St. John's at the Crossroads

April 26, 2024

Rector's Corner: Locating Your Spiritual Center

by the Rev. Sari Ateek, Rector

Vestry View

by J. Chris Martin, Executive Director of Operations

The new 2024-25 Vestry held its first meeting on April 16. The meeting included swearing-in of the new members, informal introductions, and an orientation/overview of the monthly meeting process. The two main topics of discussion were:

  • An overview of the recently completed work of the Transfer of Density Rights Advisory Committee (TDRAC) by Earle O’Donnell, TDRAC Chair, and Suzanne Welch, TDRAC member. The Vestry has received the TDRAC report and will discuss it further at the upcoming Vestry Retreat, which will be April 26-28.  
  • An overview of topics to be covered at the Vestry Retreat, including how St. John’s finances work, the TDRAC Report, the new website, the communications planning process, and the assignment of Vestry Liaisons and Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs. 

“Depolarizing Within” Workshop: Connecting Across Political Divides - Saturday, May 11;

Registration Deadline: Next Friday, May 3

by Tom Hebert

In this presidential election year, are you finding it increasingly hard (or even impossible) to sustain good relationships with family, friends or neighbors who hold differing political views? With those of similar political leanings, do you find conversation veering into ridicule or contempt for people who disagree?

If so, learn how to have more constructive conversations and help bridge divides at the “Depolarizing Within” workshop offered by St. John's on Saturday, May 11, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the Parish Hall. The workshop was developed by Braver Angels, an organization dedicated to addressing in thoughtful, practical ways the polarization that is so prevalent in society and that erodes our “ability to govern ourselves…shrinks our capacity for goodwill, and harms our family and personal relationships.”

Braver Angels is supplying us with an experienced facilitator, Mr. Randy Lioz, to lead the workshop, which is designed to help participants “be more aware of their own ‘inner polarizer’” and "be critical without demonizing, dismissing or stereotyping large swaths of the population." Several parishioners have taken the Depolarizing Within e-Learning workshop, and have found the tools it provides to be simple, practical and respectful when trying to bridge divides. Feel free to reach out to Tom Hebert, Nancy Adams, John Talbird, Kevin Kehus, or Anne Derse to learn more.

To be part in this special May 11 workshop, please RSVP to Tom Hebert by next Friday, May 3.

Table of Contents

In Thanksgiving

Parish News

  • Welcome Jason West as Our Director of Music Ministries
  • Event Recap | Piscataway Nation Helps St. John's Celebrate Earth Day
  • Apply for a Norwood Parish Fund (NPF) Grant; Application Deadline: Tuesday, May 7
  • Camp Joy Update | Next-Steps Meeting on Sunday, April 28
  • Outreach Committee Is Now the Humanitarian Response Committee


  • Lay-Led Contemplative Service - Wednesday, May 8 at 7:30 pm
  • Weekly Worship & Bible Study

Learn & Grow

  • Adult Forums | Healing Prayer: History, Perspectives, and Practice at St John’s - This Sunday, April 28 at 10:00 am
  • Adult Forums | Poor People's Campaign - Sunday, May 5 at 10:00 am
  • Event Recap | Lynne Harris, V.P. of MCPS Board of Education, Talks School Safety

Build Community

  • East Bethesda Happy Hour - Friday, May 3 at 5:00 PM
  • Women's Ministry | Spring Potluck - Sunday, May 5 at 5:45 pm
  • Women's Book Group | Absolution by Alice McDermott - Monday, May 6 at 7:30 pm
  • Men's Book Club | A Man of Iron by Troy Senik - Wednesday, May 8 at 7:30 pm
  • SAVE THE DATE: All-Parish Picnic - Sunday, May 19, Following ONE 10:00 am Worship Service

Make a Difference

  • Outreach Sundays | Support Neighbors in Need through Bethesda Help - Sunday, April 28
  • Photos from Ukraine
  • Op Shop Update | Spring Cleaning? The Op Shop Needs Your Donations!

Don't Forget!

From Our Colleagues and Partners

  • Support Seabury Resources for the Aging - May 16 Gala
  • Episcopal Church Leaders Launch an Independent Racial Justice Coalition
  • Five Bishops to Stand for Election as Presiding Bishop

Prayer List

This Week's Schedule

In Thanksgiving

Thanks for a successful Third Sunday Supper focused on gun violence prevention in schools! Over 40 parishioners and friends enjoyed the delicious buffet contributed by GVP Ministry members, who also helped with setup and cleanup. After dinner, Montgomery County Board of Education VP Lynne Harris spoke about school safety. (Read details of the conversation below.)

