Logo 2017 Newsletter
Bering Sea Fisheries Research Foundation - Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers

Fall Crab Science Symposium
  “Crab vs. Mother Nature” What We Know/What We Don’t

Friday, September 14, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
 Leif Erikson Lodge
2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle


8:30 am DOORS OPEN
8:30 - 8:50 Meet and Greet, Coffee and Pastries
8:50 - 8:55 Symposium Introduction - Scott Goodman/Jamie Goen
9:00 - 9:30 Dr. Bob Foy (NMFS/Kodiak )
2018 Survey Results - Crab Results/Warm Water - Where’s the Crab?                                                  
9:35 - 10:05 Dr. Phyllis Stabeno (NMFS/ Seattle)
2018 Water Temps/Oceanography - What’s Going On, Will This Last? "pending"
10:05 - 10:15 BREAK
10:15 - 10:35 Mr Scott Goodman (BSFRF/Seattle)  
2018 Bairdi Trawl Survey Selectivity - What We Observed Compared to NMFS?                                                             
10:40 - 11:00 Dr. Ben Daly (ADFG/Kodiak)
Bairdi Mgt. Boundaries in a Changing Environment - Movement/Tagging/Uncertainty                                                            
11:05 - 11:25 Ms. Madison Shipley (BSFRF/UW/Seattle)
Bairdi Harvest Strategy MSE - The “30,000 Foot View” and Collecting Stakeholder Input                                                 
11:30 - 11:55 Dr. Chris Siddon (ADFG/Juneau)
Al GKC Pot Survey Data - Alternative Approaches to New Info - Bering Sea Options                                               
12:00 - 1:00pm LUNCH is provided and all are invited to participate in an Open Discussion - Question/Answer Session. Please Bring Your Questions           
The members of Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers (ABSC) and other stakeholders are encouraged to join leading scientists, biologists, and fishery managers from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, National Marine Fisheries Services, Bering Sea Fisheries Research Foundation (BSFRF), and Universities in a roundtable discussion.

The central purpose of this symposium is to learn about the most recent science on the status of crab stocks and to answer questions. The scientists want to share what they know and are eager to hear your input and questions to make the science as accurate and valuable as possible. This is an especially important opportunity during a continuing period of widespread warm water on the Bering Sea shelf.

If you have questions or comments that you would like to share prior to the meeting please send them to  [email protected] , or call Scott Goodman (BSFRF) at 206.285.3480 or Jamie Goen (ABSC) at 206.417.3990. We want to hear your thoughts even if you are not available to make it in person.
(Still having trouble RSVPing? Please call Jenni @ 206.300.9557)