Dear CEE Community and Friends,
This month’s newsletter highlights a new cement alternative developed by CEE alumnus Rouzbeh Savary, and a new effort organized by Prof. Haruko Wainwright to help scientists better communicate information about nuclear waste disposal. Prof. Desirée Plata discusses greenhouse gas and methane emissions on the TILclimate Podcast, and graduate student Rob Fetell joins ESI as a research assistant. A seed grant awarded to Prof. Markus Buehler will explore AI for rigorous bio-inspired design, and Prof. Jesse Kroll is recognized for excellence in postdoctoral mentoring. We congratulate Prof. Ruben Juanes on being elected as an AGU Fellow and research scientist Paul Berube on receiving the MIT Open Data Prize.
New research from the Cohen Mechanics Group and colleagues at Yale investigates how mechanical confinement influences the growth of bacterial biofilm. Prof. Cesar Terrer highlights the importance of understanding soil carbon loss and a new study from the Kroll Group finds that germicidal UV lights could be producing indoor air pollutants. Prof. Desirée Plata is profiled by MIT News. Lastly, we highlight the Course 1-12 Climate System Science and Engineering launch symposium and share details about the C.C. Mei Distinguished Speaker Series and the Innovation at the Food-Logistics-Materials Nexus webinar featuring three CEE faculty.