In this Issue:

Summer 2023

Ebert Pond Challenge

Fall Festival 2022

Volunteer Opportunity!

Giving Tuesday: Save The Date!

SWTS Middle School Youth Gathering

Family Advent Festival Retreats

Upper Elementary Advent Retreat
Summer 2023
Make plans now for
Summer 2023!

This year's theme is
Saints & Superheroes

We will be learning about what it means to be a saint while using superhero imagery! You won't want to miss out on coming to camp this summer!

Group Reservation materials will go out this month and Group Reservations will open
December 1, 2022.

Individual Registration opens
January 3, 2023.

Get ready to lead faith-filled fun - we're looking for our next group of fantastic summer staff! Summer staff applications will open on our website on November 1, 2022.
Ebert Pond Challenge
Help us meet the $50,000 matching challenge by the end of 2022!
Cross Trails has an amazing opportunity and challenge that must be completed by the end of this year! An anonymous donor has seen the need for a new water play and swimming option at Ebert Ranch Camp. They have offered to match any funds we raise before the end of the year up to $50,000!

Our master plans include adding a natural looking swimming, fishing and nature play pond to the Ranch. Currently the only water we have is a four foot deep swimming tank. While campers love splashing around, a pond will be used for a variety of play and retreaters can also enjoy it year-round! Funds raised will help us to construct a 1-2 acre pond which would open up new possibilities for campers to swim, fish, and discover the wildlife that visit. It will be set up so that it fits naturally in the landscape, stays aerated, and can be fed through natural rainwater catchment supplemented by a well. These matched funds won’t cover all of the cost, but they will cover a major portion to get us started. Our hope is that many will see the need and we will be able to add it to the Ranch as soon as possible!

What an opportunity to add to the experience of our campers and retreaters! Help us meet this challenge! Just designate your gift “Ebert Pond Challenge” when you give online or send your funds by check.
Fall Festival 2022
Our 2022 Fall Festival went wonderfully!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success!!
All funds raised will go into camp improvements at both sites and to help keep camp affordable for all.
Volunteer Opportunity!
We are looking for volunteers that would be willing to help us with our
Christmas Ask Mailing!

We are looking for willing hearts and hands to fold, stuff envelopes, and help us get letters in the mail. If you, family, friends, or members from your congregation would be interested, please look over the information below and let us know!
Volunteer Information
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Camp Chrysalis
Lunch will be provided

Please RSVP by November 9, 2022
Giving Tuesday: Save the Date!
Mark your calendar and join us for a virtual day of giving!

Giving Tuesday will be on Tuesday, November 29th this year.

Be on the lookout for more information on how to participate!
SWTS Middle School Youth Gathering
“The Reformation Continues”
Camp Chrysalis
November 11-13 
Southwestern Texas Synod Youth in Grades 6-8
Group Registration Only
The Lutheran Church experienced a reformation more than 500 years ago. Learn how the church is still reforming and how we are re-formed because of church history and vision.
Camp fun and interactive, faith-filled learning with other synod youth are all a part of The Gathering experience. Youth will stay in cabins with youth from other churches and Cross Trails staff, unless the church elects otherwise. At least one adult from the church is required to be present the entire time. Adults can stay in a cabin with other adults, or with the same gendered youth from their church if they have a Protect my Ministry certificate or the equivalent. Group registration is required.
Early Bird Cost
$120 all youth and adults staying in an adult cabin
$55 adults staying with their youth
Early Bird cost ends October 28th

Registration closes at 5pm on November 4th
Family Advent Festival Retreats
“Greatest Gifts”
Camp Chrysalis
December 2-4, December 9-11 or December 16-18 
For Families, Singles, Couples
In a season that seems devoted to receiving and giving gifts, spend time learning about your family’s God-given gifts and you prepare to celebrate the greatest gift, Jesus.

Have meaningful and fun family time as you prepare for the Christmas season with Bible study, worship, crafts, and camp activities including decorating your own family gingerbread house.
Early Bird Cost
Adults and youth in grades 7-12: $155
Youth in grades K-6: $120; Preschool youth: Free
Household Max: $620
Early Bird costs ends two weeks prior to the retreat

Registration closes the Friday that is one week prior to the retreat
Upper Elementary Advent Retreat
“Twas the Season Before Christmas”
Ebert Ranch
December 9-11
For Youth in Grades 3-5 and an adult from their church
Jesus and his family had to travel to be counted for the census. Join us as we explore what it means to be counted in God’s family!

Learn about the hope that comes with being a child of God. Participate in small group Bible studies, worships, crafts, and other camp activities to prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. At least one adult from the church is required to be present the entire time. Youth will stay in the bunkhouse with staff supervision and adults will stay in Lela Haus. Group registration only.
Early Bird Cost
Youth: $120
Adults: $120
Early Bird costs ends two weeks prior to the retreat

Registration closes at 5pm on Friday, December 2nd
Thank you for supporting 
Cross Trails Ministry.
Remember, always start at
and Amazon will donate .5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.