Creativity Works

Creativity Works Newsletter
May 2016 
Directors Blog

We are very pleased to welcome two new faces to the Creativity Works' team this month. Firstly, Stella Yates joins us as Business Development Manager. Stella has a wealth of experience in the arts, business and community sectors and I am sure she will bring a huge amount of that skill and experience to the organisation. Stella is just the person the organisation needs to enhance and articulate our potential to a wide variety of stakeholders. Secondly, Morwhenna Woolcock joins us as maternity cover for our Communications & Administration Coordinator role. 

Again, I am sure Morwhenna will bring her extensive experience, organisational skills and creativity to the job. I am sure you will be hearing from, or meeting, them both in the very near future. As I write this, we are also just about to interview for another key role, of Artists Training and Development Manager, overseeing our co|Create programme of training, development and support for Socially Engaged Artists. We look forward to announcing our new colleague in due course.

We were very pleased to hear a few weeks ago, that we have been successful in receiving funding from the Lloyds Bank Foundation Enable Programme for four elements of organisational change. Firstly, we will be working with Investors In People to become accredited through their excellent framework with a focus on training and development. We will also be implementing a new database and updating our digital tool, the re|Source. Finally, we will also be commissioning an artist or organisation to work with us on 'telling our story' through innovative visual and digital means. Do watch out for this commission, which we will be launching soon.

How to tell your digital story was the subject of a very interesting workshop I attended today at The M Shed in Bristol as part of a day run by the BBC Academy and The Space. As we are looking at how we can tell the story of our organisation and the people we work with, it was a very useful exercise, with the very first question being, 'What is a Story?'. Sounds easy to answer, but actually in practice, not so easy to define and definitely a great starting point for our forthcoming project. With the words of Mark Rylance still ringing in my ears from his BAFTA nomination speech, recognising us as a nation of storytellers, I think sometimes it is essential to go back to basics.


(Director, Creativity Works) 
Mental Health Awareness Week

With Mental Health Awareness Week fast approaching (16th - 22nd May) we thought we'd let you know about some events that we are supporting over that period - do come along and join in, we would love to see you at any of the events! 

For more information or to book a place on these events do contact  
/ 01761 438852.
Fresh Art@ exhibiting during Fringe Arts Bath 2016

Fresh Art@  has created inspiring new art for the walls of Ward 4 Dementia Assessment ward at St Martins Hospital. There will be an exhibition showcasing this new artwork during Fringe Arts Bath (FAB16) which will run from 1st - 12th June, 11am - 4pm daily at the Roper Gallery, Bath Artists Studios, The Old Malthouse, Comfortable Place, Bath BA1 3AJ.
Artwork created by participants has been inspired through workshops within the Holburne, No 1 Royal Crescent and the American Museums. Fresh Art @ promotes positive wellbeing by engaging with cultural settings and community to create artwork to enliven clinical environments and is supported by Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust (AWP), Creativity Works, Bath Museums and Sirona Care and Health.
Creative Perspectives, a creative peer led group will also be exhibiting at the Fresh Art@ exhibition, during FAB16. The group offers an opportunity to develop creative ideas, learn and share skills, and gain confidence in a safe and friendly environment. The group is planned and run by members, for its members, with occasional visiting artists. Suitable for those who would like to support their wellbeing through creativity.
FREE WORKSHOPS will be available throughout the exhibition - see 'An Hour A Day 2016

for more information.


Visit from the Mayor of Bath
The Right Worshipful The Mayor of Bath became a participant at the Fresh Art@ project 

