Dear friend of 4Cs,
Did you know that 90% of brain growth takes place before a child enters kindergarten? The earliest years of children’s lives are critical in developing complex neural connections in the brain that last into adulthood. Little ones given the opportunity to grow, learn, communicate, be loved and cared for, and have strong, trusting relationships with caregivers have better outcomes later in life. 4Cs of Alameda County’s programs and services – and our dedicated staff – are committed to creating and supporting these safe, stable, and nurturing environments for children.    
During the first week of April, we are excited to offer a special opportunity for all of our community members and supporters to join us as we continue this commitment to our youngest learners during Week of the Young Child from April 1st through 7th. 4Cs has a fun-filled week lined up celebrating early learning, young children, teachers, families, and communities – including a special book giveaway! The week also provides an opportunity for supporters to either give directly or create a giving page to raise funds for our programs and services. We encourage you to share with your families, friends, and networks how they can join you in supporting 4Cs of Alameda County. You can find all of the information about Week of the Young Child activities at
Thank you in advance for your support of 4Cs of Alameda County during Week of the Young Child. We are grateful for your support of children we serve in their earliest, most formative, years.

Be well,
Renee S. Herzfeld
Chief Executive Officer