Dear friends,

Welcome to our second monthly CCN e-news. No, that’s not a typo for CNN. “CCN” stands for Creation Care Network, which includes everyone reading this newsletter. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe!

This Wednesday, October 4, the Church celebrates the Feast of Francis of Assisi, the day that our diocese embarks on our annual Season of Creation . This special season, which extends through the end of November, encourages us to deepen our relationship with God through the natural world and to pray and take action to heal the fraying web of life.

Do you sometimes feel depressed or worry about the future? Do you feel jittery about the nuclear standoff with North Korea? Are you stressed by too many emails or too much to do? Whatever difficulties you’re coping with, I hope you will let God minister to you through the natural world. God is ready to speak to you through wind and trees, to address you in the harsh cry of geese flying overheard, and to greet you in the shining strands of a single spider web. Maybe one of the best things you can do for yourself during Creation Season is to make a commitment every day to spend five or ten minutes letting God find you as you gaze, listen, and wander outside, with no agenda except to be available to God.