Over the last three years Creativity Works and The Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust (AWP) have co-produced a successful creative group "Fresh Art@", which enables participants to access creativity within the community using the museums of Bath - The Holburne, No1 Royal Crescent and The American Museum in Britain, as a base to create stunning pieces of artwork inspired by their handling collections and historical collections. The aim is to create artwork to go up on the walls of all AWP buildings within BANES to improve the environments for people using their services from family members, to service users and staff.
On the 28th of April 2016 Fresh Art@ had a new participant - the Right Worshipful The Mayor of Bath Councillor William Sandy. The Mayor's theme for the year has been mental health - having lived experience himself this seemed very important to him to highlight the importance of recognising mental health.
"My theory is that if the Mayor of Bath is prepared to say that he has suffered from the mental illnesses of anxiety and depression, no other citizens in the city should be too embarrassed, worried or shamed to do the same."  The Mayor of Bath
The idea was to allow The Mayor to experience the social inclusion and creativity within the project. The Mayor Will Sandry immersed himself fully in the day creating stunning pieces of artwork with guidance from Jan Blake, this year's facilitating artist, and the other members of the team, Sue Hall our Sirona community Links support Worker, Steve Hedley Creativity Works volunteer and Fresh Art@ Worker Nat Burgess.
In the session the Mayor became a participant creating some beautiful silk painting. At the end of the session we talked about the project and what was to happen to the work. The Mayor was surprised that most of the work that was being created was also being donated, and he kindly donated the two pieces he created that day.
Sentiment from another participant:
"It was lovely having the Mayor come to our sessions to see what we have been up to. It added another layer of value to the overall Fresh Art@ project. Eddie
If you would like to see in person the pieces that the Mayor has created, inspired by the American Museum, you will be able to see his work from the 1st to the 12th of June 2016 10am - 4pm, as part of the "Fresh Art@" exhibition being held during Fringe Arts Bath 2016 (FAB16). The exhibition will be held at the Roper Gallery, Bath Artists Studios, The Old Malthouse, Comfortable Place, Bath BA1 3AJ.
For Further information about the exhibition please contact Nat Burgess on

An Hour a Day 2016
FREE Creative Arts, Health and Wellbeing workshops during FAB16

"An Hour A Day" - Creative Arts, Health and Wellbeing FREE workshops at
the Roper gallery, Bath Artists Studios 1st - 12th June.

Get involved in this exciting programme of creativity, cultural and wellbeing workshops. More sessions being added so do check our website for latest updates.

Booking essential - or 01761 438852. 

Some images from last year's "Hour a Day" events: 

New Creative Group starting in Chew Valley
7 week course, starting on the 8th June

Taking inspiration from nature. We will play with a number of creative techniques during this 7 week course. Looking closely at found objects in our everyday environment we shall explore shape, colour and texture through a variety of materials. 

The course will teach you simple techniques in print making, ceramics and woodwork using basic tools and readily found materials that will allow you to continue to your creative practice from home.

Running on Wednesdays, 1 - 3pm, from the 8th June for 7 weeks.  This course is part of the Mental Health Creative Support Service. 

Phone Greyam Crowl for further details or to book a place: 07885 974 106 or 01225 831 411

(Creativity Works in partnership with Sirona Community Links).

"Snap and Stroll Project - My Personal Perspective" by Carolyn Trippick

"I'm enthusiastic about photography but I'm definitely not a skilled photographer, the 'automatic' setting on my SLR is still my favourite!  So when I discovered the Snap and Stroll project in the Hope Guide, I was eager to find out more.  I e-mailed Creativity Works and as a result signed up.

Initially I was really anxious about meeting a new group of people, in an unfamiliar setting.  However, after completing a heap of paperwork (don't let that put you off!) I was surprisingly relaxed and was contributing within the group before I even knew it. 

During the first session, I identified the following personal aims of the Snap and Stroll project:
  • Learn more about photography, develop skills and knowledge and express myself through imagery.
  • Feel more confident meeting new people and dealing with anxiety in a college course setting.
  • Build positive structure in my week to improve well-being.

The best part of the course is the fact that we're a group of people with a common interest in photography and sense of camaraderie, but all unique individuals with our own self expression and representation of the environment around us.  We therefore learn from and support each other.
Personally for me, attending the group has been extremely positive.  The action of taking photos helps me to become mindful, present in the moment and truly relaxed.  The process of observing, 'truly observing' the outside world, breaks the cycle of being caught up with negative internal dialogue.  The project has helped provide my mind with a mental break from the relentless eating disorder and anxious thoughts that normally consume it.   

It is surprising how powerfully effective photography is at building positive mental health.  It helps you to see again, to really see, to be mindful in the moment and re-discover the beauty in your own surroundings.  For example, noticing and capturing the resilience of a flower growing with determination though a crack in concrete, or capturing the beauty of raindrop patterns and formulations.  Through photography you not only create an image, you create self-pride, you create ownership and you create relationships.
Engaging in the Snap and Stroll project has helped me to attain a greater sense of natural focus and calmness and reignited my passion for taking a stroll with my camera.  I hope to continue to utilise photography as a creative outlet to express myself and support my health and well-being. I personally feel the Snap and Stroll project 'brings out the light and structure in the darkness' (of life).  So, in terms of improving mental well-being, 'creativity works'! "

Read the whole article on our website here .

The Snap and Stroll project was facilitated for Creativity Works by photographer Sally Collister. Sally is about to launch her own Community Interest Company "In The Picture", offering photography workshops. 

