In-Person Worship
8:30am & 10:30am
YouTube Livestream at 10:30am
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See the Sunday morning Crosswinds to watch the YouTube Livestream this week. | |
2025 Annual Stewardship Appeal
This Sunday, November 3rd is the last day to pick up your stewardship packet. They are located on the round table in the Narthex and are sorted alphabetically. After today, packets will be mailed out to the remaining households. Commitment Sunday will be November 17th, when it will be time to return your pledge cards.
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All Saints Sunday
Join us this Sunday, November 3rd as we honor and remember those who have gone before us in death since our last All Saints Day. We will speak those names of our departed members, light a candle, and toll a bell. We will also have time for you to come forward to light candles in sand trays as you remember those in your life who have died. We will also have an anointing station for those who chose to have a healing anointing.
Thomas Bjorgum, Ione Botts, Barb Bauman, Marlyce Payne, Don Eshelman, Duane Cox, Craig & Jean Humphries, Charles Nachtsheim
All Things Financial
In the Fireside Room after both services this Sunday, November 3rd.
Bill Welshons, our Treasurer will answer questions regarding:
- The Fall Stewardship Reflections appeal
- The mortgage is paid, now what
- Are my St. Barnabas gifts confidential
- How are we doing as a congregation financially
- Is making a pledge commitment important
Meet Interim Lead Pastor Tom
There’s still time to sign up as a group to meet and welcome Pastor Tom over coffee between services in the Alcove. One of our council members will serve as host. You can sign up for one of the remaining dates at the Welcome Center. Pastor Tom will be installed during worship services on Sunday, Nov. 10.
Guest Preacher on November 10th
Our Gift of Love offering this month is going to Beacon. Rev. Emily Goldthwaite, Director of Congregational Organizing, supports Beacon’s team as they engage congregations in creating homes, hosting Families Moving Forward, and speaking out for just policies on housing and homelessness. She believes people of faith have a critical voice in communities striving toward the vision that all people have a home.
Cross+Generational Activity
Our next Cross+Generational event will be Thursday, November 14th. We had so much fun last month, eating together, talking, getting to know each other, and participating in active Bible study, learning with and from each other. We hope you can join us from 5:30-7:00 in the Ministry Center. Please sign up at the Welcome Center.
Holiday Services
As November is now upon us, the Worship and Music Team have begun planning for our holiday activities and services. Please mark your calendar for the following:
~ Christmas Song Singalong Prelude-12/8, 8:20am and 10:20am. Noah will take requests from the hymnal.
~ Children’s Christmas Program-12/15 at 10:30am.
~ Blue Christmas Service-12/15 at 7:00pm. (If you would like to help plan this service, please talk to Pastor Stephanie)
~ Handbells Christmas Music-12/22 at 9:30am in the Ministry Center
~ Christmas Eve-12/24 at 4:00 and 9:00pm. Andrew Pole will lead a pick-up Christmas Band in holiday music in the Narthex at 3:30pm.
Hospital Visitation
If you or someone you know will be hospitalized and would like a visit from a pastor, please reach out directly to the church office or one of the pastors. HIPAA confidentiality laws prohibit hospitals from sharing patient information.
The Prayer Chain
If you would like to participate in praying for our members and friends, please talk with Pastor Tom or Pastor Stephanie. If you would like to request prayer from our Prayer Chain, contact Brenda in the church office or talk with one of our pastors. Please indicate if you would like your prayer request to be shared with the congregation, or if it is confidential.
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Our Venezuelan Refugees: A Journey in Accompaniment
Last year our Justice and Outreach team invited Pastor Melissa of Tapestry Church in Richfield to speak to us. She talked about her bi-lingual ministry and the people she serves, mostly from Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking countries. Click here to read the entire blog.
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Other News & Church Activities | |
Seniors and Friends
Our next Seniors and Friends event will be Tuesday, November 12th at 11:00am. We will start with a worship service, then share a Thanksgiving meal together in the Ministry Center. You can sign up at the Welcome Center.
The deadline to sign up is this Sunday
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College Care Packages
We would like to remind our college students that we love them and are thinking about them, especially as exam time is coming up, so we’re planning on sending out care packages shortly after Thanksgiving. Parents-please give Pastor Stephanie your students’ college addresses so we know where to send the packages. Congregation-please consider donating to the packages-we could use hot cocoa, microwave popcorn, fun post-its, pens, chapsticks, and any other little comforts you can think of!
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Quilt Raffle
This beautiful queen size quilt (89 x 101) was made and donated by the WOW Quilt Guild to be raffled off at this years JustGifts Market on December 7 & 8. It's currently displayed on the wall in the Ministry Center for everyone to see.
