Tuesday Evening, June 14, 2022
on this 245th anniversary of the official adoption of the
American flag by the Second Continental Congress in 1777.
“For the second time this spring a Muslim African-American first lieutenant with a previously exemplary record is facing discharge
from the Army at Fort Polk, Louisiana. This one—Lt. Ize Alimi—was recommended for promotion to captain two years ago.
Something is seriously wrong.”
— Crooks & Liars Article below
U.S. Army 1LT Ize D. Alimi
Another Muslim African-American
Faces Unfair Army Discharge
By: Paul Rosenberg
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Paul Rosenberg deftly covers in detail the shocking story of what is being done to First Lieutenant Ize Alimi, a Muslim African-American whose promising career as an Army officer might be ended by a completely bogus accusation from a Private First Class with a grudge, and the complicity of the command at Fort Polk, Louisiana, in giving Alimi a negative Officer Evaluation Report (OER) just months after he received a glowing OER recommending that he be promoted.
Emails of gratitude to MRFF from 1LT Alimi
From: Ize Alimi
Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 3:47 PM
To: Mikey Weinstein <mikey@militaryreligiousfreedom.org>
Subject: Thank you to MRFF
Good afternoon Mikey and MRFF Team,
There are no words that can express my gratitude for the outstanding assistance that you provided. You went above and beyond what I was expecting. You had my back when no one believed in my story or cared enough to listen to me. For that my family and I are forever grateful. Because of the MRFF team's hard work and dedication, I have no doubt that soon or later justice will prevail.
May God bless the MRFF and its staff members. Thank you!
Ize Alimi
From: Ize Alimi
Sent: June 10, 2022 at 3:52:45 PM
To: Mikey Weinstein <mikey@militaryreligiousfreedom.org>
Subject: Great News Just Received!
Good afternoon Mikey and MRFF Team,
Thank you for your outstanding job today. After the joint MRFF/CAIR press release in regards to the Anti-Muslim Bigotry at Fort Polk, Louisiana, Brigadier General David Doyle, the Commanding General here at Fort Polk, Louisiana appointed an official Investigating Officer for my Equal Opportunity complaint of 1 June 2022. Maybe I will finally get justice! This is not a coincidence! I have not heard anything about the complaint in a week. Therefore, It is the fruit of hours of hard work of the members of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and CAIR. I believe that the right people in the US Army Higher Echelon received the clear message that MRFF along with CAIR conveyed today. You are the voice of people with no voices. Your contribution to eliminate injustice within the military is simply impressive and breathtaking. Again, there are no words that can express my gratitude for the outstanding assistance that you provided. May God bless the MRFF and its staff members. Thank you!
Ize Alimi
U.S. Army 1LT Ize D. Alimi is facing discharge from the Army on July 1, 2022 based solely on a single EOC (Equal Opportunity Complaint) by a Private First Class (PFC), who had been previously corrected by 1LT Alimi for failure to
give a greeting of the day and didn’t take the correction well, claiming that
Alimi made anti-LGBTQ remarks, despite sworn statements from a Second Lieutenant, a Specialist, and a Sergeant (who himself is an open member of the LGBTQ+ community), that the PFC's accusation is a lie. Based solely on the PFC's unfounded complaint, 1LT Alimi received an "unsatisfactory" OER
(Officer Evaluation Report) in 2019, despite glowing OERs both eight months
before and four months after, and being awarded the Army Achievement
Medal for “Exceptional achievement" during the same time period!
Just one month ago, second Muslim African-American 1LT MRFF client with a previously exemplary record, also facing separation from the Army at Fort Polk.
MRFF's Many Past Efforts on Behalf of
Military Members of the Muslim Faith
"Mikey and MRRF are nigger loving
and ay-rab loving jew boys"
All jew boys are queers and cowards but Mikey and his MRRF jew boys and jew boy sympathizers are worse than even that. [...]
To see responses from MRFF Board Member John Compere,
MRFF Advisory Board Members James Currie and Mike Farrell
and MRFF Supporters including Veteran and Blue Star Dad,
Mike Challman:
"Time is coming for the Jews!"
Dear Mikey,
You, along with the rest of world Jewry, have seemingly done well to
subvert Christ’s will on Earth. However, as Judgement day looms, it is
simply a fact that you dirty Jews will have to face the consequences of
murdering the lord Jesus Christ and subverting the world against Christ. [...]
To see responses from
MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein,
MRFF Board Member John Compere,
MRFF Advisory Board Member Mike Farrell, and MRFF Supporters including Veteran and Blue Star Dad, Mike Challman:
MRFF is a 501C3 Nonprofit
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MRFF Information/Contact:
(505) 250-7727