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September proved to be a challenging month for many of our athletes who worked through flooded basements, mud-filled first floors, and ruined belongings.
It also proved to be a time where the Roots community reached out to help one another, put their fitness to the test with shovels and sandbags, and volunteered throughout the community.
On Saturday, September 21st Roots held a Floodraiser to raise money for the United Way Flood Relief Fund. Over the course of three hours, over 100 athletes threw down on a 10 minute AMRAP and raised over $4,700.
Thank you for the generous donations from all of you and for the support you showed within the CrossFit Roots community and Boulder community as a whole.
This newsletter is full to the brim with details on many new and upcoming programs and events to take us through the fall season! Check it out.
Best, Nicole and Eric |
Hot Happenings
Upcoming Events at Roots
TODAY - Tuesday, October 1st - Fall Fuel Challenge Information Sessions
Want the down low on this fall's fuel challenge? Then get to an information session and learn how to take the steps to make a lasting change to your health and fitness. Join us on October 1st at 11:30am or 7:00pm. Details and challenge sign-up information below.
Wednesday & Thursday, October 2/3 - Hydrostatic Body Fat Testing
Rosanne with Body Fat Test will be at Roots Wednesday from 11am to 7pm and Thursday from 6am to Noon. Sign up will open to the public on Tuesday, October 1st. Sign up links will be posted on the blog.
Saturday & Sunday, October 5/6 - Park WODs!
Take your fitness outside! All Saturday and Sunday classes will be held at North Boulder Park for the October edition of Park Workout Weekends. Sign up on MBO. Classes will meet at the southwest corner of the park.
October 7th - Fall Fuel Challenge Starts!
The fall food challenge starts the first week of October but sign-up and intake week starts October 1st. Get to an info session (times listed above) so you don't miss out!
Sunday, October 27th - Roots 3rd Annual Crocktoberfest
Break out the crockpot and get cookin'! Crocktoberfest is back for its THIRD consecutive year. Who will take home the trophy? Details and sign up information below.
Saturday, November 16th - Roots Fall In House Oly Meet
Lifting begins at 10am. Prizes will be awarded for top Men's and top Women's lifter. Sign up for the Men's heat is sold out but a few spots remain for the women. Ladies, Sign up HERE to reserve your spot. Contact with any questions.
Wednesday, November 27th - Annual Thanksgiving Eve Happy Hour Out on the Town
Mark your calendars now so you don't miss out on this festive and social gathering the night before Thanksgiving. Drinks are on us!
Thursday, November 28th - Annual Thanksgiving Day Shit Show Throwdown Come see what epic and crazy team throwdown Eric and Nicole come up with this year!
A workout, donations, and community.
Saturday, September 21st was a very special morning at Roots. Over the course of three hours, over 100 athletes came out to show their support for a community effected by the Boulder floods.
The workout? A ten minute amrap of 7 clean and jerks (115/75) and 7 burpee over box (20").
Thank you to everyone who came out, to The Cup for providing coffee for the event, and to our awesome crew of volunteers!
View pictures from the event by clicking HERE.
 | Ryan, Diane, and Annettee work the desk at the Floodraiser. Thanks for volunteering ladies! |
The Fall in Love with Your Body Challenge
As winter starts to creep into Colorado and the leaves start to fall, lets avoid feeling like the pumpkins that are gracing many porches around the community!
Participate in the Fall in Love With Your Body Challenge and make the commitment to look amazing during the holiday season.
The 30-day challenge gives athletes a Paleo or Zone option. With Zone, you are limited on quantity, but the quality of the food you eat is wide open. This means alcohol is a go. The Paleo option means that the type and quality of food is most important and does not need to be weighed and measured. Clearly both have upsides, it's up to you to decide!
Athletes will work 1-on-1 with a coach who will monitor their food logs on a daily basis. In addition, before and after body fat testing, before and after body composition measurements, recipe guides and challenge packet, and two challenge events are included in the challenge.
A note on virtuosity: There is one constant that we at CrossFit Roots strive for, and that is virtuosity (doing the common, uncommonly well), both in workouts and in life. In keeping with this belief we will be asking all athletes to put $100.00 dollars in an envelope. If at the end of the challenge the athlete has not deviated from their plan, they will get that money back. If not, it will go into a pot that will be divided between the winners of both the Paleo and Zone challenge. We're looking for a perfect 30 days!
How to Get Started? Attend a challenge info session to learn about our approach to food, how to participate in the challenge, and more details on the two challenge options:
Tuesday, October 1st at 11:30am Tuesday, October 1st at 7:00pm
Challenge Start Date:
Monday, October 7th
- $160 for the challenge. This fee includes 1-on-1 food log review and coaching as well as your before and after body fat test ($60)
- $100 deposit. Make it through the challenge and you get your $100 back. Mess up and it goes to the winners pot.
Already know you want to do the challenge? Sign-up here.
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Sunday, October 27th at 4pm
For those about to crock, we salute you!
Roots' Annual Paleo Croctoberfest, a Crock-Pot cooking contest, is back for the third year. Bring your family and bring your appetite, the entries are sure to be taste sensations.
To enter a dish and be eligible for the title of "Roots Ultimate Crocktologist" sign up on MBO HERE. There will be entree, crocktail/beverage, and dessert categories. Doors open at 4. Judging commences at 4pm sharp.
The Nitty Gritty:
To be eligible for the title all entries must meet the following guidelines.
1) Entries must be cooked in the Crock-Pot. Ingredients can be browned or seared prior to going in the pot but must be cooked in the pot.
