Crosscurrents weekly edition
January 17, 2021
The church office will be closed Monday, January 18
in commemoration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Follow Me.

Invitation is an essential part of our walk of faith, but here we frequently see ourselves not as the invited but rather the one who is supposed to be doing the inviting. We can misuse invitation, maybe using the phrase “invite Jesus into your heart,” which often results in the misunderstanding that we are carrying a little bit of Jesus wherever we go.

But today’s gospel (John 1:43-51) emphasizes not invitation as our call to others to join the walk of faith but rather Jesus’ invitation to us to follow him. Jesus’ invitation is not that we carry him with us but rather that we follow where he would lead. When Christ invites Philip to “follow me,” may we hear that invitation in our own ears.

Join worship this week, hosted by Pastor Judy Brennan, our Associate Pastor of Caring Ministries.
Practicing Acts of Christian Kindness
A little kindness can go a long way! Pastor Judy is once again organizing a Practicing Acts of Christian Kindness (PACK) event. This is an incredible opportunity to help spread thoughtfulness and cheer both within and outside the Cross of Christ community.

If you participate, you will receive two names from Pastor Judy at the beginning of February. You'll also be asked to identify a third person who is not a member of Cross of Christ - a neighbor, friend, relative, or a random person you encounter in the community.

Each person will receive one "gift" from you. It could be something you bake, something you write, a picture you draw, or an item you buy for $5 or less. You'll give/mail/deliver your gifts during the month of February and help brighten someone's day during these dark winter months.

Sign up by January 29 if you would like to participate. You may sign up online or email Pastor Judy.
Grief Group
Join Pastor Judy Brennan for our monthly Zoom Grief Group, A Time To Mourn. Our sadness may be big or small, but it is fitting that we bring our whole selves to God. 

This space is being created for anyone who is feeling a loss, dealing with darkness, experiencing isolation, generally worried and stressed out, or just in need of Christian community and compassion.  Pastor Judy will facilitate caring and confidential conversations from 10:30 am to noon on the third Thursday of each month. Login information will be emailed later this week, or you can contact Pastor Judy for more information.
Pastor Dave's Vacation Continues for One More Week
Pastor Dave's vacation is nearing conclusion, but his time away from the office continues. This week, he will be off-site for continuing education, returning to the office next week.

Associate Pastor for Caring Ministries Judy Brennan will be available to respond to pastoral emergencies in COVID-19 responsible ways. For non-pastoral office-related issues, contact Office Administrator Judy Giseburt. For all other issues, contact Congregational President Colin Walker.

Thank you, Pastor Dave, and blessings for a time of rest and restoration. 
Office Hours
The office will be closed on Monday, January 18 in commemoration of the birthday of Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.

While the Cross of Christ office has been physically closed during the pandemic, we have kept “virtual” office hours, with Office Administrator Judy Giseburt available to answer phone calls and emails Monday through Thursday, 9:30 am to 2 pm.

Remember: any campus visits must be arranged in advance. During Pastor Dave's vacation, please email Judy Giseburt and Colin Walker to coordinate campus visits.