Upcoming Retreats
Saturday, Nov. 7, 10 am-3 pm
Mondays, Nov. 9, 16, 23, 7:00-8:30 pm
Tuesdays, Nov. 10, 17, 24, 1-2:30 pm
Wed., Nov. 11, 10 am-noon
Deepening Our Wisdom Years: Dorothy Day with Marie Michele Donnelly, RSM
All programs are offered virtually on Zoom. Scholarships are available because everyone is welcome at Cranaleith. Please email info@cranaleith.org so we can assist you.
“As a convert,
I never expected much of bishops.
It is the saints that keep appearing
all through history
who keep things going.”
Dorothy Day
Dear Friends,
As a young woman, Katharine Drexel had an audience with Pope Leo XIII. She pressed him to put more of the Church’s energy into serving African Americans and Native Americans. His response changed her life: “Why not you?”
At a program on All Saints Day, Dr. Kathleen Sprows Cummings presented us with the same question, “Why not you?” Each of us is called to share the ordinary and magnificent gifts God has loved into us. Each of us is a saint whose particular, unrepeatable life offers hope to a suffering world.
Cranaleith offers opportunities for you to listen for God’s dream for you. Learn how to heal our divided nation after the election. Rest in the silent presence of contemplative prayer. Be inspired by the prophetic Dorothy Day or by knitting together with others.
As the trees of November continue to surrender to God’s promise, know our gratitude for you and our prayer that this same promise brings you peace.
The Cranaleith Staff
Cranaleith from Home is published every two weeks.
November 11: The Anniversary of Catherine McAuley's Death
The international Mercy Community remembers the death of Catherine McAuley, their foundress. Catherine’s dying words are a call to offer warm hospitality and consolation in the face of isolation and grief. “Tell the Sisters to get a good cup of tea when I am gone...the community room will be a good place... and to comfort one another.”
Remembering Our Deceased Volunteers:
Mary Derrig, RSM, & Anne Beebie
Over the years, volunteers have poured through our doors, joining with us in extending sacred hospitality. During this month of honoring our deceased loved ones, we remember two wonderful women. Mary Derrig, RSM came faithfully each week to welcome our guests by cleaning each corner of the house with exquisite care. Anne Beebie brought joyous energy to Cranalieth in countless ways, organizing our Fall Festival and volunteering in our gift shop. Both women were known for their tireless generosity and compassion and their courage in facing suffering.
with Danny L. Thomas, Executive Director, The Peace Center, Bucks County
Saturday, November 7, 10 am-3 pm
We will gather in the aftermath of the 2020 election, perhaps still uncertain of the results and definitely uncertain how to move forward as a nation. What is certain is that we need conversations around building peace beyond our own tribe or culture.
Having trouble imagining what it’s like to experience a retreat online?
Bernadette Rudolph, program director at Cranaleith, describes what it’s like to join a retreat or program virtually online whether it is for an hour or a full day. Anything that can be done in person can be done in a virtual setting.
Do you need to get away?
Do you miss Cranaleith’s beauty?
Have you taken quiet time with God lately?
Book a Private Onsite Retreat Now!
Consider coming to Cranaleith for an onsite retreat for two to seven days. We can safely host up to four overnight retreatants at a time. Our Fall 2020 Reopening Plan follows CDC guidelines.
Contact Maria DiBello, RSM,
to schedule the time for renewal you’ve been missing!
Reflect from Home:
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A
Wis 6:12-16; 1Thes 4:13-18; & Mt 25:1-13
If God’s power and wisdom permeate the world, why are our lives still filled with anxious waiting? Could it be that we need to accept waiting as our reality – as the patient patients at the WillsEye Hospital do – instead of wishing away the waiting or chafing at the bit to move beyond it? Wisdom helps us expect only good things, like reunions with those we love, health, growth, freedom and love. What’s more, Wisdom inspires us to live those things now as we wait... Read more.
For reflection:
- Is the patience of the poor people at the WillsEye Hospital worth imitating?
- Give your exhaustion from waiting to God. Then figure out what acts of mercy you need to do.
Sing from Home:
"All Saints Day"
by Carrie Newcomer
Sing from Home:
"Libera, Going Home - In Loving Memory" by Sissel
Read from Home:
How they do live on, those giants of our childhood, and how well they manage to take even death in their stride because although death can put an end to them right enough, it can never put an end to our relationship with them... Read more
Director of Development and Marketing
Resources From Home
Community Support
Explore from Home
Spiritual Direction
We are still offering Spiritual Direction via phone and teleconferencing. Contact Cathy Maguire, RSM at cmaguire@cranaleith.org or 215-858-6239. Psychotherapy is also available. Please contact Leslie Porreca, RSM, LCSW.
Individual Retreats Available -- both online and onsite options! Call Maria DiBello, RSM, at 215-934-6206 or visit our website www.cranaleith.org/retreats to learn more.
Connect With Us Online
Get daily prayers, reflections, blog posts and images from our beautiful property via our website and social media channels.
Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, Cranaleith offers a contemplative space for all those seeking wholeness and transformation for themselves and society. We are committed to making Cranaleith accessible to all, especially to persons who are poor and those who work in solidarity with them. We invite those at the center of need and those at the center of influence to reflection, reverent dialogue and meaningful partnerships. Please help us support our work.
Cranaleith Spiritual Center | 13475 Proctor Road | Phila., PA 19116