May 30, 2023

Contact: Jessica Beemer (832) 393-3008

Community Meeting Tonight for

Crenshaw Road Reconstruction

HOUSTON - Mayor Pro Tem Martin would like to make District E residents aware Houston Public Works will be milling and overlaying Crenshaw Road from South Shaver to Allen Genoa, approximately 4,300 linear feet (LF), including base and subgrade repair. They will also be installing 500 LF of new 6-ft wide sidewalk between the driveways of YES Prep School. This project includes pavement markings, ditch regrading, and the reconstruction of 9 driveways.

Houston Public Works and Harris County will host a virtual community meeting tonight, Tuesday, May 30th, 2023, at 5:30PM to discuss how to prepare for construction for this project. There will also be a live questions and answers session at the end of the presentation. Any questions and/or comments prior to this meeting can be emailed to To join, you can follow this link for the virtual meeting.

Construction is expected to begin Summer 2023 and is estimated to be completed by the end of Summer 2023, (30 days), weather permitting. The project is being managed by Harris County and is designed to preserve and prolong the life of the road base and provide for a smoother riding surface.

For more information, please contact Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin's office at (832) 393-3008 or