2) All ingredients must be paleo (no grains, no dairy, no legumes). Paleo gray area including, maple, honey, agave, and alcohol can be included but must be disclosed. If you are unsure, ask. We will be happy to approve recipes.
3) All entries must be on the table by the start of judging.
4) Scoring will be out of a possible 50 possible points. 1-30 for taste, 1-15 for creativity/originality, and 1-5 for presentation.
Get to crocking!
 | 2012 Ultimate Crocktologist - MaryAlice |
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K - 12th Grade
CrossFit Kids and CrossFit Teens starts the second fall session in November. The program runs from November 4th - December 20th. Details below!
CrossFit Kids Age Groups and Class Times:
- Kindergarten through 3rd grade* - Wednesdays and Fridays 3:15 - 4:00pm
- 4th through 7th grade* - Wednesdays and Fridays 4 - 4:45pm
- All Kids - Saturdays at 9am on Nov. 9th & Dec. 14th
Program Length:
Wednesday, November 6 - Friday, December 20th
CrossFit Kids Cost and Sign-up:
- 8 class punchcard - $120*
- Unlimited - $190
* Punchcards expire December 20th.
15% discount on CrossFit Kids packages if parent is a current Roots member. Email Trevor for a discount code.
CrossFit Teens Class Times:
- Mondays: 6am
- Tuesdays: 4pm
- Wednesday: 7pm (academics at 6:15*)
- Thursday: 4pm
- Saturdays: Nov. 9th and Dec. 14th at 10am
* Academics includes SAT Prep and academic coaching (homework help, study skills, task/time management). Academic coaching provided by Trevor (Master in Ed, Stanford U., (3) years as high school math teacher and mentor, (1) year as college counselor).
Program Length: Monday, November 4th - December 20th
CrossFit Teens Cost and Sign-up:
- (2) classes per week: $120/month
- Unlimited classes: $175/month
15% discount on CrossFit Teens packages if parent is a current Roots member. Email Trevor for a discount code.
Please contact Trevor Gibson if you have questions about the program.
 | Wall walks at CrossFit Kids at Roots. |
Celebrating One Year and Fall On-Ramp
Last fall, a group of several women started the Roots Women's Only Program - all new to CrossFit and many new to exercise. This month, the program celebrated its first anniversary!
 | Ali and the Women's Only group at the One Year Anniversary celebration. |
Over the past year, it has grown into a supportive group of nearly 15 diverse, inspiring, and hard-working women. It has been amazing to watch the transformation of these athletes over the past year as they learn new skills and smash goals. They continue to welcome new athletes with friendly smiles and encouraging words. Congrats to you all!
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Fall Program Starts October 28th
Your 2014 run or cycling race season starts October 28th at Roots with an 8-week, 5 days per week program.
Program Length:
October 28th through December 20th
Program Meeting Times:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at Roots @ 11:30am.
Saturdays 8am. Meeting location and time for Saturdays will vary slightly to utilize routes and trails around Boulder.
Program Cost:
$225.00 per month
Program Details:
Athletes can choose to focus on one or two disciplines in this program. The CrossFit Endurance workouts will be programmed for both runners and cyclists.
Questions For the Coach?:
Want to Learn More About CrossFit Endurance?
 | The early fall Cyclocross program was a huge hit. The cycling component joins the CrossFit Endurance program on October 28th. |
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Starts October 14th and meets M, W, F at 12:00pm
You asked for it! Want to get started at Roots but a 7pm Foundations just doesn't work for you? We're offering a lunch hour Group Foundations class starting on Monday, October 14th. The CrossFit Roots Foundations Course A ten-session course designed to teach and familiarize you with the movements used in the group class, introduce you to workouts of increasing intensity and difficulty, start you on the path toward nutrition that will support fitness and health, and get you to the point where you are ready to join the group classes. The Foundations Course consists of 10 training sessions over 3.5 weeks and is limited to 8 people per course.
Sign-up HERE.
Out and About with the Roots Crew
Walker and Blaine compete in the Colorado Open. Walker would go on to take 4th place overall.
Cara, Carly, and Rachel after completing the Floodraiser workout.
Look who we ran into on Sunday morning - the Roots Rocks the Trails group. Check out their group on Facebook.
Hot blog posts from last month.
A rope climb involves two main parts - strength, in the form of grip and pulling power - and technique, in the form of footwork.
You've often heard the coaches refer to benchmark workouts in class. In most cases, these workouts are titled with a girl's name, such as Cindy, Fran, or Grace. Learn about what they are and why we do them.
Hero workouts are created in honor of men or women who have died in the line of action or while serving their country or local community. Learn about hero workouts and read an article about their initial creation.
Soreness and injury. What they mean and how to work with your coach to get the best out of your trips to the shop. Every athlete at Roots is required to read this post. Get reading!
September 2013
The following athletes made it in 20 or more times in the month of September. Congratulations!
Alex Chaux
Cara Norton
Rylee Norton
Marc Cruz
Michael Sampliner
Break it down for me.
CrossFit is a back-to-basics, no gimmicks, strength and conditioning fitness program. Constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity are the foundation of our program.
Ah, what? We know, it can sound complicated. To find out more, go here.Better yet, email us to attend a Free Class & Intro Session.
We offer introductory sessions weekly. Check out the Start Here tab on our website to find an intro session that works for you.
The next Foundations Course begins Monday, October 7th!
Whoa, you read all the way to the bottom of this email?! Cool!
Thanks for reading!
Eric and Nicole CrossFit Roots 2406 30th Street Boulder, Colorado 80301 303-578-8455