April 6, 2020
Hello again OCAABA members, friends and allies:
I hope this email finds you well and healthy.  The following is another update to help us 
do what lawyers do best: consume reliable information and convey it to others.

Today, the Judicial Council convened their second emergency meeting.  You can find information about the 4/6/20 Judicial Council Emergency Meeting here:
https://newsroom.courts.ca.gov/news/judicial-council-to-hold-second-emergency-meeting-amid-covid-19-pandemic  At the time I am writing this, the meeting just wrapped up.  The council has a link to listen to the meeting live (and hopefully replay) on YouTube:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGKT6LzKmmk&feature=youtu.be. Click here for the agenda and discussion memo. The meeting considered:
  • Suspend the entry of defaults in eviction cases;
  • Suspend judicial foreclosures;
  • Allow courts to require judicial proceedings and court operations be conducted remotely, with the defendant's consent in criminal proceedings;
  • Adopt a statewide emergency bail schedule that sets bail at $0 for most misdemeanor and lower-level felony offenses;
  • Allow defendants to appear via counsel or remote technologies for pretrial criminal hearings;
  • Prioritize hearings and orders in juvenile justice proceedings and set a structure for remote hearings and continuances
  • Extend the timeframes for specified temporary restraining orders;
  • Extend the statutes of limitations governing civil actions; and
  • Allow electronic depositions in civil cases.
Typically, rule changes take months but the emergency has required rule changes in a matter of days. Here is the Court Meeting Information Website if you want to listen in on future meetings: https://jcc.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx

Updates will be available at:  https://newsroom.courts.ca.gov/ and the new rules just released late this afternoon:
Information has been flowing vigorously as our court continues implement emergency procedures. The following are links and attachments for the latest information. Once again, a reminder that our court is working furiously to strike a balance in each respective department. The Orange County Superior Court website is frequently updated. Please see the following updates:
Orange County Superior Court COVID-19 Operations page with direct link for Court Closure Questions:
Chief Judge Virginia A. Phillips activated the Continuity of Operations Plan ("COOP"), effective March 23, 2020 through and including May 1, 2020 "to ensure the continuous performance of essential functions and operations of the Court in light of the continuing emergency pandemic caused by the spread of COVID-19, also known as the 'Coronavirus.'"  Please see the following orders/notices:
Updates will be posted on the court's website: https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/
On 4/3/20 OCBA hosted an informative and timely webinar "Updates on The Family First Bill, the CARES Act, & Other Available Resources". I found the information very helpful and a great starting point to help navigate the waters of the new legislation. The replay of the webinar is available here  http://www.ocbar.org/All-News/News-View/ArticleId/3805/OCBA-Webinar-REPLAY-Updates-on-the-Family-First-Bill-CARES-and-More 
On 4/8/20 at 12:00 PM, OCBA will host "Keeping Calm During COVID: Tips for Mental and Physical Well-Being". Registration is available here:   https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9aa8807JRSmEHrmQwmkOJw
On 4/10/20 at 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM OCBA will host "Webinar: Insurance Coverage".  Registration is not yet open for this webinar but check the OCBA website for updates.   https://www.ocbar.org/Calendar/Event-Detail/sessionaltcd/COVIDWEBINAR041020
Judge Nakamura requests court concerns go through the COVID-19 task force. You may send information, suggestions or questions for the task force to [email protected] and I will convey.
NAPABA and National Advocacy to PROTECT APIs
On 4/2/20, seven national bar associations released a joint statement denouncing the rising number of incidents involving anti-Asian discrimination and racist remarks related to the coronavirus and COVID-19.  
Calling for unity in these challenging times are the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), the American Bar Association (ABA), the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA), the National Associations of Women Lawyers (NAWL), the National LGBT Bar (LGBT Bar), the National Native American Bar Association (NNABA), and the South Asian Bar Association of North America (SABA North America)  
Senators Harris, Duckworth and Hirono plan to introduce a resolution condemning discrimination against Asian-Americans and Asian immigrants caused by the COVID-19 outbreak  https://www.harris.senate.gov/news/press-releases/harris-duckworth-hirono-to-introduce-resolution-condemning-anti-asian-racism-prompted-by-covid-19  This resolution will be a companion to Rep. Grace Meng's H.Res.908 in the House https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-resolution/908
OCAABA will continue to monitor at the local, state and federal level to do what we can to protect APIs at home and across the county.
  • The 2020 NAPABA convention scheduled for 11/5/20 in Los Angeles remains on the NAPABA calendar.  https://www.napaba.org/ and as a reminder, the deadline for Convention program submissions is 4/20/20 at 5PM EST.   
Orange County local government information can be found at  https://www.ocgov.com/default.asp 
This week, we saw a change in policy regarding face coverings and concern for asymptomatic transmission.
It is also important to consider surfaces:
Orange County Health Care Agency COVID-19 Case Counts and Testing Figures:  
A reminder that the case counts are directly related to the number of individuals tested and Orange County has a population in excess of 3.19 million.  As of 4/6/20:
People tested by HCA Public Health Lab (PHL) and commercial labs since yesterday
Total people tested by HCA Public Health Lab (PHL) and commercial labs to date
HCA PHL available to test
950 specimens
On 4/3/20, I sent a stand-alone email requesting volunteers:
"Duty is calling. Congressman Gilbert Cisneros has asked us for help. His office has been inundated with calls/emails from constituents. From seniors who need directions to get food to small business owners who need help filling out forms for small business loans/unemployment, Can you Help?
Details from the congressman's office are forthcoming. If you can help, please email me at  [email protected] with your name, email address, phone number, any languages you speak and your area(s) of practice. I am compiling a list of volunteers (I will not give out your name or information without your permission)."
Thank you to all the amazing volunteers who are at the ready to help Congressman Cisneros' office for outreach.  I am still compiling the list and will be in touch with the volunteers soon.  Also, if you want to join, please let me know!
Your OCAABA Board met last week and discussed many ideas to help our members, our law students, our community and beyond.  Please refer to our OCAABA Newsletter for updates.   
Some things we can do  RIGHT NOW:
Once again, feel free to reach out to me and I will do my best to continue to update you. 

We will get through this together!
In Unity,
Denise Crawford
2019-2020 OCAABA President