Crosstown Connection Jan 29 - Feb 4
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting is this Sunday after worship. You can participate in person or on Zoom. The congregation will be presented with a 2022 budget request of $412,459, of which $374,569 is being asked for in congregational giving.
2021 Giving Statements
Please plan to pick up your giving statement. See Mark or Liana Ogawa on Sunday. Any statements not picked up will be placed in the mail.
New Attenders Directory Printed
Directories will also be available for pickup on Sunday and during office hours, Tuesday-Friday 9:00-3:00.
Annual Reports
Our 32-page document is ready. What did attendance look like last year? What did commissions do? What was the spread of giving units? And so much more is contained in these pages.
Maiden Voyage of Food Shelf
Wednesday January 26th marked the first Good in the 'Hood food shelf. This rendition is a satellite food-in-a-box food shelf in partnership with Good in the 'Hood, Trinity Lutheran, and Crosstown Covenant. The food shelf will return to its original schedule: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month from 2:00-4:00pm.
Exciting Announcement!
Journey of Friendship with Bethel Ethiopian
We have some exciting news! A third congregation will soon be worshiping under Crosstown's roof! What was the journey to this decision? Are we ready for this? Does this align with Crosstown's mission? All great questions, and we invite you read Pastor John's blog post about this journey.
"During the course of this meeting, my heart was captured by the vision of Pastor Samuel and the congregation." - Pastor John
👑 Immerse Kingdoms 👑
Character of the week in Immerse Kingdoms is Ruth.
We found a stumper. This one is tricky. It's from the 75th Anniversary plaque for Elim Covenant. Next week's pick is sure to make you smile. Check it out.

Join us on Instagram or Facebook for our "Where's that located?" game! 🧐
On Monday we publish an up close and personal image of something on the church property and then see if you can name the item and where it's located. 🤔
Wednesday Nights
programming runs from 6:30-7:45 at Crosstown
Kids Too!
  • Learning about "God's Story" and His powerful words of creation
Youth Group
  • Studying the book of Mark
Adult Option
  • Hybrid Immerse small group meeting on Zoom and in person. Zoom links in calendar and app.
All events are listed in your church app and on the website.
Calendars are available on the Youth webpageChildren's webpage, and Adult Ministry webpage.
At IF:2022, we’re going to talk about how to live in this world right now and how to navigate a life that goes against culture. How do we build community in the middle of that? How do we tell people about Jesus? There’s a reason we’re still alive. There’s a reason we’re still here. Our lives matter in this time. And we’re not going to waste it.
Save the date: March 4-5th
Registration and more information coming out next week!
Canoe Trip to the BWCA
In August Crosstown is heading up to Adventurous Christians for a canoe trip. Want to join us? Check out our information sheet for more details about the trip. RSVP to Samantha Buchanan. First team meeting will be Sunday, Feb 13th and deposits are due then.
Family Sledding
You're invited to join us for some sledding at Bossen on Saturday, January 29th at 12:00-1:00. Meet in Bossen Park!
Youth Events
One Life Retreat - Feb 25-27

Enjoy a winter weekend at Covenant Pines with your youth group!...

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Grand Slam - Jan 28

Laser tag, arcade games, mini golf, & bumper cars! SO MUCH FUN!...

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Praying for a New Director of Worship Arts
Dear Crosstown Family,
Thank you for your faithful prayers week by week throughout the fall and now into the winter months. We trust it has been a blessing to you as well as being an encouragement and support for the search committee. We can be assured that our God hears our prayers.

This week let's join together with God's heavenly chorus as we, in hope and trust, near the end of this search process by praying Psalm 89:1-4:

🎼 I will sing of the LORD'S unfailing love forever!
Young and old will hear of your faithfulness.
Your unfailing love will last forever.
Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.

That, my friends, is God's promise for each of us personally AND for Crosstown.
Let's claim it, in Jesus' Name!!! Amen

The Worship Director Search Committee
Dennis Olson (Deacon, Chair of Worship Search), Mark Ogawa (Elder), Mike Anderson (church chair), Kathy McGillivray (congo rep), Michelle Acosta (congo rep), Iris Smyth (congo rep), John Jacobi (Pastor)
Free Webinar: Go to college debt-free!

Minnehaha Academy & University of Northwestern present: Go to college debt-free! Even without scholarships! - Tuesday, February 15, 2022 - Free webinar event - Everyone is welcome

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CPBC Summer Staff Needed

We hire around 45 people every summer. We are looking for hard working people who care about campers growing closer to Christ. Every single job at CPBC contributes to that purpose...

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📅 Save the Date...

  • Grand Slam Youth Outing Jan 28
  • Family Sledding at Bossen Jan 29
  • Annual Meeting Jan 30
  • Leadership Retreat Feb 5
  • Q&A with Elders about Bethel Feb 6
  • Food Shelf Feb 9
  • Discipleship Confirmation Intensive Feb 12
  • NENA Event Feb 12
  • Q&A with Elders about Bethel Feb 13
  • LNCS Event Feb 19
  • Bethel Joins Crosstown Feb 20
  • Kids Tea Party Feb 20
  • Food Shelf Feb 23
  • One Life Retreat Feb 25-27
  • IF Gathering March 4-5
Office Hours
Tuesday-Friday 9:00-3:00

Pastor John will be out of the office Jan 24-29 at Midwinter in Chicago.
Polly will be gone Feb 4-6 sharing at a camp.
COVID Policy
Masking in public gatherings is mandatory.
In seeking to care for one another and in respect for city leaders, Crosstown is following the City of Minneapolis mandate. All persons are to wear a mask while inside the building. Thank you for honoring this request.
5540 30th Ave South ~ Minneapolis, MN ~ 55417 ~ 612-724-3601
Passion for Christ Compassion for People