August 2019
Community Inquiry

Does your agency combine the Records Manager and the Property/Evidence Manager roles into one position? If so, one of our subscribers is seeking sample job descriptions.

If you can share your agency's job description, let us know. 

Thank you!
PRI Partners with Veritone, Inc.

PRI is now an authorized reseller for Veritone Inc. Agencies seeking facial recognition and/or  redaction solutions at government pricing can learn more information by visiting here.

You spoke, and we listened! PRI formally announces we are expanding our records management and technology services, including project management, procurement and training solutions to correctional agencies and jail operations.

Our full scope services include:
  • JMS and records needs assessments
  • Technology strategic plans
  • Procurement and system integration 
  • Digital conversion
  • New records unit design and development
  • Managing jail records seminars
To stay up-to-date on all things PRI & Corrections sign-up for our corrections newsletter  HERE :
Calling all Criminal Justice Enthusiasts! 

If you have a passion for the criminal justice industry and have a desire to  share your knowledge, perspective, and showcase your expertise , the PRI newsletter is the ideal platform!

If you are interested in participating as a guest writer, or perhaps interested in becoming a regular contributor we want to hear from you!

Submit your contact information to  Kristina Boyd by clicking here
UCR Use-of-Force Data Collection
Beginning in 2019, the FBI will begin collecting use-of-force data as part of the UCR program.  Contact PRI to assist with impleme nting this data collection process.
Annual records purge services!
How would you like to not have to worry about your annual records purge or clearing out those decades of old records.  

PRI is now offering low-cost annual records management, crime data and systems maintenance packages. We'll maintain your agency's compliance year-to-year on your behalf. Details here.
New NIBRS report writing manual!

How would you like to improve the quality of your reporting and ensure compliance with NIBRS? Need to get certified? Having this instructive manual is the first step. Available for purchase and download (customizable MS Word doc) on our site for only $479 for your officers, supervisors and records personnel.  Also available for only $195 when you register for one of our seminars.  See it here.

NIBRS Training Packages
Combine our new NIBRS report writing manual with onsite NIBRS report writing training for your agency and begin the process of transitioning to NIBRS today!  Details here.

Submit your budgeting wish list with our training price list.
Who is PRI?

PRI is a highly specialized management consulting firm that provides public safety agencies records management, IT and crime data consulting, training and project management services. With core competencies in public records compliance, UCR/NIBRS, CJIS, RMS/CAD systems, and digital transformation, PRI has proudly served over 1400 agencies since 2008.  
299 Alhambra Circle, Suite 316
Coral Gables, FL. 33134

See Our Work in Action
PRI Logo
What PRI Can Do For You

Enterprise IT planning  is what prevents disjointed systems from being purchased and implemented, resulting in data silos and fractured workflows.  It's what averts getting the latest shiny new tool without forethought given to its impact on existing business process. It's what enables cost-effective business decisions and cost savings.  We will assess, document, prioritize and determine the total cost of ownership of your agency's technology needs. Plan ahead before buying uninformed.  

Business intelligence tools provide your agency with key performance indicators such as real-time clearance rates, report turn-around times, crime stats, use of force and report error-rates per officer, supervisor and agency overall.   In just a few days, we'll build a custom dashboard and live data visualizations which uncover patterns, trends and problems as they occur.

Politics, Records and Facial Recognition in Criminal Justice: How it affects us all
While in the gym this morning, I overheard a man and a woman discussing last night's presidential debate.  One of them said, "I just think she's easier on the eyes; how the person looks, I think, is just really important you know".  The other one agreed.  They continued to chat about the "optics" of it all, personal appearance, and quite frankly, about nothing that matters in the selection of a President.  It is amazing how far we have strayed from assessing the issues, the facts, the things being said, and from questioning them. Like a sponge absorbing everything it's given, critical thinking, it seems, has gone out the window.

In the same vein, when it comes to today's issues in criminal justice, decisions are all too often made without much forethought and in response to ill-informed perception.  Such is the case today for a revolutionary technology which can literally have profound positive results in the reduction of crime. Facial recognition.

