December 10, 2021
Alderman Reilly Reports
Alderman Reilly on the Bob Sirott Show
On Wednesday, December 8, Alderman Reilly joined Bob Sirott on WGN Radio. They discussed crime Downtown, including recent large group activities and the Chicago Police Department’s response. Please click here to listen to the radio interview.
Crime and Safety: Postcard Writing Campaign
Alderman Reilly is extremely frustrated with the ongoing criminal activity plaguing our City, and the lack of accountability from the Cook County Criminal Justice System. He is in constant communication with the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Office about crime in the Downtown neighborhoods. 

All law enforcement agencies should work collaboratively to resolve the increase in crime. While CPD does great work, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s Office and Cook County Circuit Court Chief Judge Timothy Evans need to increase their efforts to hold criminals accountable. 

We are asking residents to participate in a postcard writing campaign to State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s Office and Chief Judge Evans to express concerns about the lack of accountability and releasing individuals accused of violent crimes on electronic monitoring.  

Postcards can be picked up at the 42nd Ward Constituent Service Office located at 121 North LaSalle Street, Room 200 (Monday - Friday from 9am to 3pm). Please click here for sample postcard language, mailing addresses, and more information about the campaign.
Millennium Park Holiday Sing-Along
The new Millennium Park Holiday Sing-Along (previously “Caroling at Cloud Gate”) invites Chicagoans and visitors to sing out and celebrate Chicago’s diverse holiday traditions on Fridays at 6pm, November 26 – December 17 and Sunday, December 12 at 4pm.

This series has been reimagined to be more inclusive of Chicago’s many faith backgrounds, cultures and holiday music traditions. The Holiday Sing-Along is made possible by the Millennium Park Foundation with generous support from the Pritzker Foundation.

Face masks are required for all Holiday Sing-Along guests. Free Chicago masks available (while supplies last). Please click here for more information regarding the sign-along.
DCASE'S Individual Artists Program Grant Application
DCASE’s 2022 Individual Artists Program (IAP) grant application is now open! The deadline to apply is January 7, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. CST. IAP Grants support the creation, development, or presentation of artwork, and professional development, for artists across all disciplines including Film & Media Arts, Literary Arts, Performing Arts (Theatre/Dance), Music, and Visual Arts & Design. Please click here for more information regarding how to apply for the grant.
ACA Marketplace Open Enrollment
Eligible Illinoisans can enroll in a new ACA Marketplace plan or change their current plan for the upcoming year. If you don’t enroll during Open Enrollment, you will be unable to obtain health insurance on the ACA Marketplace, unless you qualify for a special enrollment period.

Open Enrollment is currently underway and continues through January 15, 2022. Please click here for more information or visit
COVID-19 Booster Shots Recommended for Ages 18 and Older
The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have approved and recommend a third “booster” dose for anyone 18 or older who received a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Boosters should be received at least six months after completing an initial COVID-19 vaccine series. It is recommended that those who received a Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine receive a booster dose at least two months after their initial shot. 

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) is hosting pop-up COVID-19 vaccination centers through the City. Please click here to learn more about CDPH’s pop-up clinics.
Winter Parking Restrictions Began Wednesday, December 1
In order to ensure that the most critical roadways in Chicago are kept open to full capacity at all times, the City of Chicago enforces a Winter Overnight Parking Ban on 107 miles of arterial streets from 3:00 am - 7:00 am between December 1 and April 1, regardless of snow. Click here to view a map of streets affected by the Winter Overnight Parking Ban. 

A separate snow-related parking ban exists for another 500 miles of main streets, which is activated if there is at least two inches of snow on the street, no matter the date or time. While the two inch snow ban is not activated often, motorists who are parked there when it snows could receive a ticket or find that their vehicle has been relocated in order to facilitate snow clearing operations

Permanent signs are posted on affected streets. Please click here for more information regarding winter parking restrictions.
2022 Shared Cost Sidewalk Program Open to New Applicants on January 10, 2022 from 6am to 10pm
The Shared Cost Sidewalk Program is an extremely popular voluntary program in which property owners share the cost of sidewalk repair with the City. Thousands of Chicagoans have been a part of this popular program, taking advantage of the low cost, exceptional value, and ease of participation.

New applicants can begin to apply Monday, January 10, 2022 from 6 am - 10 pm. Applications will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. The number of participants is based on availability of funds. The program typically reaches capacity quickly, so you are encouraged to apply early. 

Applications will only be accepted via the City’s 311 system. Applicants can apply for the program by calling 311 or visiting CHI311 online. 

Please click here for more information regarding the Shared Cost Sidewalk Program.
COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids and Teens
With final approval from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration, children ages 5 to 11 are now eligible to receive Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. There are a number of ways for families to get their children aged 5-11 vaccinated against COVID-19, including at pediatricians’ offices, hospitals, pharmacies, community events, and dedicated Chicago Public School (CPS) and Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) clinics.

