July 22, 2021 | DONATE
Mary Madgalene went and announced to the disciples,
“I have seen the Lord;”
and she told them that he had said these things to her.
Jn 20:18

Dear Friends,

Today is the Feast of Mary of Magdala, who first proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus. The gospels tell us that Jesus healed her of demonic possession, that she and other women financially supported Jesus and the disciples, travelled with him and faithfully stayed with him at his crucifixion. History has not treated Mary of Magdala well, conflating these few facts, making many of the women in the gospels all the same “Mary” and claiming “she” was a whore. (Hence her consistently red clothing in European artwork.)
But the stark gospel facts of who this Apostle to the Apostles was and the mission Jesus gave her shine through the centuries. Mary of Magdala proclaims still today that our loving relationship with God can never be truly troubled by what is happening in the world. Others may disregard or even suppress us. Yet, because God’s agenda is to love each one of us and nurture within us the persons we were meant to be, the flame will always burn steadily. What’s more, it will witness to the world that God cares for us always and unconditionally.
May Mary’s story, then and now, give you fortitude as you face whatever oppresses you and the Good News you are called to proclaim. May we all be attuned to God speaking through those we least expect to have something important to say. Know that we pray for you and are ready to welcome you so you can tend the flame of God’s love, burning within.
The Cranaleith Staff
Wherever the gospel is preached and heard, promulgated and read,
what the women have done is not totally forgotten because the Gospel story remembers that the discipleship and apostolic leadership of women are
integral parts of Jesus “alternative” praxis of agape and service.
Elizabeth Schüssler-Fiorenza
Scholarships are available because everyone is welcome at Cranaleith. Please email info@cranaleith.org so we can assist you.
This experiential workshop will instruct and engage participants in Zen meditation as a contemplative prayer form that helps you open to God’s presence here and now, beyond words and concepts. Zen practice will be presented as a way to love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength by helping you develop the discipline to show up each day to spend quality time with God, undistracted by thoughts, concepts, theories, images, and daydreams.
Is there someone you want to introduce to Cranaleith? This is the ideal program for those who don't have much experience with a spiritual center or a retreat! Try a labyrinth walk, pray the Stations of the Cross and enjoy reflective conversations. Bring yourself, just as you are, and let God’s mercy be a balm for whatever wearies you.
Volunteer Opportunity!
Would you like to spend time in a place of beauty and peace while giving back to the community? Join the Cranaleith Spiritual Gardeners!

We're looking for early birds who can help us keep Cranaleith looking its best on select Tuesdays this summer. Come and spend quiet time tending the earth while you cultivate peace in your own heart.
Listen from Home
"You Can't Beat God Giving"
Performed by Billy Preston
"Sing Out, Earth and Skies"
By Marty Haugen
"Go Make a Difference"
By Steve Angrisano
"Sweet Mercy"
Honey Harvest
The Cranaleith hives are thriving! Beekeeper Gene, along with volunteers Kathie, Gianna, and Anthony, harvested 250 lbs of "Sweet Mercy Honey" this week! Check out the video to go step-by-step through this fascinating process—and "bee" sure to pick up a jar the next time you visit Cranaleith!
Traveling is not easy these days, or even possible for some. But you can be a pilgrim in your easy chair at home! Brother Mickey McGrath will bring the Land of Enchantment to you by way of his sketches, paintings and stories on this virtual Arts and Faith Tour. Discover why artists and mystics alike are so captivated by the natural wonders of this beautiful region of our country. 
Catherine McAuley, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, closed one of her letters to the community with the exclamation: “Dance every evening!” During this evening together we will glean from Catherine’s stories and our own experience the contours of joy erupting in the juggernauts of life. 
Read from Home
Reflect from Home
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ephesians 4:1-6 and John 6:1-15

Throughout the pandemic, people found a variety of ways to manage [not going to mass in person], from “attending mass” online to doing secular activities instead. It will be interesting to see how many people return. Should we go back to in-person mass every week – or even at all?

Read more or listen to the podcast.
From goodnews4you.net by Bernadette Rudolph
Scenes of Summer at Cranaleith
Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, Cranaleith offers a contemplative space for all those seeking wholeness and transformation for themselves and society. We are committed to making Cranaleith accessible to all, especially to persons who are poor and those who work in solidarity with them. We invite those at the center of need and those at the center of influence to reflection, reverent dialogue and meaningful partnerships. Please help us support our work.
Cranaleith Spiritual Center | 13475 Proctor Road | Phila., PA 19116