For more information visit:

Secured Two New Grants!

We have been successful in two fundraising bids to support the delivery of new projects across B&NES.

Kitchen Creations will be a creative cooking course delivered in the summer / autumn with our partners Bath Mind as part of the Food For Thought programme.
Also Writing Space, peer led writing group have been successful in their bid to continue writing and offering support to writers in B&NES. 
Both these projects are supported by Creativity Works  Creative Wellbeing programme.
Email: for further details

(Images of a previous Kitchen Creations course and Writing Space anthologies)

Profile: An Insight into Working with Creativity Works
A Focus on: Sarah Shatwell, Creativity Works Trustee

What is your connection with Creativity Works?
I joined the board of CW in December 2015 so I've been a trustee for just over a year now
How did you first come across Creativity Works?
I was aware of their work through my previous role as a commissioner in B&NES and also through my mental health network connections.


What made you want to work with this organisation?
I was looking for an opportunity to get more connected to some sort of creative activity, and although being a trustee doesn't necessarily mean I'm involved in the 'hands on' creative work, I feel as though I've joined a really creative group of people and I'm really enjoying learning about the arts and the links with health and wellbeing.  I was also really impressed by the fantastic projects Creativity Works has delivered and thought I'd like to be part of that.
Which projects have you been involved with / how have you helped support Creativity Works?
I've mostly been involved in supporting the board and the director with my knowledge and skills from my 'day job'.  I've worked for many years as a commissioner of social care and voluntary sector services so I understand how the system works and how organisations need to position themselves in order to be attractive to potential funders.  I've also contributed knowledge about the strategic health and social care agenda locally and how Creativity Works might fit into this.
What have you enjoyed the most about working with Creativity Works?
I think I've enjoyed the people most of all.  The trustees are a really great bunch with a collective good sense of humour, but also a hugely diverse range of skills and backgrounds.  It's great to be part of some of the challenging discussions we've had about how to move Creativity Works forward and grow the organisation.
What have you found surprising about Creativity Works? 
I've found it surprising how much can be achieved with a relatively small core of staff.  It's a real testament to their passion and enthusiasm for the work they do and I've been touched by the real impact and connection that has been made with individuals and local communities.
In what way has Creativity Works been of value or support to you?

Joining CW has made me realise that I don't just have to stay with the same old version of me, that I can branch out and do new things and I can continue to develop.  It has been part of a bigger journey I've been on over the past few years and it's been really valuable to be welcomed into a new and dynamic environment. 
What has been your biggest professional, personal or creative achievement to date?
I'm not sure how to answer this one!  The things I'm most proud of tend to relate to the relationships I have with the people who mean the most to me.  If I can say it's an achievement to have positive and enriching relationships with my children, family and friends and to see them develop and grow over time, then that's what I'd say.  Maybe that's part of what drew me to Creativity Works as well as I had the sense that relationships are key to the work that goes on with both the artists and people who participate, and it's all about growth and development.
Do you have any creative aspirations for the future (with or without Creativity Works)?
It feels as though Creativity Works is on the cusp of becoming a bigger and more impactful organisation, taking the next step in its own development.  For me personally, if I can crack on with my garden 'grand design' this year then that would be wonderful!

Other News...
Some top news items from our partner organisations or those that have jumped out at us.

Download poster here.

Download full PDF here.

Could You be a Trustee for Creativity Works?
Trustees Required

We are always looking to widen our Board of Trustees for Creativity Works and would welcome any expressions of interest. We are particularly looking for those with skills in the following areas:  

- Human Resources;
- Legal Services;
- Fundraising;
- Accounting;
- or the Visual Arts. 


You will be helping to lead a hard working, creative and dedicated team of staff, steering the way in the effective growth and promotion of this expanding organisation.

Trustees meet at least 6 times a year and we encourage engagement in particular areas of work and ongoing projects.


Further detail about our work is available on our website


For more information please contact our Chairman, Karl Bevis ( If you would like to apply for a position as a Trustee, please send Karl your CV and written application. Consideration of applications will be ongoing.

Please feel free to spread the word - you can download the advert here.OtherNews
Thank you for reading our newsletter. If you would like to follow our updates in between newsletters remember that you can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest

With Best Wishes,

The Creativity Works Team

For more information:
Tel: 01761 438852


Supported by Bath & North East Somerset Council and Arts Council England


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Registered Charity No. 1075812 Company No. 3768255 Creativity Works for Everyone is a company limited by guarantee registered in England