Create a Flora for your County or Region of Interest
Go to What Grows Here. Above the map find LAYERS, open Region, and select county or protected area.

Under Criteria > Area, choose in selected background.

Search. Scroll through the results to decide if you'd like to narrow your search by native plants, commercially available, bloom month, minimum records per plant, etc. under criteria.
Your resulting plant list is your digitized Flora. Open tools at the top of the page for a printable version of this page. Group plants by family, show the bloom period for each plant, or show plant photos.

Share the printable version URL / link with others, or print it with or without images for taking with you into the field. Here is more information on how to create your own Flora.
Calflora aggregates data from many sources to serve them to you and the Calflora community. When the Calflora Database absorbs a new species in your region, your Regional Flora is dynamic and will reflect that update when you refresh What Grows Here.

Reply to this email with questions, and we look forward to hearing about the Floras you create!
Thank you to Charlie Russell Heliotropium curassavicum var. oculatum, Zoya Akulova Erigeron glaucus, and Helen Hancock Triphysaria versicolor ssp. faucibarbata for use of their photos.