- Margaret Hilton, Convener, St. John's Gun Violence Prevention Ministry

This Sunday’s flowers are given by Gail and Ed Kitch in thanksgiving for their life together.

Parish News

Welcome Jason West as Our New Permanent Director of Music Ministries

by the Rev. Sari Ateek, Rector

Headshot of Jason West

I am thrilled to inform you that I have called Jason West to be our next Director of Music Ministries.

Jason has been serving St. John ’s as Interim Director of Music Ministries since September 2023, during which time we’ve conducted a robust search process for the permanent position under the faithful leadership of John Welch and Jane Houlihan. Three weeks ago, the search committee passed along to me the names of four finalists in this search among whom was Jason. After interviewing these candidates myself, I made the determination that Jason West is just the right person for this key ministry position among us.  

In the last eight months, Jason has infused our parish with the joy of music, making our 150th year a true celebration. It has been my experience that his accessible and joyful nature as a person translates directly into his music. Jason brings a range of skills and experiences to this role, having served in both interim and permanent organist/choirmaster/music director roles at various Episcopal, Lutheran and Methodist churches in the Metro DC area, elsewhere in the U.S., and England over the past 30+ years. He has built, grown, taught, and directed adult choirs, children's choirs, and handbell choirs, including rebuilding our own 9:00 am choir from scratch at the start of this program year. (Click here to read his full bio.)

We have been truly blessed to have Jason among us, and even more so now as he settles into St. John’s as his church home. Please join me in congratulating Jason on becoming our new Director of Music Ministries!  

Event Recap

Piscataway Nation Helps St. John's Celebrate Earth Day

by Rob Hartmann, Chair, 150th Anniversary Chair

Over eighty parishioners and guests attended last Sunday's special Town Hall featuring the Piscataway Nation Singers & Dancers. Created and led by Chief Mark Tayac—the 29th generation of hereditary chiefs of the Piscataway Nation—the Singers and Dancers serve as ambassadors for the Piscataway Nation and for the history and culture of all indigenous peoples and their special relationship to Mother Earth.

Providing a constant drumbeat described as the heartbeat of life, the Chief interlaced demonstrations of a variety of traditional ceremonial dances with a history of the Piscataway peoples and their cultural heritage. It was a highly educational, entertaining, and moving presentation that ended with an invitation for the audience to participate in a circle dance of friendship and common humanity. Chief Tayac is helping St. John's with a Land Acknowledgement and we are doing what we can to help him regain custody of ancestral bones, currently housed in museums, so that they may receive proper burial. 

Apply for a Norwood Parish Fund (NPF) Grant; Application Deadline: Tuesday, May 7

by Johnna Story, NPF Board Chair

The Norwood Parish Fund (NPF) is now accepting grant applications for Spring 2024. Grants are available to organizations or parishioners for:

  • St. John’s capital needs
  • Outreach ministries
  • Seed money for new ministries and special one-time projects
  • Other highly meritorious purposes that are similar to, but do not precisely fit, the three categories above and that fulfill St. John’s mission to develop its ministries or to be a catalyst for projects that are beyond what it is possible to fund through annual operating funds.

All grant applications must be submitted via this electronic form—NPF Spring 2024 Grant Applicationby May 7, 2024. If you have trouble using this Google form application, please contact the NPF chair ([email protected]).

Read the full article

Camp Joy Update

Next-Steps Meeting on Sunday, April 28; Camp Joy Registration Deadline is Tuesday, April 30

by Julie Munoz, Parent/Volunteer Administrative Coordinator for Camp Joy

We currently have 14 youth campers and nine adult chaperones signed up for Camp Joy this July. If you want to sign up your child (or yourself!) for this beloved St. John's tradition, there's still time! Just contact Julie Inlow ([email protected]) by Tuesday, April 30.

Also—registered and prospective participants and parents, please join us THIS Sunday, April 28, at 11:00 am in the Parish Hall to discuss next steps.

As always, if you have any questions, please email Julie Inlow ([email protected]) or Dawn Molloy ([email protected]).

