Crosstown Connection February 23-March 9
Inviting all kids, ages 4 years old through 5th grade, for a spot of tea!  

Sunday, February 26, 2023
11:15-12:30 (immediately following worship)
Kids are invited to dress for the occasion, and invite a friend!  
RSVP to Polly
A New Grow Group is coming soon!  
Women of the Word will begin Beth Moore’s new study on Philippians - The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ.  

Video & discussion will be in the Sanctuary, the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month, 9:30am. Grow Group begins Tuesday, February 28. 
Cost is $20 for workbook. 

Questions, speak with Grow Group leader, Lois Young, or Pastor Polly.
IF: Gathering is ALMOST HERE!!

We desperately want to stay faithful in these times, but we know we can’t muster up the faith all on our own. IF:2023 matters to us, because for two days we get to gather and remind each other that God is who we need. God is who will provide. We gather for two days of worship, with our Bibles
& We ask God to move. 

Questions - Katie Berfeldt
COST: $25
Celebrating Baptism!
What a wonderful celebration of faith in Jesus! As a church family, we are excited to stand alongside our friends, Ayla & Malin, as they venture with Jesus in a life-long faith! We love you and are proud of you!  

Check out more pictures from 2023 thus far, on our website! 
January’s Generosity
Wow! During the month of January, Crosstown received $52,065 in generous giving!. We want to thank our Lord Jesus for HIs work in the hearts of God’s people. With an average monthly need of $26,000, we are off to a strong start for financial generosity in ‘23. 
Pastor John is looking for a faith story from someone in his Grow Group. 

How has this reading impacted you? 
Crosstown Youth Ministry Continues the Alpha for Youth series which seeks to create space for young people to hold meaningful conversations about life, faith and purpose.
Food Distribution dates in February

Wednesday, March 8
Wednesday, March 22
Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for our children, as they learn about Jesus and experience his love and presence in their lives. 

  • Pray for Crosstown as we lean into heartfelt worship in, and adoration for, our Triune God.
Upcoming Events:

  • February 26 - Kids Tea Party 
  • March 3-4 - IF: Gathering 
  • March 18 - Ukrainian Easter Egg Decorating, 6pm
  • April 7 - Good Friday Service 
  • July 23-26 - VBS!
CORE Class: Sunday, March 19 & 26 from 11:30 - 1pm. 
Lunch & childcare provided. 

Take the next step of discipleship with Jesus and become a member of Crosstown! This journey will challenge you to engage with our mission and ministry! 

Interested persons are invited to contact
Contact Staff at Crosstown

John Jacobi, Lead Pastor
Cell: 612-723-5419

Polly Inestroza, Pastor of Children & Adult Ministries
Cell: 773-607-9781

Aaron Berfeldt, Director of Worship Arts

Youth Ministry

Randall Thaden, Custodian

General Office Questions

Elder Team

Samantha Buchanan (Church Chair), Amy Ponce, Kathleen Lindahl, Mark Ogawa, Heather Polhemus, Bill Weller, Scott Hayes
5540 30th Ave South ~ Minneapolis, MN ~ 55417 ~ 612-724-3601
Passion for Christ Compassion for People