May 28, 2020
And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people.
Your old will dream dreams, and your young will see visions. Joel 2:28
Dear Friends:
Over these months of COVID-19, it was as if we found ourselves enclosed, locked in fear of the unknown, grieving the enormity of our losses, disoriented and confused, lonely and restless.
Two thousand years ago, there were others imprisoned in an upper room in similar fear, yet somehow stirred to profound longing over what they had experienced. Someone had awakened a glimpse of possibility for their own lives and for a world aching for newness. By suffering them Himself, this Jesus had revealed a way of healing for the wounds that tear us from one another. He had witnessed a tender and merciful love that breaks our hearts open to one another. He had told them that their own breath of life was the forgiveness that was His abiding gift.
This frightened group of disciples were astounded by a burst of fiery love kindled within them, and a gale of freshness that freed the witness they gave. They were "unmasked" as eternally beloved children of God, clothed with power to speak and hear the language of every heart.
From the darkness of our own confined space as we approach Pentecost this year, we are invited to explore our own longing. What is the newness in our society you ache to see? How have you experienced the fire of love blazing differently among us? What has become fresh for you? What vision is emerging for how you wish to "do life" differently? What newness do you imagine for our earth...for our suffering planet.
Perhaps you could enter this creative imagination through answering the open-ended question,
"I dream a world where......"
Or perhaps there is an image or drawing that could tell your dream and vision.
Send them to us at info@cranaleith.org. We will publish some of your wild imaginings, knowing they flow from the Spirit poured unrelentingly on our world, "Whose power at work in us, can do infinitely more that we ask or imagine."
Cranaleith Staff
Following are a few suggestions for listening from home.
Living Mercy in the Pandemic
Recently, Cranaleith hosted an online panel discussion entitled, "The Pandemic and Those Most Vulnerable." The panelists each minister in Philadelphia's Center City or its Kensington neighborhood. Their stories and reflections were beautiful and challenging. What follows are highlights.
Read more
Pentecost, Ed de Guzman, 2014
Reflect From Home
The pandemic has forced us to reassess our priorities; God is giving us an opportunity to change the world, just as the disciples did that first Pentecost.
- Where do you see a need for forgiveness in your life? What can you do about it?
- Besides your parish's virtual mass, how has the Spirit been "doing Church" in your life lately?
Tour From Home
In this time of COVID-19, when physical distancing is the order of the day, Cranaleith is offering new programs
online via Zoom
Tea & Tour with Ruth Picozzi and Mary Trainer, RSM
Sunday, June 14 and Sunday, July 26, 1-2:30 p.m. Cost: $15
Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment! Let Ruth Picozzi guide you through a virtual tour of the historic Cranaleith home. Designed in the Victorian era by a woman architect for its female owner, it served as a meeting place for
Susan B. Anthony and the suffragettes. Next we invite
you to enjoy an at-home "equalitea" with dainties, while Mary Trainer, RSM, traces the work of women who were a voice for others, from Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy through the women connected to this historic home down to the work of the Cranaleith today.
(Both tea and tour will be live and interactive on Zoom.)
Read From Home
Cranaleith will offer virtual book discussions this July and August. Borrow or buy the book(s) now and get started on one or both of these fascinating reads:
The Virtue of Resilience by Evelyn and James Whitehead
Mondays, July 6, 13, 20 and 27, 7-8:30 p.m.
Facilitators: Mary Pat Garvin, RSM and Ellen Murray, RSM
The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
Wednesday, August 5, 12 and 19, 7-8:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Ruth Picozzi
Online registration to come.
Resources from Home
Community Support
Rooted in a tradition of care and compassion, the mission of CORA Services is to assist children, youth and families experiencing emotional, academic and social challenges.
Connect With Us Online
Get daily prayers, reflections, blog posts and images from our beautiful property via our website and social media channels.
Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, Cranaleith offers a contemplative space for all those seeking wholeness and transformation for themselves and society. We are committed to making Cranaleith accessible to all, especially to persons who are poor and those who work in solidarity with them. We invite those at the center of need and those at the center of influence to reflection, reverent dialogue and meaningful partnerships. Please help us support our work.
Cranaleith Spiritual Center | 13475 Proctor Road | Phila., PA 19116 |