Creativity is Alive & Well • December 2020
There is no question that our financial health is suffering tragically as a result of the pandemic, but our creative spirit is not! How amazing it is to imagine something, and then to see it magically happen. That occurred this week when Eagle Scout, Ella Mattingly, took on our dream of creating a walking labyrinth. You can now find this in the back corner of the field behind Munroe. By starting at the left corner, you can walk the entire three spirals to wind up in the center. Through this we provide a space to quiet the mind and to listen - to nature, to your own thoughts, to Inspiration (or by all means, just feel free to tire the kids out in it, or take your calls there while walking). There has never been a more perfect time. Free and available to everyone. Many thanks to Ella, and her hard-working helpers from Troop #119.
Community Art
We hear you - socially distanced, and well ventilated! Artists here are at work creating The Warming Hut in the front yard - part yarnbombing, part picnic pop-up destination, complete with 2 Adirondack chairs six feet apart. Please bring us your old sweaters, or join us with some knitting as we work to finish the installation! The more the merrier.

You have just a few more days to enjoy ArtWalk and the scavenger hunt. Enjoy too, the Taste of Lexington ... keep it all small and local this season!

The ArtWalk committee also brings you an Outdoor Ornament Project. Paint and hang your sliced off Christmas tree stumps or get one from us (in a box behind the building). Ornaments will be hung on trees downtown to add some community art to the season's festivity.
This Saturday
December 5 @ 7:30 pm

Soul to Soul (Moner Katha Koi) – With Tagore’s Poems & Songs will be a concert centered around bringing us closer together even when we have to be physically apart. This will be a chance to support Munroe Center for the Arts and also to connect with each other through the music of Tagore and his universalist message. Visit the MSN Facebook page to learn more about Tagore, if you don't know about this polymath and Nobel Laureat already!

Read this week's Minuteman article with Maitreyee Chakraborty about the Center, the performance, and creating art in a virtual venue.

Don't miss this remarkable performance, and the opportunity to support the arts now.
A Facebook Live event
(Facebook account not required)
ArtSpan Winter Registration is now open! Join us for an exciting line-up of both online and small, in-person classes.

We are thrilled to introduce a series of new classes including the just added three-day Painting Intensive with Emily Passman. This class will challenge you to engage painting with a new direct approach technique, and runs December 7 - 9. All other winter classes begin January 11. 
Donate $100 or more and receive our remote party in a book. Eight pages of games, crafts, recipes, and more!