The Wisconsin Conference UCC Creation Care Team and United Church Camps Inc. invite you to join people from UCC congregations throughout Wisconsin the first weekend in November for a retreat designed to help us work together on creation care:
“Cross Pollination: Joining Hearts and Hands to Help Save the Earth”
This retreat will bring together members of our churches and the Wisconsin Conference creation care team to encourage and learn from one another, from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon at Daycholah Center. (An optional extension through Sunday morning is available.)
Congregations with accomplished "green teams," those who are just getting started, and everyone in between will share time with one another at this sacred site.
We will build on enthusiastic discussions we have been having with so many of you, including at the conference annual meeting in June. There will be many opportunities for discussion of experiences and developments from participants throughout the state.
PLEASE register today – There will be a limit of sixty participants and we anticipate strong interest.
Location: Daycholah Center
Dates: Friday Nov. 4 from 7:00 p.m. through Saturday Nov. 5 at 4:00 p.m. (with optional extension to Sunday Nov. 6 at 10:00 a.m.)
Ages: Ages 18 and up
Cost: $125.00* Register here
$185.00* with extension to Sunday Nov. 6 Register here
*Please note that the prices indicated are for a double occupancy room. If you have a specific roommate request, please note their name when registering*