Outreach Committee Is Now the Humanitarian Response Committee

by the Rev. Anne Derse, Deacon & Minister for Community Engagement, and Peter Plocki, Chair, Humanitarian Response Committee

Recently, the concept of service in our broader communities has been evolving in the Diocese of Washington, with inclusivity, partnership and collaboration emerging as the foundation for our work to serve our neighbors. This concept focuses on building relationships, recognizing equity and promoting people-to-people connection in ministries of service. It is broader than what is often traditionally termed "outreach." 

St. John’s, like many other parishes in the Diocese, is moving to terminology that emphasizes this broader idea of "community engagement," our new term for work in our broader community and the world. Because of this, our ministries formerly known as "justice and outreach " ministries are now "justice and community engagement" ministries. Similarly, the St. John’s committee formerly known as the Outreach Committee has changed its name to the Humanitarian Response Committee.

Click below to read more about this change and the mission of the newly renamed Humanitarian Response Committee.

Read the full article


Lay-Led Contemplative Service - Wednesday, May 8 at 7:30 pm

by Walter Smith

The last of our 150th Anniversary Year lay-led Wednesday evening services will be on May 8 at 7:30 pm in the chapel. The date falls on the Eve of Ascension Day and on the feast of Julian of Norwich.

Julian of Norwich, who died early in the 15th century, was a famed English mystic. Also a spiritual counselor, she was frequently visited by clergymen and laypersons. Julian understood that God was both Father and Mother to us, and understood Christ as exemplifying this maternal face of God. We will commemorate her with a meditation using her mantra, "And All Shall Be Well," followed by a service of Compline.

Statue of Julian of Norwich

Image credit: rocketjohn, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Weekly Worship & Bible Study


8:00 am Spoken Holy Eucharist - Chapel

9:00 am Family Service w/Children's Chapel & Pray Ground - Nave

10:00 am Church School - Classrooms; Adult Ed/ Forums - Parish Hall/Zoom (link:

11:15 am Traditional service with St. John’s Choir - Nave, Livestream (via St. John's YouTube channel)*

5:00 pm "Come As You Are" Holy Eucharist - Nave


7:00 pm Bible Study - via Zoom



10:00 am Bible Study - via Zoom


To receive consecrated Eucharististic elements via mail for use during livestream worship, contact the church: 301-654-7767 or [email protected].

Healing Prayer is available every Sunday at both the 9:00 am and 11:15 am services, during communion, in the Tower Lobby.

For young children: Nursery Care is available for children up to 5 years from 9 to 11 am; Kid’s Kits and Sunday Papers are available by the Wisconsin Ave. entrance.

If you have difficulty accessing online worship or Bible study, please call the Parish Office at 301-654-7767 or email [email protected].

Learn & Grow

Adult Forums

Healing Prayer: History, Perspectives, and Practice at St John’s - This Sunday, April 28 at 10:00 am

by Tom Hebert

For the last several years, a small group of parishioners commissioned by Sari have offered parishioners in the Tower Lobby (a.k.a., the Healing Prayer Chapel) with brief healing prayers during Communion at 9:00 am and 11:15 am services. 

This forum will explore what takes place during healing prayer and why. We'll share what rules the Healing Prayer Ministers observe to protect and respect confidentiality. We'll also cover some of the 3,000-plus-year history of healing prayer in the Judeo-Christian tradition, and some of the mystery and science underlying what healing prayer is and does for those who receive and administer it. Questions will of course be welcomed. 

St. John's Healing Prayer Chapel (in the Tower Lobby)

Please join us at 10:00 am on Sunday, April 28, in the Parish Hall or on Zoom (link:

Adult Forums

Poor People's Campaign - Sunday, May 5 at 10:00 am

by Tom Kennedy

Poverty claims 800 lives a day in this country and is our 4th leading cause of death, according to a 2023 study by U.C. Riverside

Learn how you can make a difference at the 10:00 am Adult Forum on May 5, when we'll hear from special guest speakers Linnell Fall and Michael Puskar, leaders of the Maryland Poor People’s Campaign. 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. saw the potential in creating a multi-racial, multi-ethnic coalition of poor and low-wealth working people to address interlocking injustices that perpetuate a life of poverty for so many Americans. Fall and Puskar will discuss the founding vision of Dr. King, who was organizing the original Poor People’s Campaign just before his assassination in 1968, and the reasons they became involved in the contemporary coalition. They will also describe the continuing movement and discuss plans for a summer-long campaign to register and mobilize poor and low-wealth voters for the 2024 election.

