Church of the Holy Comforter | September 11, 2023

Thermal Imaging at Holy Comforter

As an active parish community, we are blessed with attractive spaces for worship, fellowship, education, and community outreach. However, the size, age, design, and interconnectivity of these spaces presents unique challenges in maintaining comfortable temperatures while avoiding energy losses. Holy Comforter has initiated a thermal imaging project to inform our decision-making on energy saving priorities, using a thermal imaging camera borrowed through the Fairfax County Library System. An example showing the camera’s capability follows:

(Visual Image)

(Thermal Image)

A visual and thermal image of Holy Comforter’s main entrance into the Narthex appear above. In the thermal image the right-hand door is open. The outside temperature is 90°F and the inside wall temperature is displayed as 75.2°F.

Colors in the thermal image represent surface temperatures. Brighter colors (red, orange, and yellow) indicate warmer temperatures and darker colors (purples and dark blue/black colors) indicate cooler temperatures. Preliminary results suggest we could benefit by keeping exterior doors closed as much as practicable, especially on hot or humid days during the summer. If you have thermal imaging experience, ideas you would like to share, or are interested in serving as a volunteer on this or other energy savings projects, please contact either Brian Land or Peter Eareckson.

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