Training Seminar Schedule
Register for a training seminar near you! Don't see us in your area? Click here to send an email with a hosting request.

New Courses

Introduction to CJIS: Systems, Access, and Features $195
Criminal justice information systems include a wide array of uses, providing information useful for criminal justice operations, employment screening and security clearance. These systems are available to various types of agencies, each with different levels of access, providing details on criminal histories, property, vehicles, wanted and missing persons, crime data, and much more.  The data is available to certain types of private entities as well, through specific channels.

Special NIRBS Topics: Hate Crimes, Human Trafficking, and Cargo Theft 

Is your agency documenting and reporting Hate Crimes correctly? Cargo thefts? Human Trafficking? These are high-profile crimes with specific reporting requirements which officers, supervisors and records personnel must know and understand.  Learn what information has to be gathered at the scene, entered into a report, and submitted to the UCR program correctly. 

Writing Reports NIBRS Style
Whether you are transitioning to NIBRS or already there, this practical and informative course will help your officers, FTO's, supervisors, and records personnel better understand crime reporting.  In addition to learning about NIBRS and crime reporting under this program, personnel will understand their respective roles in the report writing, reviewing, and coding process. 

Sunrise, FL October 4, 2019
Sacramento, CA October 14, 2019
Foster City, CA October 15, 2019
Rocky Mount, NC October 30, 2019

Law Enforcement Records Management Cohort Program
A two day program

Learn to lead, plan, collaborate, obtain buy-in, execute and transform. This course provides you the tools and skills to build and implement a forward-thinking, modernized and efficient agency-wide information management program.

Oak Harbor, WA September 12-13, 2019
Burlington, NC October 29-30, 2019

Managing Police Records 
Retention and release of records

In this class you will learn how to determine how long records must be kept, in what format, when they can be destroyed and what the legal requirements are for releasing information to the public.

Cedar Rapids, IA October 11, 2019 *full
Hattiesburg, MS October 22, 2019

Building a Model Police Records Unit
A two day program

The only one of its kind, in this two day course learn how to minimize liability, improve performance, empower the records function, build professionalism, and increase customer service. Designed for records managers, clerks and supervisors, this course teaches you how to run the records unit as if it were a business: efficiently, legally and customer focused. Learn practical techniques that will improve the operations of this critical support component.

Evidence & Records: retention and destruction    $195

This course focuses on the proper management of the records related to evidence and property. Learn what the law requires. How long should evidence be kept? What about the records associated with the case? When the court sends a letter saying the evidence can be destroyed, should it be?  

Crime Stats and NIBRS for the Police Executive $195

NIBRS is coming- learn all about it in this 1 day, extraordinarily informative course about your crime stats. This course is for those who need to understand the changes that are coming and how the numbers work, how to keep them accurate and how they will change.

Public Records Act: California
(other states available) $195
The latest in public records law & subpoenas

A one day in-depth course covering the California Public Records Act and how to respond to subpoenas. Taught by California's resident expert, Joseph Surges, learn the ins and outs of public records requests from a practitioner's perspective.

Training Reviews
"I had the pleasure of attending your webinar yesterday on converting to NIBRS. It was excellent."

"The webinar was very informative and well put together.  It was very easy to take in."
Manatee Sheriff's Office

"I just recently attended one of your classes in Salina KS, which was one of the best classes I have ever attended by the way.  You spoke about a correction list that you would send to us if we emailed you.  Would you mind forwarding that to me?"
Norman, OK PD

Registration is now open! 

You don't want to miss PRI's National Criminal Justice Records Management Conference 

Visit the conference website to complete registration and hotel reservations.

Great training. Technology exhibition. Good times!

PRI to Exhibit at  ACA's 149th Congress of Correction
PRI Management Group is pleased to announce it will be attending and exhibiting at the ACA's 149th Congress of Correction in Boston, MA August 1 - 6, 2019. Drop by booth #1020