Sign up Today for Courage/EnCourage Conference 2018
Register by June 30 for Conference and/or Clergy Study Day

Villanova University
Dear Courage and EnCourage friends, 

Don't miss out! The  deadline for the 2018 Courage and EnCourage Conference and Clergy Study Day is this Saturday, June 30. Register today! 

Check out this story about the upcoming conference published by the Catholic News Agency, and then look for more details below.

Hope to see you there! 
The Courage Central Office

Courage/EnCourage Conference
Thursday - Sunday, July 12-15
Villanova University 
In the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Fr. John F. Harvey, OSFS
Drawn by T.K., an EnCourage member
Come celebrate the centennial of the birth of Fr. John F. Harvey, OSFS, who co-founded the Courage apostolate in 1980. We will listen to talks in his honor and share anecdotes of personal experiences with him as we seek to carry on the spirit and mission he left to us as his legacy. As always, we will also enjoy inspiring speakers, opportunities for prayer and the sacraments, and rich fellowship with one another. 

Clergy Study Day 
Wednesday, July 11

This day of presentations for priests, deacons, and seminarians, offered at no charge, is a unique opportunity to learn more about ministering to persons who experience same-sex attractions and those who love them. 


Contents of this Newsletter 

Fr. Bochanski on EWTN's Life on the Rock 

Click image to view Fr. Bochanski on Life on the Rock
In May, Courage executive director, Fr. Philip Bochanski, was featured on EWTN television's  Life on the Rock show. He spoke about the mission of Courage and EnCourage and of how our apostolate serves the Church.

Feel free to pass this on to others, as it is a good resource for introducing people to the apostolate. 

Archbishop  Chaput Praises Courage 
"Courage is a treasure for the mission of the Church." 

Archbishop Charles 
 Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Philadelphia's Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., had some kind words for us in a recent column at CatholicPhilly.com. He offered "heartfelt praise" for our apostolate as an "exceptional [work] of Christian witness that create[s] real hope and strength for today's Church, and deserve[s] our support." He went on to say, "Courage and EnCourage are led with great skill and compassion by Father Philip Bochanski, ... and they do vital work, often in the face of bitter criticism and misleading claims from those who reject the Church's moral guidance on matters of sexuality. Don't be fooled: Courage is a treasure for the mission of the Church." 

We look forward to being blessed by Archbishop Chaput's supportive presence in July at the Courage/EnCourage conference, where he will be celebrating the opening Mass with us. 


From Our Members 
Courage Testimonies in National Catholic Register 

Joseph Sciambra, Hudson Byblow,
 Daniel Mattson
Two of our members, Hudson Byblow and Dan Mattson, plus Joseph Sciambra were interviewed by Jim Graves of the National Catholic Register and shared how the truth and love that they discovered in the Church facilitated their return to the Catholic Faith and a new way of life filled with peace and happiness. 

Dan Mattson's Book Tour in Italy 

Cardinal Gerhard Müller had
words of praise for Dan and his book 
at the May 25 presentation
at the Patristic Institute Augustinium 
Dan Mattson was in Rome last month doing a book tour to promote the Italian translation of his book,  Why I Don't Call Myself Gay Perché non Mi Definisco Gay .
The Catholic News Agency interviewed him at his May 23 presentation at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross:

  "Mattson offered some lessons the Church can learn about engagement with the LGBT community. The first of these ... is having 'the confidence that what the Church has is truly good news for the LGBT community. ... 'That is what is lacking, and I just wish that we would not be afraid of it.' ... The goal is not to proselytize, he said, but to explain the truth and beauty of Church teaching on the issue --  'not what you think it is, but what it really is.' " 


Focus on Fr. John F. Harvey, O.S.F.S.  
Celebrating the 100th Birthday Jubilee of our Founding Director
A Tribute to Fr. Harvey from a Brother Priest
Fr. Harvey as a young priest

On January 27, 2011, exactly one month after Fr. Harvey's death, a Memorial Mass was offered for him, at which a fellow Oblate, Fr. Christopher Hudgin, O.S.F.S., delivered a lovely tribute to Fr. Harvey in the context of his homily. He compared Fr. Harvey to St. Francis de Sales as one who "spent virtually his whole adult life as an ardent defender of the faith":

"Tenacious as he was in defending and explaining the Church's doctrines, especially in the area of moral theology, Father Harvey possessed an exquisite pastoral sensitivity to those who struggle to live up to the challenges of those doctrines. ... He  let [his light] shine brightly before all who knew him. As many of these people pointed out, he brought light to them when they were struggling in darkness. ...