Please join us at 10:00 am on Sunday, May 5, in the Parish Hall or via Zoom (

Event Recap

Lynne Harris, V.P. of MCPS Board of Education, Talks School Safety

by Margaret Hilton, Convener, St. John's Gun Violence Prevention Ministry

At April's Third Sunday Supper, the Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) Ministry hosted Lynne Harris, the Vice President of Montgomery County Public Schools' Board of Education (BOE), as a special guest speaker on school safety.

Ms. Harris highlighted a new safety initiative led by student BOE member Sami Saeed, which includes expanded ID checking, increased monitoring of restrooms, combating substance use in schools, and implementing additional safety technology:

Ms. Harris emphasized that creating safe, welcoming, and inclusive school environments, fostering a sense of belonging, and providing mental health supports are essential to combat the root causes of gun violence. Responding to questions afterward, she noted that, because of disproportionate disciplinary actions against students of color and the "school-to-prison pipeline," she supported the decision to remove police (Student Resource Officers) from schools. She favors the current use of Community Engagement Officers (CEOs), who are not stationed inside schools, but can come on site when requested and review security footage of critical incidents. Ms. Harris said that violence in schools almost always has its origins in disputes within the community, and CEOs are best placed to address those disputes.  

Build Community

East Bethesda Happy Hour - Friday, May 3 at 5:00 PM

by Liz Mullikin

Enjoy laughter and conversation while deepening relationships with fellow parishioners at the East Bethesda Happy Hour on Friday, May 3, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. We will meet at the Bethesdan Hotel, 8120 Wisconsin Ave (next door to Guapo’s Restaurant).

Although we call this an East Bethesda happy hour, everyone is welcome!

Women's Ministry

Spring Potluck - Sunday, May 5 at 5:45 pm

by Mary Packard-Winkler

St. John’s Women are celebrating Spring! All women of St John’s–and especially newcomers!–are invited to join us for a potluck social supper in the Parish Hall Sunday May 5 at 5:45. Bring a dish or drink to share, and feel free to bring a relative, friend or neighbor as well!

As in the past, this is an informal gathering, and we will be responsible for bringing our own dinner and cleaning up afterwards—part of the fun, community spirit!  We do not have a formal signup and no RSVP is required, but if you want to let us know you’re coming and what you plan to bring, please do. It will help us ensure we’ll have a nice balance of foods and drinks (wine and soft drinks). 

Questions or comments? Please email Mary Packard-Winkler ([email protected]) and/or Roxy Wolfe ([email protected]).

Women's Book Group

Absolution by Alice McDermott - Monday, May 6 at 7:30 pm

by Maire Hewitt

The next meeting of the Women’s Book Group will be May 6 at 7.30 pm via Zoom. This month we are reading Absolution by Alice McDermott.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 889 5479 5002

Passcode: Crossroads

In June we plan to read Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelley Van Pelt. To join the Women's Book Group email list, contact Maire Hewitt ([email protected]).

Men's Book Club

A Man of Iron by Troy Senick - Wednesday, May 8 at 7:30 pm

by Earle O'Donnell

In A Man of Iron: The Turbulent and Improbable Presidency of Grover Cleveland, author Troy Senick delves into the remarkable career and the unrelenting personal probity of Cleveland. In a span of four years, Cleveland vaulted from a little-known workaholic attorney in Buffalo NY to mayor of the city, governor of NY, and then the first Democratic-elected President of the US in almost three decades. The secret to his meteoric rise? Cleveland was a man of incorrigible integrity at a time when corruption infected every element of government. 

We will discuss this easy-to-read book in the Church Lounge and by Zoom. I will send the Zoom link on May 7.

Newcomers are always welcome; please email me ([email protected]) to be added to the contact list.

Read the full article

SAVE THE DATE: All-Parish Pentecost Picnic - Sunday, May 19, Following ONE 10:00 am Worship Service

Join the ENTIRE St. John's family for this capstone to our 150th-year celebration! Enjoy barbecue, pony rides, games, and so much more. You don't want to miss this!

Download the flyer for all the details, then please help us plan for adequate food and drink by RSVPing at Eventbrite.

Make a Difference

Outreach Sundays

Support Neighbors in Need through Bethesda Help - Sunday, April 28

by Margaret Hilton for Outreach

On Sunday, April 28th, all undesignated cash and checks will be donated to Bethesda Help, a local all-volunteer nonprofit providing critical safety net services to residents of Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Kensington, and nearby areas.

