Offering HeART and SoulCollage® workshops to inspire your creative spirit
Women s hands in a geometric connection design photographed on a white background.
The Next Buddha May Be the Artist's Sangha

Lately I've been thinking about a quote from Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay), spiritual leader and peace activitist: "It is possible the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community, a community practicing understanding and lovingkindness, a community practicing mindful living."

Thay's quote seems to come to life as I witness the ever-depending sharing of art and introspection during our monthly SoulCollage® gatherings. I believe it's deepening partly because of the sacred space in the Down to Earth Studio, but also because we all share a desire to know ourselves and one another more intimately. We want to be together in community to see and be seen, share what is real and true, and know we are not alone in this wild ride we call "life." We are creating our own version of sangha—an artist's sangha, if you will.

Sangha is a Sanskrit word meaning assembly, company or community. And we need the support of the sangha now more than ever. "Our practice should be supported by the people around us, and we can learn how to support them in return. We support them by looking deeply so we can recognize the seeds of peace, joy and loving kindness in them. We touch these seeds, we water these seeds every day in order to make other persons bloom like flowers. And when these persons bloom like flowers, we all become happier." -- Thay.

What better way to find inspiration and encouragement for our creative lives than to be in the company of kindred spirits who understand our artistic challenges and celebrations? I hope you have a supportive community sangha of your own. Here are some resources on how to create different types of "sangha" groups from Plum Village, Thrive Lounge,, and, my favorite, Finding Sangha in Nature.

My wish for you this holiday season is that you bloom within a loving and supportive sangha.
Art and SoulCollage® Gatherings at the Down to Earth Studio
SoulCollage® Gatherings

3rd Fridays 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
GG's Down to Earth Studio

If a sessions is full, you can email GG to get on the wait list.

December 16 - Old Stories into New Stories
9:00 am to 12:00 pm (Session is full)
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Session is full)

January 20, 2023 - Beginning Again: Welcoming a New Year (One spot open)
February 17 - Paradigm Shift to Community (Space is available)
March 17 - All Things Green! (Space is available)

Sliding scale fee in 2022: $20 - $35.
NOTE: New sliding scale fee starting January 2023: $25 - $40. Fee includes all supplies and the 3-hour session. Those new to SoulCollage® can come one hour early for an overview. Newcomer Fee for the one-hour introductory overview + all supplies + three-hour gathering is $65. 
Email GG to register.
SoulCollage® Card Reading Gathering

Friday, January 27, 2023 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
GG's Down to Earth Studio

Ever wondered what else you can do with your SoulCollage® cards? Come join me for a session devoted to different ways to read our cards, for example: Full-Deck Reading, Four Directions Reading, and Group Card Reading. Readings we use will depend on the number of participants. By optional donation (no fee). Email GG to register.
SoulCollage® Retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs

May 26 - 28, 2023 - Women Only Weekend

I'm delighted to announce that SoulCollage® is returning to Bbush!
Mark your calendars for the last weekend in May.
More information will be forthcoming.
Winter Solstice Goddess Blessing Banner

I added a second option for this workshop because the first one filled up quickly!

Sunday, December 18, 2022 1:00 to 5:00 pm (Spaces open)

Wednesday, December 20, 2022 1:00 to 5:00 pm (Wednesday workshop is full; email GG to get on waiting list)

Workshop fee: $55.00

Come and welcome the return of the light with creation!

The most gratifying art elicits a feeling of kinship, appreciation, and understanding. Hence: the Goddess Blessing Banner!

Spend the afternoon creating a 9" x 12" goddess blessing art piece as a gift to yourself or someone special in your life. Harvest images, fabric, ribbons, doo-dads, beads, bones, and bouquets from the Down to Earth Studio stash. Adorn your creation with metallic threads, dried flora from the garden, or small simple bamboo branches. Learn a technique for transfering images onto fabric using freezer paper.

Why not give this workshop as a gift to someone and the two of you come and create together on the Solstice ? Even if you or they are not "crafty," GG will assist you every step of the way.

Your finished piece will grace your space with love and power from an Ancestral Light Being. A perfect way to celebrate the return of the light for Winter Solstice! Register with GG here.
Art Prints For Sale
"Being Held in Deep Grief and Unbearable Beauty" art print for sale.
12" h x 16" w $85 plus postage. Contact GG
"Beyond the Veil" art print for sale.
16" h x 12" w $85 plus postage. Contact GG
"Dreaming of Iris" art print for sale. 16" h x 20" w
$85 plus postage.

Gift Certificates for GG's Down to Earth Studio for SoulCollage(r) baby showers, birthday parties, products, classes, or art doula services. Contact GG.
from my creative heart to yours,
Art Doula is going strong!

I am thrilled to be working with five (soon to be six) art mentoring clients now, and we are having a fabulous time in the studio! I love being an Art Doula : )

Come and explore, discover, and birth your unique creativity.

Are you a tentative artist, or maybe a wanna-be? Do you feel the call to create something but don't know where to start? Have you heard yourself say the words “I’m not a creative person?” Or, maybe you think of yourself as only a painter, or only a crafter.
Let’s debunk those myths! I am an Art Doula, here to help you explore, discover, and birth more of your unique creativity. I'd so love to work with you to help your creative life blossom. Zoom or in-person doula services available. Contact me for a free 30-minute preliminary consult. More information on my website here.