew Fr. Harvey personally and lived and worked alongside him (see conference speaker schedule). A separate Clergy Study Day was offered to provide additional guidance specific to clergy.
Most of this newsletter will focus on highlights of the conference and related resources, but be sure to take note of the fact that we have recently moved to our new office. Also it's time to start spreading the word about the Truth & Love Conference in October for clergy and others who care for persons with same-sex attractions and questions about sexual identity. We encourage you to invite everyone you know who is in the target audience!
God bless you,
The Courage Central Office
Contents of this Newsletter
Fr. John F. Harvey, "Faithful to a Mission"
Courage/EnCourage Conference 2018
Fr. John F. Harvey, O.S.F.S.
"Faithful to a Mission"
Celebrating the 100th Birthday Jubilee of our Founding Director
Tribute to Fr. Harvey in
National Catholic Register
Tina N. honors Fr. Harvey
with personal memories of him
On the occasion of our national conference,
National Catholic Register
reporter, Judy Roberts, interviewed three people who knew Fr. John Harvey well and wove their insights into a story which serves as a fine tribute to both Father and the apostolate of Courage.
"There's a lot of well-intentioned, misguided compassion out there ... but to me, Father Harvey was an example of how you can really adhere to the truth of what the Church teaches and that doesn't compromise compassion. It only makes it larger, bigger" (Tina N., Courage member, who worked with Fr. Harvey in the Courage Central Office).
"Even though he was until the end of his life a high-functioning intellectual, he had a profoundly gentle manner and a keen pastoral touch. [...] It took no more than a minute or two in his presence to detect that special serenity that one usually associates with holiness. But it did not take long, either, to detect in [him] the steeliness, or toughness, of mind and of spirit that is the earmark of a true disciple of Jesus." (Dr. Gerard Bradley, who collaborated with Fr. Harvey on Same-Sex Attractions: A Parents' Guide).
Portrait of Fr. Harvey Unveiled
An arduous labor of love for Fr. John Harvey, by artist and founding Courage member, Gary H., was on display for the very first time at the conference in this splendid portrait which captures not only Father's gentle spirit, but also the Irish twinkle in his eyes and a hint of his ever-present smile.
 New Book on the History of Courage
Courage: A Ministry of Hope by James A. Beers
James Beers's Courage: A Ministry of Hope was released in time to be available for purchase at the conference and served as a particularly fitting tribute to Fr. Harvey.
This book [relates] not just the history of the apostolate but how and why it was founded. It [introduces] readers to the numerous souls whose lives were changed by following the goals of Courage and who found peace, understanding, and joy in choosing a life of chastity" (publisher's description). It does all this from the point of view of a longtime Courage member for whom this story is quite personal.
Fr. James B. Lloyd, CSP, Courage's oldest chaplain, provided the introduction to the book, where he wrote, "James Beers deserves plaudits for his long hours of work, travel and prayer that went into the writing of this book ... [for which] he generously gave years of his life for the benefit of others in the future."
Purchase Conference Video and Audio
Many of the talks from this year's conference and past conferences are available for purchase and/or online viewing. These resources are terrific for Courage and EnCourage members, but they also are a great way to introduce others to our apostolate. Consider giving some CDs or DVDs or emailing links to clergy members, family, or friends.
VIDEO: Purchase DVDs or View Online
View past conference video online (2011-2016)
AUDIO: Purchase CDs from Daughters of St. Paul
Past conference CDs:
Courage Has a New Home!
Our new in-house chapel
No sooner had our staff returned from the conference than they packed up the office and moved a half hour up the road to our expanded new headquarters in a lovely colonial home owned by the Diocese of Bridgeport. They are enjoying being able to spread out in the spacious new location, which includes a chapel where we are able to celebrate Mass together. There are two guest rooms in the house, so Courage and EnCourage chaplains are warmly invited to pay us a visit for some on-site training to get better acquainted with our apostolate.
Google Maps captures our new home
Be sure to update your address book:
Courage International
6450 Main St.
Trumbull CT 06611
Come away to the quiet for a fall retreat
Courage Executive Director, Fr. Philip Bochanski, will be serving as the retreat
r at our very first EnCourage retreats. We invite EnCourage members to join us on this special weekend of prayer and reflection exclusively for them. Together, we'll seek God's guidance in cultivating peace of heart, mind, and spirit as we share our journeys with one another and grow closer to the One who created us all.
EnCourage Retreat Midwest
November 9-11, 2018, near Columbus, Ohio
Information and registration: rossanag@couragerc.org
EnCourage Retreat West
November 30 - December 2, 2018, in southern California
Information and registration: encourage.losangeles@gmail.com
Registration for both retreats opens on Thursday, August 16.
Space is limited, so send your inquiry today!
Pastoral and Catechetical Resources
For clergy, parish and diocesan staff, catechists,
mental/medical health care professionals, and other pastoral ministers
 Truth & Love Conference
Monday - Wednesday, October 22-24
St. Thomas Seminary Conference Center
"Proclaiming the Splendor of Truth"
Mark the 25th anniversary of
Pope St. John Paul II's prophetic document
Veritatis Splendor
Clergy, religious, and professionals, lay faithful working in ecclesial ministry
Sound, practical and pastoral guidance on the topics of homosexuality and sexual identity through personal testimonies and presentations from leading experts in pastoral ministry, theology, psychology, and health care.
Conference page
with details, speakers, talks titles (click speaker photos), registration.
Spread the word!
Your invitation could make the difference
Invited to Courageous Love airs on EWTN TV
August 13-17, 2018, 11 p.m.
Courage's five-part series includes testimonies, Cathoilic anthropology, psychology, impact on the family, and pastoral care.
Trailer (click "Show More" to see episode descriptions)
Southern California
Courage and EnCourage
Day of Recollection
August 25, 2018
Prayer, spiritual reflection, sharing, Adoration, potluck and social.
Flyer (OK to RSVP after deadline on flyer)
# WeTo: Healing the Wound Between Man and Woman
August 25, 2018, Reseda, California
With Andy Comiskey and Desert Stream Ministries.
How to bridge the gap between wounded men and women in their sexual brokenness, and renew a commitment to authentic love through Christ and His community.
Gender Matters: Fighting for a New Generation
September 15, 2018, Kalispell, Montana
With Andy Comiskey and Desert Stream Ministries.
Discover together the compassion and clarity of Jesus towards persons facing gender and sexual identity issues. Seeks to ignite the Church with Spirit-filled, truthful hope so that she might shine bright and clear in this confusing hour.
uth & Love Conference
"Proclaiming the Splendor of Truth with Love"
October 22-24, 2018, in Bloomfield, Connecticut
(Archdiocese of Hartford)
A conference offering sound practical and pastoral guidance on the topics of homosexuality and sexual identity. Designed for
clergy, religious, lay faithful who work in ecclesial ministry, medical and mental health professionals.
Please invite those you know who are in the target audience.
East Coast Living Waters Leadership Training Seminar
With Andy Comiskey and Desert Stream Ministries.
Equips attendees for effective ministry to the sexually and relationally broken.
EnCourage Retreat Midwest
November 9-11, 2018, in Columbus, Ohio
Registration opens August 16.
Information and registration: rossanag@couragerc.org
EnCourage Retreat West
November 30 - December 2, 2018, in southern California
Registration opens August 16.
Information and registration information: encourage.losangeles@gmail.com
Courage does not necessarily fully endorse all of the ideas included in resources that are not produced by Courage, but we still like to share items that we and our members have found to have considerable helpful content.