"For the life of Fr. John Harvey, a life well lived as an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, a man of gentle strength, a priest, a theologian, a teacher, a counselor, a confrere, a man who laid down his life in unremitting service to God, his Church, and his people, we thank God."

Read Fr. Hudgin's entire homily with tribute to Fr. Harvey

Fr. Harvey Reviews Book on the Church in America
From "The Director's Corner" of the Courage newsletter

In the December 2003 Director's Corner, Fr. Harvey reviewed sociologist David Carlin's  The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America . In his review, Father focuses on how American Catholics' understanding of morality has been undermined by sociological developments leading to the escalation of secularism and relativism, and encourages all members to read this important book. 

F r. Harvey reminds us that "Catholics loving their Church must turn to Jesus, the Head of the Mystical Body of Christ, telling Him that they will pray and do works of Penance for their Church ... [and] encourage our ...  bishops."

In closing, Father states, " I end with a prayer from the letter to the Philippians: 'Brothers and Sisters ... I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.'" 


Focus on Fr. Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S.
Speaker at 2018  conference on "Holiness for All" 

Click to view Fr. Dailey's book trailer
Fr. Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S., a fellow priest of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, will join in our centennial celebration in Villanova this July. Not only did Fr. Dailey know Fr. Harvey personally as a brother in their order, but he edited a book of essays in his honor,  With Mind and Heart Renewed 

Fr. Dailey's talk at the conference, entitled "A Path to Holiness for All," will help us to understand the practical spiritual wisdom of St. Francis de Sales which was the foundation of the spirituality of Fr. Harvey and thus also of the  Spirituality of Courage

For a deeper understanding of St. Francis's simple approach to holiness, pick up Fr. Dailey's book, Live Today Well.  "By practicing the little virtues you learn here, you'll soon find yourself moving toward the heavenly heights as you become the saint you are called by God to be." 

Purchase Live Today Well and view book trailer

"God is not ashamed of you!" and "I am not ashamed of the Gospel"

Truth & Love contributor, evangelist, and catechist, Anna Carter, wrote this encouraging post for the Truth & Love blog

June's Pride Month offers what may seem to be a compelling alternative for many. Why not simply reject a 'repressive' Christian sexual ethic?  Why not shrug off shame once and for all? ... Does the Church's teaching on homosexual acts require a believer to live in shame? ... The truth is a beautiful one. God is not ashamed of you. Experiencing same sex desires does not make you unworthy of God's love or of belonging to His Church. It does not make you unworthy of deep, intimate connection to the Body of Christ. You are a daughter or son, safe in the gaze of your loving Heavenly Father." 

She further fortifies readers: 

"If the door of opportunity opens for us to share the Church's teaching [on sexuality], we should not be ashamed to walk through it. We're called to a confident proclamation of the good, the truth, and the beautiful! "

Receive weekly Truth and Love blog posts like this one
by clicking "Update Profile" at the bottom of this email. 


Help us spread the word to your Spanish-speaking friends!
¡Ahora en Español!: Mamá ... Papá, Soy Gay
Una guía  gratuita para padres católicos sobre cómo deben responder

Por Allison Ricciardi y David Prosen del Raphael Remedy:

En estos días, escuchamos muchas noticias sobre el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo y los derechos de los homosexuales, pero cuando un padre escucha que estas palabras llegan a su hogar, es a menudo muy doloroso.

¿Cómo debería responder un padre católico? ¿Cómo logras ese equilibrio entre tolerar algo que la Iglesia enseña que está mal y apoyar al hijo que amas que ha estado luchando con estos sentimientos durante años? Nuestro libro electrónico gratuito ofrece una guía para ayudar a los padres católicos a lograr ese equilibrio. 

 ¡Hay esperanza! ¡No camines solo!

(Courage translation of publisher's description)

Courage Provides Pastoral Care Training in Ecuador

Clergy Study Day for Priests    
 of Archdiocese of Quito
Courage executive director, Father Philip Bochanski, and Courage-Latino coordinator, Rossana Goñi-Cuba, were in Ecuador in early June, where they offered formation on the subject of pastoral care for those who experience same-sex attraction. Multiple presentations were given in the Archdiocese of Quito and the Diocese of Guayaquil to approximately 120 priests and 60 seminarians; 350 religious, pastoral ministers, catechists, and mental health professionals; and 60 principals and teachers of Catholic schools. These events served to reinforce the outreach of Courage in these dioceses, where Courage already has chapters. The bishops of each diocese were in attendance and fully supportive, while local Courage members were very involved, eager to spread the apostolate.


