Crosstown Connection Advent - Dec 21 - Jan 4

Our Advent Journey Concludes on Christmas Eve @ 10 AM! 
This celebration will conclude with a candle lighting experience in which we share Jesus’ light with our congregation, our neighborhood and the world!
Living Nativity 2023
Living Nativity returned last week and was AMAZING! We were thrilled to tell the greatest TRUE story to 175 people. The evening was full of joy. 
Christmas Pageant 2023
Thank you to our whole Crosstown Family and guests for taking part in telling the story of Christmas at our Annual Christmas Pageant. What a fun morning thanking God for his great gift of LOVE to us, Emmanuel, God with us! More pictures to come!
Generosity Toward Our Neighbors!
The NENA schools were blown away by the generous donations from Crosstown and other neighbors this Christmas! What a thrill it was to deliver $1,900 worth of gift cards. Jennifer Frisbee, Weenonah’s social worker (pictured here with another school staff) shared with us how much this will help families who are facing hard times!
Prayer Vigil & Vespers!
Crosstown’s 2024 Prayer Vigil begins on Friday, January 5 @ Noon and extends until Saturday, January 6 @ Noon. You are invited to sign-up for a 1 hour time block by clicking the button below. There is a prayer guide that will be provided to you when you sign up. We’re invited to focus on our ‘24 Verse of the year from 2 Corinthians 12:9. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. On Friday, January 5 @ 7 pm we’ll gather for a Vespers Worship experience. We’ll ask the Holy Spirit to grow us as Jesus’ disciples in the new year!
Crosstown is Reading the New Testament in 2024
On Sunday, January 14, we’ll begin a fresh journey through the New Testament. Our challenge is to read through the NT in 16 weeks–8 in the Winter & 8 in the Fall. Our top priority is to listen for God as we ask the question: “Lord Jesus, what are you seeking to say to me in all of this?” Copies of Immerse: Messiah (New Testament in the New Living Translation) are available @ Crosstown for $10. 
Organizational Structure Update
Crosstown is in the process of amending its constitution and by-laws to a “Leadership Team” Model. Our rationale is to build a structure that allows us to best fulfill the mission that Jesus is giving us. On Sunday, December 3 @ 11:30 AM members of our Elder Team will be available for conversation and questions. We will gather in the back of the Sanctuary. In addition, anyone interested in a copy of these documents will find them on the SLP wall in the Gathering Area. Or, if you’d like a digital copy, send an email request: We will be voting on this proposal at our Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 28, 2024. 
Custodian Update
We welcome Leroy Conley as our new Custodian. He will be serving 3 hours a day on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. What a joy to welcome Leroy to Crosstown!
Nokomis East Food Distribution

On December 13 we served 102 families–322 total people–a total of 2,386 #’s of food. There were 23 volunteers who served a total of 61 hours. Upcoming dates to serve are December 27 and January 10 (Click on link to sign-up) 
If you’re interested in Offering envelopes for 2024, please speak with our Financial Secretary, Liana Ogawa ( We have a new system for these envelopes in ‘24 and Liana is the person who can answer all your questions!
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, January 10
Food Distribution @ Crosstown, 2 pm - 4 pm

Wednesday, January 10  
Wednesday Night Connect Resumes @ 6:30 pm,
       (Kids Too! & Youth Ministry; Women’s Grow Group concluding @ 7:45 pm)

Wednesday, January 17
Together in the Bible, @ 9:30 AM (1st / 3rd Wednesdays/month)

February 23-24
IF: Gathering (women’s conference) @ Crosstown
Contact Information Update:
If you have updated contact information, please forward that to the Crosstown Office at Thank you!
Contact Staff at Crosstown

John Jacobi, Lead Pastor
Cell: 612-723-5419

Polly Inestroza, Pastor of Children & Adult Ministries
Cell: 773-607-9781

Aaron Berfeldt, Director of Worship Arts

Youth Ministry

General Office Questions
Elder Team

Mark Ogawa (Church Chair), Kathy McGillivray, Kathleen Lindahl, Heather Polhemus, Bill Weller

5540 30th Ave South ~ Minneapolis, MN ~ 55417 ~ 612-724-3601
Passion for Christ Compassion for People