Bethesda Help volunteers deliver bags of shelf-stable food and healthy snack bags for kids and provide limited financial assistance for prescription medications and payment of overdue utility bills. In the last quarter of 2023 (October-December), Bethesda Help distributed nearly 21,000 pounds of food; made 728 food deliveries; delivered nearly 1,400 grocery cards; delivered 615 kids' snack bags; and served 1,234 adults and 600 children.

As you plan your summer vacation, think of neighbors in need and plan to also give generously to Bethesda Help on April 28th. Donations may also be made via Breeze (Select “Outreach Sunday: “Bethesda Help” from the drop-down menu.); by texting “outreach” to (301) 685-7608; or by check, payable to St. John’s Norwood with “Bethesda Help” on the memo line. Thanks!

Photos from Ukraine

by Sandie Stoianovici

Following our Ukrainian Easter Bazaar, I thought that I would share the story of Iryna Zholobenko, the iconographer who painted “Christ Enthroned” for the raffle and, who has become a dear friend. 

Iryna and her family were in Kharkiv when Russian shelling began. They hid in the basement. In February. In the bitter cold. She fled with her small children to Poland for 6 months, while her husband served in the army. Determined to return to Ukraine, they live in Kyiv now and are worried that the city will fall and that they must flee their home a second time. When sirens sound, their children don’t understand what’s happening to them and they cry.

Missiles and drones don’t just destroy buildings. They can also destroy families. This why it is so important to continue supporting the Ukrainian people through events like our Easter Bazaar, or in whatever way is most comfortable for you. I promise you, it will be deeply appreciated!

Iryna's family during happier times, before the war.

Iryna's children hiding in the cold Kharkiv basement.

Op Shop Update

Spring Cleaning? The Op Shop Needs Your Donations!

by Margaret Uhar

If you are SPRING CLEANING please keep us in mind!

We DO take housewares, small furniture, shoes, clothing for men, women and children, toys,art, jewelry, books, CDs, records, and puzzles.

We DO NOT take baby equipment, electronics, heavy furniture, toiletries, medical equipment, underwear, or bathing suits (unless new in the package or with tags).

We welcome your donations on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We also would love more volunteers or teens who can earn SSL credit hours. Come to browse and/or BUY! Thank you!

Don't Forget!

  • In a Fog? A Stephen Minister can help by listening and caring while you work through your feelings. To find out if a Stephen Minister is right for you, contact Rob Hartmann ([email protected]), Sandie Stoianovici ([email protected]), Penny Winder ([email protected]), or the clergy.
  • St. John's Opportunity Shop—located just two blocks away, at 4504 Walsh St.—is open for donations and shopping, Wednesdays through Saturdays, 10 am to 4 pm, and is a proud contributor to church outreach.

From Our Colleagues and Partners

Support Seabury Resources for the Aging - May 16 Gala

by Suzanne Welch

In 2024, Seabury Resources for the Aging celebrates 100 years of service to older adults in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. Each year, Seabury serves over 6,000 community members and their families with affordable housing and services, including professional Care Management, high-quality senior living communities, aging-in-place supports, and no-cost meals for low-income seniors. 

Everyone is invited to Seabury's May 16th Gala to celebrate this milestone at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, and help us honor the Episcopal Diocese of Washington for their care of older congregation members as our special Centennial Service Partner!

Read the full article

Episcopal Church Leaders Launch an Independent Racial Justice Coalition

from The Episcopal Church, Office of Public Affairs

The Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice is being incorporated as an official independent New York nonprofit corporation. This realizes a vision that began more than three years ago by the church’s then-presiding officers to address the harms of white supremacy and foster a churchwide culture of truth-telling, reckoning, and healing in pursuit of racial justice. Learn more about the coalition and how to become involved at

Read the Episcopal News Service article

Five Bishops to Stand for Election as Presiding Bishop

from The Episcopal News Service

Central New York Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe has been added as a nominee by petition to stand for election as The Episcopal Church’s 28th presiding bishop, joining four other bishops who were announced three weeks ago on the initial slate of nominees to succeed Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

Prayer List

Those newly in need of prayer**: Ginevra Everdale,* Terry Grant, Skyler Gray, Deidre Jackson, David “Brad” Lawrenz, George Mitchell, Margie O’Donnell, Rev. James Russell

