COURT REPORTER - More Things to do...
Squash BC’s Return to Squash (R2S) Plan

As a province, BC is the poster child for how to weather the COVID-19 pandemic. With sport being a big part of both physical and mental health, Squash BC has been and will continue to communicate information related to our sport's return to play. In addition, we are developing a support structure for the return to play for squash, promoting the safety and well-being for all.
One of the next steps is to develop a customized BC Return to Squash (R2S) plan. Using Squash Canada’s guidelines and  viaSport’s return to sport recommendations (produced by the provincial govt for sport organizations) ,  Squash BC has formed a Task Force comprised of subject matter experts including representatives from law, medicine, squash professionals and club administrators to help develop this plan.

We recognize that several clubs around the province are in various stages/steps of re-opening. Squash BC’s R2S plan will be ready to share in a few weeks and in the meantime we will continue to support all clubs with information and tools toward their own re-opening planning and operations.

Squash Canada Partners with Squash Player Magazine:
Squash Canada is pleased to announce a new partnership with the UK Based, worldwide known, Squash Player Magazine.
This partnership will provide squash players across Canada, who are members of their respective Provincial squash association with complimentary access to the latest electronic issue of the Squash Player Magazine!

(Free first edition is coming out later this week... check back on Squash BC website for access!)

... and more from
Coach Professional Development Webinar Series:
Squash Canada is pleased to announce more webinars as part of our new "Coach Professional Development Webinar Series". Cost per Webinar is only $15.25

"Engage, Don't Deal With Parents: Building a Positive Parent Culture"
Wednesday June 10th, 2020 - Noon to 1:15PM EST
The webinar series is open to anyone (players, etc.) but for coaches, it will provide an opportunity to gain PD points* towards their NCCP Maintenance of Certification.
*These Webinars can range from 1-3 points each.

For more information or to ask questions regarding this initiative, please contact Squash Canada Programs Manager Geoffery Johnson at #613-228-7724 or
Mental and Physical Training ideas to improve your squash game!
Be sure to check out this amazing video on Daniel Tiwana , a 10-year-old squash player from Canada, who is practicing great work ethic and dedication during this quarantine!!
2020 Squash BC Award Highlights

        Allan Brown:  Jack Larsen Award

Allan Brown has been a dedicated volunteer and advocate for squash in BC since he moved to Vancouver from England. 

Allan is a long standing and very active BC Jester.
He has brought a wealth of experience to support and strengthen squash and will continue to work with Squash BC to achieve our Growth Initiative objectives.
Shawn Zwierchowski:  President’s Plate Award
Shawn Zwierchowski has been selected for his ongoing contribution to the sport through volunteering, and his significant role in building the sport of squash up in the Fraser Valley. 

We recognize Shawn for his efforts and regular volunteering on a number of Squash BC committees. 
    Stuart Dixon (posthumously): The Kevin Kydd Junior Service Award
Stuart Charles Dixon had been a fixture of the local and national squash scene for decades. 
He was first inducted into Squash Canada’s Hall of Fame in 2010 for his coaching achievements. 
In 1983, he and his wife Sandy Drever were instrumental in establishing the Victoria Squash Club. 

Stuart has mentored many coaches over the   years and coached hundreds of juniors from beginners to top Canadian and International players. 
"Stuart's passion for life, squash, friendship and laughter will carry on in many players' hearts"
Squash BC's first fully electronic format AGM a big hit!

54 people registered for the 2020 Annual General Meeting which is one of our largest member turnouts of recent history proving the Zoom meeting format was successful. 
Topics included: 

  •  A Year in Retrospect
  • Squash BC's Growth Initiative
  • Safe Sport 
  • COVID-19 Squash BC's Response; 
  • Ranking and Membership System Review 
  • Squash BC Awards
Squash BC Job Postings:

Squash BC (SQBC) is seeking two dynamic, outgoing individuals to provide exceptional service and programs to meet the growth initiative objectives of the organization. These individuals seek the opportunity to learn from internal and external mentors to grow and build their skills in the field of sport management. These positions are suited to individuals who can work independently and will work well as part of a small focused team who rely on each other to be successful in their roles and are passionate about making a difference. Both positions are part time and have flexibility with days and hours worked.

1). Member Services and Operations Coordinator
This position supports the organizational operations and our membership through the coordination of special projects, programs, events and day to day functions. This position leads a wide variety of administration projects ranging from complex and longer term to routine day to day activities, all of which contribute to the efficient and professional operation of Squash BC. The position also creates and delivers our communications to our members.
2) Sport Development Manager

The Sport Development Manager (SDM) is responsible for delivering new squash programs and enhancing existing programs as well as provincial championships; driving participation in events and programs; leading club development activities; managing coach and officiating technical development and accreditation; organizing youth pathway program activities; overseeing Squash BC’s’ ranking system; and providing administrative and communications duties related to the role.
SQUASH COURT Materials Available:
(possible removal of current - lightly used- squash courts)

Shane Hayes from the North Shore Winter Club wonders if there might be any interest from any facility in the purchase/donation/other, of squash court floors and glass materials? 
"As our facility had very little use, the materials are in excellent condition and it seems extremely wasteful to me to simply throw out such useful material"

If you are interested in more information, please contact:

Shane Hayes
Facility Operations Manager | North Shore Winter Club
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