Starting this Sunday, November 3rd, we will be selling raffle tickets in between services and after the 10:30 service. You can purchase tickets in the Ministry Center for $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. Also, on weekdays from 9am-3pm you can purchase tickets from the church office. The winning ticket will be picked on Sunday, December 8th at 12:30pm.
As with other items sold at the market, all proceeds from the sale of this quilt will go to one or more of our local and global charities.
Tell your family, tell your friends! You do not need to be present to win.
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Do you love to cook?
St. Barnabas is in need of experienced cooks to take lead in the kitchen for special events here at church like Seniors and Friends, Lenten Soup Suppers, Easter breakfast, etc.
As the lead cook, you would give direction to other volunteers that are helping plate and serve the food for the event.
The amazing cooks we have now won't be able to do it much longer so it's important that we find others who want to take on this very rewarding role.
If you’re interested and would like more detailed information, please call Brenda in the church office.
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Update on Ruth and Eithan
Last weekend’s move to a more permanent apartment was a huge success! We are all so grateful for the donations of furniture, laptop, household items and financial gifts. Thank you to all the carriers of boxes and crates last Friday! Jeff Carter, Dale Sanderson and Karl Smith did the heavy lifting, collecting the big items and maneuvering them up the stairs. Ruth and Eithan have most of their basic needs covered now, although we’ll see what’s missing in the next few weeks and keep you posted.
As the Welcome Corps training prepared us to expect, setbacks are common and patience is key. Following a successful move, we learned that funds for childcare are dried up in Minnesota right now. This puts Ruth in a difficult position, since she is so eager to find employment. Your ongoing support will give us flexibility in dealing with financial issues like this.
Tapestry continues to provide English classes, Sunday evening worship services with community meals and opportunities to build skills and network. Look for more info about Tapestry and their bilingual ministry in the near future!
Again, thank you so much for your support through prayer and generous sharing of resources. St Barnabas is making a difference outside our walls!
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November "Gift of Love"
Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative
We believe in home. Our many faiths call us to act to create more equitable communities where all people have a home. Beacon is a non-profit collaborative of nearly 100 congregations of all faiths in Minnesota. As volunteers, we help advocate for new low-income housing and funding for buildings, services and rent support. Over 500,000 people in Minnesota are unable to afford their rent. Our church has been active in Beacon for nearly 10 years. It is part of the Justice and Outreach ministry at St. Barnabas Lutheran Church.
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Plymouth Pumpkin Drop Opens
The city will accept discarded pumpkins, gourds and apples November 1-17 at the Plymouth Maintenance Facility, 14900 23rd Ave. N. The Pumpkin Drop helps turn old holiday decorations into food for farm animals. Residents should look for a dumpster with a Pumpkin Drop sign on the west side of the Maintenance Facility. Residents are asked to remove candles from pumpkins to protect the animals.
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Donation Station
Here is what we're currently collecting at our Donation Station in the Narthex.
Good News Jail Ministry
Needed: XL thru XXXL sweat pants & shirts, and fall/winter coats.
IOCP Food Shelf Most Needed Items
Pull-Ups (size 4-5)
Baby Diapers (size 6)
Adult Diapers (size XL & 2XL)
Feminine Hygiene Products (especially pads)
Canned Chicken
Bottled Water
IOCP Client Clothing Most Needed Items
Underwear and Bras, Sports Bras, and Socks (all sizes) new for clients:
Children’s Socks & Underwear (all sizes)
Men’s Underwear (S, M, L)
Women’s Underwear (XS, S, M, L)
Women’s Socks (all sizes)
Women’s Bras (XS, S, M)
Toddler-size Clothing – new or like new for clients
Children’s Shoes and Jackets – all sizes (toddler – youth)
Men’s Clothing – all sizes, including big & tall
Women’s Clothing – size 12 & up
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Spread the Word!
Have you Liked and Followed our Facebook and Instagram pages? No? Go there right now and do it! (Please.) When you like our pages, they show up for the people you know, and we can extend our reach. Plus, the more you engage (like commenting, liking, and sharing posts), the further the word gets out! It's an easy way to tell everyone you know about St. Barnabas!
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Want something in the E-News?
Do you want your small group information, community activities or church news in the
weekly E-News? Please email your articles to Brenda Ericson with all the details by Wednesday morning of the week you want it shared.
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Church Council Minutes
Copies of the minutes are available in the narthex. They are also located on our website.
If you'd like to be added to the email list, call the church office at 763-553-1239
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Bulletin Delivery
Want a Bulletin Delivered? For those who are not able to access the worship video, some of our BeFrienders will deliver printed copies of the bulletin on Friday's or Saturday's.
If you'd like to have a Bulletin dropped off, you can call the church office at
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