Those in continuing special need of prayer: Al Ahli Arab Hospital, Jeff Benner, Connie Berkeley,* Charles Corrado, Jim Fry, Betsy Hendrickson, Jane Hendrickson,* Rosetta Hopkins, Diane Kenney, Charlotte Knapp, Heidi Lawrenz,* Ellen Miles,* Sooz Mitchell,* Cathy O'Donnell,* Jean Ordway, Beverly Preisser, Chris and David Soady, Yejide Sokoya,* Blake Stevens, Ann Wild,* Susan Zlotescu, Stephen Ministers & their care receivers, St. Luke's Hospital in the West Bank, asylum-seekers

Parishioners celebrating a birthday, April 28 - May 4: Beverly Brar, Allie Plocki, Devassy Thomas, Clay Walsh, Paige Moffitt, Riley Moffitt, Cherri Espersen, Betty Hampton

Those serving in the military, including: William Mason Hendrickson, son of the Rev. Anne Derse & Hank Hendrickson; Keenan McUmber, son of Melanie Folstad and Rick McUmber; all our Wounded Warriors; all our POW/MIA Soldiers Those in the Anglican Communion: The Church of Bangladesh 

Those in the Diocese: St. Monica and St. James, DC; St. Philip’s Church, Laurel; St. Philip the Evangelist Church, DC; St. Philip’s Child Development Center, DC; St. Philip’s Church, Baden;National Day of Prayer (May 2)

Those in Companion Dioceses: Diocese of Kontagora - The Church of Nigeria (Lokoja Province)

* Denotes St. John’s parishioner. Bolded names under those newly in need of prayer are names added this week.

** Unless the Office is asked to remove or move them to the “continuing” prayer list, all new names will be listed for four weeks. Please share prayer requests–including transitions and thanksgivings–by emailing [email protected] or calling 301-654-7767 no later than Wednesday for inclusion in that week's Crossroads and Notes & News.

This Week's Schedule

See all upcoming events at

Sunday - 4/28

Ending at 2:00 PM, Vestry Retreat - offsite

Outreach Sunday to benefit Bethesda Cares

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Spoken Holy Eucharist - Chapel

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Shepherd's Table Food Prep - Kitchen

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist - Nave

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Adult Forum: Healing Prayer Ministry - Parish Hall, Zoom

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Church School for Children and Youth - Classrooms; J2A Meeting - Lounge

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Camp Joy Meeting - Parish Hall

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM Holy Eucharist - Nave, Livestream

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM HLC Meeting - Lounge, Zoom

5:00 - 6:00 PM "Come As You Are" Holy Eucharist - Nave

Monday - 4/29

Deadline for newsletter submissions

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Monday Evening Bible Study - Zoom

Tuesday - 4/30 - No Scheduled Events

Wednesday - 5/1

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Bible Study - Zoom

4:30 - 7:30 PM Nourishing Bethesda Packing - Parish Hall

4:45 PM - 6:30 PM Choristers - Choir Room

7:00 - 8:30 PM Grief Group - J2A Rm (pre-reg required)

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM St. John's Singers - Choir Room

Thursday - 5/2

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Norwood Ringers - Choir Room

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM St. John's Choir Rehearsal - Choir Rm 

Friday - 5/3

Registration deadline for Depolarization Within Workshop

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Happy Hour - The Bethesdan Hotel

Saturday - 5/4

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Altar Guild set-up - Nave, Sacristy

Sunday - 5/5

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Spoken Holy Eucharist - Chapel

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist - Nave

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Adult Forum: Poor People's Campaign - Parish Hall, Zoom

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Church School for Children and Youth - Classrooms; J2A Meeting - Lounge

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM Holy Eucharist - Nave, Livestream

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Altar Guild Luncheon - Parish Hall

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Faith in Action Mtg - Lounge, Zoom

5:00 PM- 6:00 PM "Come As You Are" Holy Eucharist - Nave

5:45 PM - 7:00 PM Women’s Potluck Supper - Parish Hall

*** Please email Crossroads article submissions to [email protected] by noon on Monday.

Building Community at the Crossroads of Faith and Life

Our members represent a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds, nationalities, political affiliations, family configurations, sexual orientations, abilities, and religious traditions. Indeed, chances are that there's someone like you at St. John's. We are single, married, partnered, divorced, widowed, remarried, gay and lesbian, with and without children, empty nesters, old and young, and differently-abled; you name it - we are here.

St. John's Norwood Episcopal Church

Office Phone: 301.654.7767

[email protected]

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