September 10, 2020
Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? Romans 8:24b
Dear Friends:
Religious hope requires that we plant our feet firmly in the present, whatever is going on. Lately, we have had no choice in this. As we move into the fall, the pandemic continues to take lives and upend education, economics and society. Racism continues to wound our society deeply and refuses to release its iron grip. Poverty, the heroin epidemic, the turning away of immigrants, global warming and many other ills continue to devastate. People wearily begin the school year and brace for the election.
Religious hope also requires that we relentlessly turn toward the rising sun. God has promised and proved to us that Good, Life and Love prevail. Hope, living like this is true, is a spiritual discipline, an attitude one chooses to take even in the darkest hours of the night. This may not make sense logically, but it is true nevertheless.
Cranaleith invites you to cultivate a stance of hopefulness in yourself this fall. Take advantage of opportunities to:
- Find beauty in grief,
- Respond creatively to 400 years of forced African migration,
- Look to the Spiritual Exercises for a deeper relationship with God,
- Glean wisdom from our spiritual fore-bearers,
- Sit with the discomfort of racism and let God’s revolution of tenderness reshape the world through you and more!
May the Spirit who groans within all creation and who groans in you lead you to hope this day!
The Cranaleith Staff
The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. Romans 8:2
Cranaleith from Home is now being published every two weeks.
Upcoming Retreats
All programs are offered remotely. Scholarships are available because everyone is welcome at Cranaleith. Please write to so we can assist you. Click on titles for more information about programs.
Saturday, September 19, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Saturday, September 19, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Mondays, Sept. 14, 21, 28; Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26, 7-8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, September 30, 10 a.m.-Noon
Saturday, October 3, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Rescheduled from Sept. 12
Reflect From Home
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A
Sirach 27:30-28:7; Romans 14:7-9; and Matthew 18:21-35
All three of our readings invite us to do just that, to see that, just as we need forgiveness, so do the people who have hurt us. What’s more, we must hold this spiritual truth before us relentlessly.
- What anger are you hugging tight? Who is being hurt by this anger?
- When has focusing on service helped you with differing opinions?
Watch From Home
The beautiful sounds of contemplative music filled the air at Cranaleith last Sunday. The HMS Acoustic Band, performed a concert on Facebook Live from Cranaleith featuring all original and contemplative folk music written by Steve Hart. Steve and Ed McTague performed in honor of friend and fellow band member, John E. Smith, who died earlier this year. Our sincere thanks to those who joined us virtually and especially to those who donated to Cranaleith.
Having trouble imagining what it’s like to experience a retreat online?
Bernadette Rudolph, program director at Cranaleith talks about what it’s like to join a retreat or program virtually online whether it is for an hour or a full day. Anything that can be done in person can be done in a virtual
Directed Retreats
Directed Retreats Continue in the Pandemic!
Covid-19 has posed a challenge for silent retreat time onsite, but Cranaleith has developed some safe and workable options! Choose what fits you best:
Virtual Individual Directed Retreat: Stay at home or hang out in the mountains or at the beach and log in once/day on Zoom to meet with one of our experienced spiritual directors. Call 215-934-6206, ext. 102 for more information.
Onsite Individual Directed Retreat: A limited number of spaces are available each week for those interested in coming onto our campus for 2-7 days/nights. Both staff and retreatants will follow guidelines developed in conformity with CDC recommendations. Call 215-934-6206, ext. 102 for more information.
The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life - Monthly, starting Tuesday, September 15, 7-8:30 p.m. This virtual retreat will take place over the year, based on themes from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Click here for more information and registration.
"I was pleased to discover I could create a sacred space where I am,
while sharing the week’s journey with a reverent listener. The time was graced and revealing beyond my expectations. I see my home in a new light." -- A recent virtual retreatant
Read/Watch From Home
Music, Video and Poetry to Nurture Hope
Resources From Home
Community Support
Explore from Home
Spiritual Direction
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Get daily prayers, reflections, blog posts and images from our beautiful property via our website and social media channels.
Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, Cranaleith offers a contemplative space for all those seeking wholeness and transformation for themselves and society. We are committed to making Cranaleith accessible to all, especially to persons who are poor and those who work in solidarity with them. We invite those at the center of need and those at the center of influence to reflection, reverent dialogue and meaningful partnerships. Please help us support our work.
Cranaleith Spiritual Center | 13475 Proctor Road | Phila., PA 19116