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Volume 13, Issue 10                            October 4, 2017                      $4.75

I am excited to bring you this month's feature article. What is your philosophy? What are your principles? In my feature article you will find some of my favorite commandments. Cowboy Commandments to Live By.


Mark Matteson

PS: As a special gift for being a loyal reader, I want you to be the first to have a copy of my newest eBook: Sparking Your Success: Unlocking Your Potential Greatness .

Cowboy Commandments to Live By
by Mark Matteson
As I write this I am listening to Hank Williams greatest hits. He was a singing Cowboy. He was born September 17, 1923, in Mount Olive, Alabama. Considered one of the most popular American country music singer/songwriters with songs like "Cold, Cold Heart," "Your Cheatin' Heart," "Hey, Good Lookin'" and "I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive." He died of a heart attack at the age of 29 in 1953 in the backseat of his Cadillac.

True Cowboys have a philosophy or set of principles they live their life by. Simply profound and profoundly simple. I never met a metaphor I didn’t like. Here are some of my favorites. They are kind of like Proverbs for Pokes. They are words to live by.

“Don’t let the sun catch you in bed.”

“IF it ain’t right, don’t do it.”

“If the boots fit, keep gettin’ em resoled.”

“What’s WANTED ain’t always what’s NEEDED.”

“Don’t let your yearnings get ahead of your earnings.”

“Spread happiness WHERE you go, not WHEN.”

“If you don’t feel like smiling, give it a shot anyway. It’ll help the general scheme of things.”

“IF the boots fit, make sure there is two of them.”

“For better or for worse means for good.”

“Don’t look at things for what they are NOT; look at them for what they ARE.”

“The side of life you see, is the side of life you show.”

“Never cuss somebody else’s dog or abuse your own.”

“Control your temper before you try to control a horse.”

“Never miss a good chance…to shut up.”

“To know the truth, speak the truth.”

“If it’s none of your business, stay out of it.”

“When you get bucked off, get back on.”

“Never take down another man’s fence.”

“Always sink corner fence posts twice as deep.”

“Never pick a fight with a porcupine.”

Tom Jefferson said, “In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” That’s what real cowboys do.

I wrote the poem for my wife a couple of years ago. Submitted for your approval.
Cowboy Mark
Howdy folks, I’m Cowboy Mark,
I’m kinda new at this,
Not to speaking publicly,
the stage is the ocean, I’ve always been the fish.

Been writing most my life,
I’m at home with paper and pen,
It’s the Cowboy Poet I’m searching for,
Like I’m starting all over again.

Real Cowboys and Ranch Hands would say,
I know a phony when I see me one,
They are right, I’m all hat and no cattle,
But Folks, I’m a just doing it for fun.

I’m an accidental cowboy,
My wife is the Cowboy Girl,
So I go along with some reluctance,
Line dancing, a jig and a swirl.

Cowboy Mark is a real apprentice,
A novice, a green horn at best,
With my black cowboy boots and five gallon hat,
And my Trader Grizz Western Leather vest.

My sincere and heartfelt apologies,
To real Cowboys, Punchers and Pokes,
Just trying to keep my Cowgirl happy,
Ain’t that what it’s all about, Folks?

Happy Trails, Cowboy Mark

Publication Data
Mark Matteson publishes his Sparking Success EZine Street newsletter on the first Wednesday of every month. The next newsletter will go out on November 1, 2017 
Download My Newest Book on Kindle: A Rock In Your Shoe: Stories, Ideas, and Insights to Inspire You to Action!

The first time I went to the beach that I can recall with certainty was as a seven-year-old in 1965. My family and I were in England on the Isle of Wight. Mods and rockers were rioting down the street, but I missed all that. Instead, I spent hours digging foxholes in the sand deep enough that I could sit in them. By the end of my excavation, I felt something in my tennis shoe. It felt like a boulder...

Freedom From Fear, Freedom From Fear Forever, A Simple Choice,   and  It's About Time -  Now Available on

You can now purchase four of my best sellers on I have done the narration on all four books and there will be more coming soon. I highly recommend that you check them out.  Click this link to go to the site. Each book is priced according to length per Audible's policy.
Book of the Month
Don't Dig for Water Under an Outhouse
And Other Cowboy Commandments
By Texas Bix Bender
My good friend Adam Christing is an amazing guy. He is a great speaker, magician, filmmaker and philosopher. He thinks my “Cowboy Mark” persona is great branding. The problem is, “I’m all hat and no cattle.” He recently sent me the book “Don’t Dig For Water Under An Outhouse” by Texas Bix Bender. It’s where the above quotes came from. Thanks Pard!
Adam owns a Speakers Bureau in California called “Clean Comedians”
If you are looking for a speaker for your next event, contact him. You will be glad you did. Adam Christing is the founder and president of CLEAN COMEDIANS and has been ranked as one of the top 5 after-dinner entertainers in America.  He became a member of the famous Magic Castle in Hollywood at the age of 17. He has been featured on more than 150 radio and TV shows, including CNN, PBS, FOX NEWS, Entertainment Tonight, and ABC World News Tonight. Adam has also been called "a meeting planner's dream" because of his warm-hearted humor and audience interaction.

An entertainment bureau that provides meeting planners with laughter you can trust.  Their motto about humor: "It doesn't have to be filthy to be Funny!” Contact email is:
To purchase a copy of my e-book, How to Have Your Best Year Yet!  published on Amazon, simply click here .

It's only $6.95.

I am writing this looking out onto lovely Lake Chelan in central Washington state. I come here to relax, to write, to recharge my batteries. We all need to make the time to do just that. But you don’t need to drive 4- hours and take a week to accomplish the same result. It’s as simple as carving out some time each day for inspiration, education and insight.

Thank you.
Mark resides in Edmonds, Washington and takes great pride in the fact he flunked high school English. To watch Markʼs demo video, go to:  

Mark Matteson gives over 75 presentations each year. Book him now to secure the inspiring message that will spark your group's success! To watch Mark's demo video, go to: Call 206.697.0454 or e-mail him at
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Mark Matteson is an inspiring speaker and the author of the international bestseller,  Freedom from Fear . For over 20 years, Mark’s positive humor and peak-performance tools have impacted organizations around the globe, igniting personal and professional success for tens of thousands of people.

When you schedule Mark, his high-powered, highly entertaining message will be tailored to your specific group – your audience will enjoy the take-away message  you  want them to hear. Mark will leave your people feeling encouraged, energized and empowered. They will feel good about your event, and they’ll feel great about the future.