All 5-to-11-year-olds will be eligible for a $100 incentive when receiving their primary vaccine doses at a CDPH or CPS-hosted event. Booster doses do not qualify for incentives nor do vaccine events that are not hosted by CDPH or CPS. Please click here for information regarding vaccine events hosted by CDPH.
Traveling for the Holidays
The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) weekly COVID-19 Travel Advisory currently includes 38 states and one territory. States are removed from the Travel Advisory when they maintain a daily COVID case rate below 15 per 100,000 residents for at least two consecutive weeks. 

Under the advisory, unvaccinated travelers should be tested for COVID before and after travel and should quarantine upon arrival in Chicago. The quarantine and testing recommendations do not apply to fully vaccinated travelers.
Check out what the City of Chicago has to say about travel here if you have any questions.
Chicagoans - Attend City Colleges at No Cost Through Future Ready
Following more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the best time to prepare for a new career. City Colleges wants to give a financial boost to Chicagoans who want to start or resume their college education.

With that in mind, City Colleges of Chicago is offering Future Ready. Through Future Ready, City Colleges provides 60+ programs in select high-demand fields at no cost to eligible Chicagoans.

Eligible Chicagoans are:

  • New to City Colleges credit classes or those that have been away for two or more Fall/Spring semesters and left CCC in good standing
  • Interested in pursuing careers in fields as diverse as: healthcare, technology, transportation, distribution, and logistics, cannabis operations, auto tech, criminal justice, and more
  • Undocumented students are eligible

This is a first-come, first-served opportunity, and seats are limited. Enrollment for Spring semester is open now.

To learn more and see the list of Future Ready programs, go to:
FREE Smoke Alarms at the 42nd Ward Office
Stop by our office in City Hall, Room 200 at 121 N. LaSalle Street for a free smoke detector! Most fires occur at night when people are sleeping. A smoke detector can alert you when there is a fire, in time to save your life.
Below are some tips to ensure your smoke detector is properly installed and working correctly:
  • Make sure you are testing your detector correctly.
  • When a smoke detector sounds, get outside and call 911. Stay outside!
  • Install smoke detectors within 15 feet of any sleeping room and every level of your house
  • Replace your smoke detector every 10 years. Write the install date on the unit.
  • Don't forget to install Carbon Monoxide detectors on every floor as well.
  • Any questions on smoke detectors or carbon monoxide detectors, call the Chicago Fire Department Public Education Division at (312) 747-6691.
A special thank you to the Chicago Fire Department for the smoke detector! Smoke detectors can be picked up from the 42nd Ward Office between the hours of 9am-4pm, Monday through Friday located in City Hall, Room 200.
For any other questions or to coordinate picking up a smoke alarm, please call us at (312) 744-3062 or send us a note via
42nd Ward Street Closures and Construction Notices
214 West Erie Street Renovations

On Monday, December 13, Crane Construction will begin renovations of 214 West Erie Street. During construction, the following will be closed:

  • Sidewalk/curb lane in front of 214 West Erie Street. The curb lane will be used as a pedestrian walkway. Crane Construction will place jersey barriers and ramps in the curb lane to protect pedestrians and provide wheelchair access. 
  • Close 100' of the north/south alley adjacent to 214 W Erie Street. This is a T alley and residents of 222 W Erie will still be able to access their parking garage from the alley entrance on Franklin and Huron.

This project is expected to be completed summer of 2022 (weather dependent).

Crane Lift: Cultural Center

On Saturday, December 11, from 8am to 2pm, there will be a crane lift at the Cultural Center located at 78 E. Washington Street. During the lift, the following will be closed:

  • Sidewalk on the southside of Randolph, from Michigan to a point 150' west thereof
  • Curb lanes on both sides of Randolph, from Michigan to a point 150' west thereof
  • Traffic lane adjacent to the curb lane on the southside of Randolph, from Michigan to a point 150' west thereof

Vehicular traffic will remain open at all times. There will be barricades and flaggers in-place throughout the lift.

Crane Lift: 160 N. LaSalle Street

On Saturday, December 11, from 8am to 5pm, there will be a crane lift at 160 North LaSalle Street. During the left, the following will be closed:

  • Sidewalk on the west side of LaSalle Street, from Lake to Randolph
  • All southbound lanes on LaSalle Street, from Lake to Randolph

There will be flaggers and barricades in-place throughout the lift.

ComEd Vault Roof Replacement

ComEd is replacing a sidewalk vault roof at 344 West Erie Street. Work hours will be 8am-3pm, 5-days a week. 
Throughout the work, the sidewalk and curb lane on the north side of West Erie, from North Orleans to the first alley west thereof will be closed. 
There will be barricades, detour signs, and flaggers on-site throughout the project. All work is expected to be completed by mid-December (weather dependent).

LG Construction: 751 N. Hudson and 451 W Chicago 

LG Construction has broke ground at 751 N. Hudson Avenue and 451 W. Chicago Avenue, which are adjacent parcels. Work hours will be 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday.
Throughout the project, the following will be closed:

  • Sidewalk/curb lane/traffic lane of the east side of Hudson, from Chicago to the first alley south thereof
  • Sidewalk/curb lane/traffic lane on the west side of Sedgwick, from Chicago to the first alley south thereof
  • Sidewalk/curb lane on the south side of Chicago, from Hudson to Sedgwick

There will be a protected pedestrian walkway in the curb lane on the south side of Chicago Avenue, from Hudson Avenue to Sedgwick Street.

