Issue #1

CrimeStoppers tips help solve

4 homicide cases in December

Detectives quickly identified a prime suspect in the murder of a man on Kirby Parkway on November 3, 2023 when they learned that Timothy Moore went to the location of the shooting to confront the victim about a break-in of his wife’s vehicle.

A warrant was issued for Moore’s arrest, but police didn’t know his whereabouts, so he was listed as a fugitive from justice. A CrimeStoppers tipster contacted us on December 15 with information that Moore could be found on Getwell Road.

Moore was located by the Memphis Police fugitive squad and held without bond on charges of first-degree murder, use of a firearm to commit a felony and being a felon in possession of a handgun. Moore has a history of felony charges including attempted murder, aggravated robberies and grand


Three other homicide cases were solved with the help of tips. One was a vehicular death in which a driver fled the deadly scene. Another was a case of reckless homicide when a jumpy man playing dice heard a car backfire and fired his weapon. Bullets struck and killed a woman bystander using her cell phone.

The fourth homicide solved was a case of second-degree murder on September 5, 2023. That night a man was found in bushes on Bey Street. He had suffered gunshot wounds and died shortly after reaching the hospital.

Six days later a tipster contacted CrimeStoppers to say that a man named Brandon Bailey was responsible. The tipster said the man was hiding out at his mother’s home.

Investigators further developed Bailey as a suspect and made the arrest at the address given. Because the tip was instrumental in identifying and locating the suspect, an award of $4,000 was approved by CrimeStoppers’ citizen awards committee.

Four local citizens take leadership posts on CrimeStoppers board

Left to right, Forrest Edwards, Missy Rainer, Scottie Lackland and Chris Lareau are new CrimeStoppers board officers.

Dave Martello, left, and Jack Quinlan, are outgoing Board chair and treasurer.

Alex and Dottie McCollum are long-time CrimeStoppers volunteers who rolled off the board.

The Board of Directors of CrimeStoppers of Memphis and Shelby County elected four new officers in December.

The new Board chair is Chris Lareau, a lead prosecutor in the Shelby County District Attorney General’s office; fellow prosecutor Forest Edwards is vice-chair. The treasurer is Scottie Lackland and the secretary is Missy Rainer. Outgoing officers – Chair David Martello, Secretary Lia Roemer and Treasurer Jack Quinlan - were thanked at a holiday party in their honor.

The CrimeStoppers board is made up of 20 individuals and provides oversight as well as many voluntary hours to the nonprofit organization.

Gunfire led to the deaths of 315

Citizens of Memphis in 2023

The majority of people killed with guns this past year were ruled as murder victims, but other deaths by gunfire included suicides and accidents or negligence. Seventeen were ruled cases of self-defense.

The numbers are grim enough, but the devastating effects on individuals and families is impossible to enumerate.

Thanks to Memphis Police officials who kept careful records, CrimeStoppers has posted the names on our website, www.crimestopmem.org. Visit the home page, scroll to the clickable box marked “Memphis Deaths by firearms 2023.”

Friends of CrimeStoppers report crime

and support crime-fighting efforts

The story of CrimeStoppers’s success can be put into two words: report and support.

The thousands of citizens who report by calling, texting or emailing us with tips throughout the year help us help police authorities charge hundreds of criminals, make as many arrests and clear felony crime cases. The number of successful tips – containing information that led to warrants and arrests – hit a record high this year.

Many more citizens do not have information on specific crimes but still make a difference by supporting us through donations.

Both actions are vital to solving crimes, cracking down on criminals and start the process of reducing crime in our community. Please help our nonprofit this year. You can support us with a digital gift online – here – or send a check to CrimeStoppers of Memphis and Shelby County, 600 Jefferson Ave., Suite 451, Memphis, TN 38105. You will receive an acknowledgement.

Report and support.

Both keep us going.

Donations of any size are welcome. Checks made out to CrimeStoppers may be sent to our offices at 600 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 451, Memphis, 38105, or visit our website to make a secure donation now.
CrimeStoppers by the numbers

The CrimeStoppers citizens awards committee approved payments totaling $20,100 to 30 tipsters for the month of December when it met January 8. That brought the total awards made for 2023 to just over $150,000 for 301 tips that led to solving felony crimes.

The tips led to 34 arrests last month and 325 for the calendar year. In December 30 cases were closed – including four homicides – and that brought the number of police files closed to 356.

In many cases solved by our tipsters police were able to recover stolen property. The total for

the year is listed above $340,000.

To review all the tips data for the year, visit this page on our main website:

Cold cases site helps detectives

A new website provides information on numerous cold-case homicides.

A Cold Case is an unsolved felony crime awaiting the discovery of new evidence. It is a case that was suspended after the initial investigation for lack of leads but remains an open file.

It is a case that sometimes may require a new set of investigative eyes, and the aid of the public.

It is CrimeStoppers’ strong belief that in every crime someone knows something — it could be a seemingly small detail — that could be enough to lead to a solution — and justice for the victim and the victim’s family.

CrimeStoppers here offers a series of Cold Case files for public consideration. To provide a tip call or test CrimeStoppers: 528-CASH (2274).
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