Crosstown Connection-May 16-30
Dependent on the WORD of GOD - That is who we are!  
We are proud of our Bible Milestoners! We celebrate with them as they begin to read through their new Bibles. 
Pentecost Sunday is May 19!
We’ll welcome the Holy Spirit to Crosstown with a glorious worship celebration! Our Biblical focus will lead us to Jesus’ teaching on the Spirit in John 16:5-15. As one aspect of the glory of this day, you are encouraged to wear RED:)!!!
Youth Chosen Watch Parties

6-12th Graders invited to watch
The Chosen
Sundays - May 19, June 2, 9 & 16
Sheryll Storry’s Home in Bloomington
Nokomis Reads Book Discussion

In partnership with our Nokomis Neighborhood Association, Pastor John will be co-leading a book discussion @ the local library (5100 34th Avenue, Mpls). Our focus will be a recent work by Matthew Desmond entitled, Poverty, by America. It highlights the complexity of poverty in our nation, indicts both sides of the “political aisle,” and puts forth a number of common sense solutions. This adventure begins on Tuesday, May 28 @ Noon.
Crosstown Spring Grounds Clean-up Part 2

Hey church family & friends, you are invited to our second Grounds Clean-up at Crosstown. It’ll be on Saturday, June 1st, from 8:30 to Noon. You can help out with raking, pulling weeds, plopping plants in the ground, spreading mulch and beautifying our property! This is a great opportunity for kids, teens & adults to get involved. While we will have a few work tools available, you may want to bring your own rakes, shovels, hand spades, work gloves etc. from home. Come as long as you can, whether it's for only a few minutes or a couple of hours. We hope to see you on the 1st. Any questions, you can talk with or email Bob Weides (
On Sunday, June 2 we’ll welcome dear friends in Jesus from MN Adult and Teen Challenge. This dynamic ministry calls individuals from addiction to healing in Jesus Christ. We encourage you to make every effort to attend worship on this day and plan to stay for the meal that immediately follows worship
Girl Scouts Declare, “Thank you!”

Girl Scout Troop #18873, led by Beth and Lindsey, is one of the two troops that regularly use the Crosstown building. Here is the handiwork of their card expressing their thanks to us!
Upcoming Events
  • Saturday, June 1 @ 8:30 AM Crosstown Grounds Work Day
  • Saturday, June 1 @ 8:30 AM - Men's Breakfast at El Guanaco
  • Sunday, June 2 @ 10 AM Worship & Meal with MN Adult / Teen Challenge
  • Wednesday June 5 @ 9:30 AM Together in the Bible (Final Gathering of Season!)
  • Saturday, June 29 - Ladies Craft Project Night 
  • July 21-24- VBS at Crosstown
Nokomis East Food Distribution

On Wednesday, May 8 we served 104 households representing 331 friends a total of 1.996 #’s of food. 

There were 23 volunteers who served a total of 53.5 hours. 

Upcoming days to serve include May 22 and June 12. 

Please sign-up to serve at the following link:
Financial Update - April
Contact Staff at Crosstown

John Jacobi, Lead Pastor
Cell: 612-723-5419

Polly Inestroza, Pastor of Children & Adult Ministries
Cell: 773-607-9781

Aaron Berfeldt, Director of Worship Arts

Youth Ministry

General Office Questions
Elder Team

Mark Ogawa (Church Chair), Kathy McGillivray, Kathleen Lindahl, Heather Polhemus, Bill Weller

5540 30th Ave South ~ Minneapolis, MN ~ 55417 ~ 612-724-3601
Passion for Christ Compassion for People