This project is expected to take 18 months to complete (weather dependent). 

Wacker Drive Repainting Project
In late-July, the Chicago Department of Transportation began repainting Lower/Middle Wacker Drive, from North Field Boulevard to Lake Shore Drive. Work hours will be 8am-8pm, 6-days a week. 
CDOT will be sandblasting/repainting 80' sections of Wacker Drive at a time. The sandblasting/repainting area will be contained and exhaust fans will be in-place to remove dust and fumes.
Traffic will be maintained in both directions at all times, and access to parking garages will not be blocked. 
This project is expected to be completed mid-December 2021. 

354 North Union Construction

The Onni Group is constructing a 33 story residential building with 373 units. Work hours will be 8am-8pm, daily. 

Parking will be prohibited on North Union, from West Kinzie to the cul-de-sac west thereof throughout the project. All construction equipment and vehicles will be staged on the Onni Group’s property. This project will take approximately two years to complete. 

430 N. Michigan Lobby Renovation
Starting in mid-September, GNP Realty Partners will be renovating the lobby at 430 N. Michigan Avenue. Throughout the project, there will be a 40’ urban canopy on the sidewalk in front of the building. In order to place the canopy on the sidewalk, the planter bed and City Information Panel (CIP) at this location will be temporarily removed. Both the planter bed and CIP will be reinstalled upon completion of the project. 
The project is expected to be completed in mid-December. 

South Water Street Viaduct Replacement

In March 2021, the Chicago Department of Transportation began demolition of the South Water Street Viaduct, between Lower Beaubien Court and Stetson Street. Work hours are 8am-8pm, daily. 

As of May 10, vehicular and pedestrian access will be prohibited on the Upper and Lower levels of South Water Street, between Lower Beaubien Court and North Stetson Street. There will be barricades and detour signs in-place throughout the duration of the project. 

This project is expected to be completed in July 2022 (weather dependent). 

Renovations at the Chicago Cultural Center, 78 East Washington Street

On February 15, the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) began renovating the Grand Army of the Republic Rotunda and Hall at the Cultural Center, located at 78 East Washington Street. Throughout the project, DCASE will be using the Cultural Centers loading zone at 129 North Garland Court as storage for the project and to place their construction dumpster. 

On Monday, April 19, canopies will be installed at the following locations:
  • South side of Randolph, from Michigan to a point 50' west thereof
  • West side of Michigan, from Randolph to a point 75' south thereof

The project is expected to be completed February 2022. 

Construction: 609 West Randolph Street
Construction of a 15-story commercial building at 609 West Randolph Street began in mid-January. Throughout the duration of the project, the following will be closed:

  • Curb/Traffic lane and sidewalk on south side of West Randolph, from North Jefferson to 621 West Randolph

There will be a canopy with a concrete crash wall and plywood enclosure for pedestrian use in the closed traffic lane on West Randolph, from North Jefferson to 621 West Randolph.

There will be detour signs, barricades, and flaggers in place for the duration of the project. This project is expected to be completed at the beginning of 2022 (weather dependent).

Façade Work: 160 North LaSalle Street

Bowa Construction began work in October 2020 to perform façade and cladding work at 160 North LaSalle Street. During the work, there will be scaffolding on the east, north, and south sides of the building. 

All work is expected to be completed in January 2022.

Overnight Parking Ban Downtown

Until further notice, overnight parking will be restricted on the following streets during the weekend:  

  • Both sides of Oak, between Michigan and Clark 
  • South side of Oak, between LaSalle and Wells 
  • Both sides of Chicago, between Michigan and Wells 
  • Both sides of Ohio, between Michigan and Wells 
  • Both sides of Hubbard, between Michigan and Wells 
  • North side of Illinois, between Dearborn and Clark 
  • Both sides of Illinois, between Wabash and Dearborn 
  • Both sides of Rush, between Grand and Ohio 
  • Both sides of Rush, between Erie and Oak 
  • Both sides of Wabash, between the Chicago River and Grand 
  • Both sides of State, between Kinzie and Oak 
  • Both sides of Erie, from Rush to Wells 
  • Both sides of Huron from Rush to Dearborn
  • Both sides of New Street, from Illinois to North Water
  • Both sides of Columbus Drive, from Monroe to Balbo 
  • North side of Wacker Drive, from Wabash to Michigan
  • North side of Wacker Drive, from Franklin to Columbus 
  • Both sides of Wacker Drive, from State to Wabash 
  • Both sides of Stetson, from Randolph to Wacker 
  • Both sides of Columbus Drive, from Randolph to Wacker 
  • Both sides of Beaubien Court, from Randolph to Lake 
  • Both sides of Randolph, from Harbor to Michigan 
  • Both sides of Ohio, from Michigan to Fairbanks
  • West side of Larrabee, from Erie to Huron

As always, please make sure to read all posted signage before parking your vehicle downtown.