Pastoral and Catechetical Resources
For clergy, parish and diocesan staff, catechists, 
mental/medical health care professionals, and other pastoral ministers
Veritatis Splendor central theme of conference on same-sex attractions, gender identity questions 

October 22-24, 2018 
St. Thomas Seminary Conference Center
Bloomfield, Connecticut

Excerpts from the press release about the conference: 

"The 25th anniversary of Pope Saint John Paul's prophetic document,
Veritatis Splendor , will be the focus of an upcoming formation event for clergy, religious, and professionals who minister to persons who experience same-sex attractions (SSA) and questions about sexual identity. 

"The conference will center on the theme 'Proclaiming the splendor of truth with love', and will feature presentations from acclaimed theologians, including Dr. Janet SmithDr. Mary Healy, and Fr. Paul Sullins. Participants will also hear witness testimonies from two Courage members featured in the documentary  Desire of the Everlasting HillsPaul Darrow and Rilene Simpson. ...

"The event offers an opportunity to learn about SSA and sexual identity questions from experts in the fields of pastoral ministry, theology, philosophy, psychology, and health care."

Conference page  ( Registration opens summer 2018) 

See entire press release  (Please s hare freely!)


Healing the Wound Between Man and Woman
June 30, 2018, St. Catherine of Siena Parish, New York City, New York 
With Andy Comiskey and Desert Stream Ministries.
How to bridge the gap between wounded men and women in their sexual brokenness, and renew a commitment to authentic love through Christ and His community. 

Midwest Living Waters Leadership Training Seminar
July 7-13, 2018, in Kansas City, Kansas
With Andy Comiskey and Desert Stream Ministries.
Equips attendees for effective ministry to the sexually and relationally broken. 

Pre-Conference Courage Clergy Study Day 
July 11, 2018, in Villanova, Pennsylvania  
(Archdiocese of Philadelphia)
For clergy and seminarians only. Includes talks on Catholic anthropology and sexual ethics, psychology, preaching, pastoral care, and sexual identity confusion, plus a testimony.  No charge! 
Conference brochure  S tay for the whole conference if you can. Registration fee for the conference.  

Villanova University 
Courage/EnCourage Conference 2018
July 12-15, 2018 in Villanova, Pennsylvania
(Archdiocese of Philadelphia)
"Faithful to a Mission": 
Celebrating 100th Birthday of Our Founder

# WeTo: Healing the Wound Between Man and Woman
August 25, 2018, Reseda, California 
With Andy Comiskey and Desert Stream Ministries.
How to bridge the gap between wounded men and women in their sexual brokenness, and renew a commitment to authentic love through Christ and His community. 

Gender Matters: Fighting for a New Generation
September 15, 2018, Kalispell, Montana
With Andy Comiskey and Desert Stream Ministries.
Discover together the compassion and clarity of Jesus towards persons facing gender and sexual identity issues. Seeks to ignite the Church with Spirit-filled, truthful hope so that she might shine bright and clear in this confusing hour.

Courage/EnCourage Canada Shrines Pilgrimage
October 6-11, 2018 
Join Fr. Bochanski  and friends from Courage and Encourage on our very first pilgrimage as we visit some of the most beautiful and inspiring sights in Canada. 
Send an email to express interest and for details.

Tr uth & Love Conference 
October 22-24, 2018, in Bloomfield, Connecticut 
(Archdiocese of Hartford)
For  clergy, religious, lay faithful who work in ecclesial ministry, medical and mental health professionals. 
Please share the dates with those who serve in your diocese and parish.   
Watch for details on  Truth & Love conference page.

EnCourage Retreat Midwest
November 9-11, 2018, in Columbus, Ohio
Save the date. Watch for details later this summer. 

EnCourage Retreat West 
November 30 - December 2, 2018, in southern California
Tentative dates.  Watch for details later this summer.  

Courage does not necessarily fully endorse all of the ideas included in resources that are not produced by Courage, but we still like to share items that we and our members have found to have considerable helpful content. 

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