The present pandemic is illuminating so much about our lives. Our aspirations. Our values. Our blessings. At Friendship Circle, the challenges of this year are shining a brighter light than ever on our calling.
Every child deserves a friend!
The social isolation inflicted on us by Covid has hit the special needs community especially hard, forcefully reminding us of the necessity and nobility of Friendship Circle’s mission.
At the same time, the pandemic has illuminated the inspiring compassion and dedication of our teen volunteers and has only encouraged them to give even more of their time through our virtual programs.
Our appreciation goes out to each incredible volunteer who continues to step up to give much needed friendship, connection and support. They are the precious vaccine against loneliness. What a blessing as we enter the fall.
Chani Mintz
Friendship Circle Director
A specially designed sensory environment of stimulation and relaxation – including the use of gentle light, soothing sound, relaxing smells and textures – this therapeutic room have been proven to reduce physical and emotional agitation, anxiety and pain among those who are otherwise adversely affected by the stimuli around them.
In addition to providing calming short-term relief for the duration the user actually spends in the room, Snoezelen therapy has many long-term benefits to offer as well. By maximizing a person’s potential to focus on his/her free will, it increases motivation levels and improves overall communication and functionality. It also serves as a vital learning and developmental tool for a variety of cognitive therapies.
In studies and test cases conducted in Israel, Europe and elsewhere, it has been found that multiple therapies – be it physical, speech or cognitive – are up to 80% more effective when conducted within a Snoezelen Room versus other mundane settings.
The Mandel Snoezelen Therapy Room will be one part of the therapy wing of the center which will also include an Art Therapy Studio and an Instructional Kitchen.
With the harsh impact that Covid is having on our youth and the spike in addiction, depression and suicides, we launched our suicide prevention and mental health initiative, publishing and distributing “My Life is Worth Living - Parenting in a Pandemic” with advice from fourteen leading mental health experts.
Based on overwhelming feedback, we have created a new booklet, “Back to School in Unconventional Times”, aimed to assist both parents and educators with the struggles they will face as adolescents begin the school year in the current climate. Click the link below to get your copy.
We are excited to welcome Stephaney Avital as our new Friendship Circle Program Coordinator.
Stephaney brings experience in teaching, program planning & has her BA in Education from the University of Utah. She has many years experience in cooperative team teaching & planning.
She grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah, and has also lived in Japan & Israel. She lives in Newport Beach with her husband Asher and her 3 children Tamir, Maya and Ella.
Stephaney enjoys cooking, traveling, gardening, walking & spending time with family & friends. She is very excited to be part of the Friendship Circle family and can’t wait to work more with our Friendship Circle buddies & teens.
I am a senior at Edison High School located in Huntington Beach. I heard about Friendship Circle Orange County through my private college counselor named Iris Berkeley when I expressed an interest in helping children with special needs. She explained the
program and I knew right then and there that I would love the program.
My first interaction was at the Winter Camp last year. I bonded with almost every child there, Haley and Victor to name a few. Since then, I have been in contact with two buddies, Ashley A and Jessica B. Both girls are amazing and have not only become my friends, but my role models as well.
This program has taught me the importance of friendship especially in times like this where we are unable to congregate in public. I hope to see you guys all soon and hope all is well!
As a 7th grader, I was looking for ways to volunteer and wanted to find an organization that would positively impact people’s lives. A friend told me about Friendship Circle and I nervously went to “Basketball Buddies”. I immediately felt a sense of comfort, belonging and happiness. I saw the teens playing basketball with their buddies. I saw smiling faces and heard shouts of encouragement. Most of all, I saw the beautiful friendship and respect shown to each other by the volunteers and their buddies! I knew then that I wanted to be part of this group of kind and caring people.
As a soccer player, I was excited to coach Soccer Stars. I choose specific drills and activities that I think the participants would enjoy most and make sure that we have enough volunteers to support our players.
Friendship Circle has given me so many opportunities to meet amazing new people and learn about the amazing special needs community in Orange County. I am so grateful to have been selected as Teen of the Quarter, but it doesn’t really go to me. It goes to the amazing team at Friendship Circle and the wonderful friends that I have made there, that have allowed me to be part of such a special program and really feel like I am making a difference.
Bring some cheer to a child in need.
Friendship Circle is distributing and delivering hundreds of gifts to the underprivileged and children with special needs, making these deserving children’s holiday that much brighter.
If you would like to be a part of this incredible project, please drop off an unwrapped gift in our lobby (2240 University Dr., Newport Beach) any time prior to December 13th or donate to the gift drive by clicking here
Volunteers needed- If you are able to assist with these special deliveries, please email Lisa Bogart
Check your email for Zoom link
Join your friends and have fun virtually! Individuals with special needs of all ages and their teen volunteer buddies are invited to join us for a variety of fun activities on Zoom.
Each week is different. Activities will range from magic shows, music, craft activities, mad science, baking and physical fitness. Schedule is posted on Facebook and Instagram and emailed to participants each week.
Bring a CAR-ful to the Friendship Circle parking lot for a fun drive-thru CAR-nival!
More info to follow!
In-person Sunday Circle returns
We are planning to resume in-person, safe, Covid-compliant Sunday Circles beginning in January. Stay tuned to your email for dates and times!
Teen volunteers recently gathered for a safe, socially-distant, outdoor training session. The goal of our training sessions is to educate the teens on what it is like to live with a physical and developmental disabilities.
New and current volunteers role-played scenarios including steering a hand-controlled wheelchair up a ramp, and other activities that focused on sensory issues and poor vision.
We discussed the difficulties that those with special needs are experiencing during Covid and how they need friendship more than ever now. Teens were trained on new Covid protocols and all the ways they can continue to help out their special needs buddies.
While our in-person programs and one-on-one meetings between teen volunteers and their special needs friends have been suspended due to Covid restrictions, we are still reaching out to those with special needs.
We are hosting weekly Virtual Sunday Circles with activities designed to appeal to individuals with special needs of all ages and abilities ranging from art, dance, yoga, Zumba, martial arts, magic and animal shows. Our roster of volunteers continues to reach out to their special buddies in an effort to help them overcome feelings of isolation.
Planned Giving to the Friendship Circle Endowment shows your commitment to ensuring that no individual is left behind. This is your moment to empower each person to express their talents and reach their potential, both now and in the future.
Join with Friendship Circle through the loving act of Planned Giving by leading your community to a strong and vibrant future. This is your moment.
Your gift will bring friendship, opportunity and inclusion to children with special needs.
2240 University Dr. | Newport Beach, CA 92660 | 949-721-9800